CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



2When Lee Lei and his stepmother heard Wen Zhixia's words, the two of them looked at each other and revealed a smile as if they had gotten what they wanted.    


As expected, since she was young, Wen Zhixia would try her best to protect anything related to Wen Family. Thus, Lee Lei and her stepmother caught on to this characteristic of hers, allowing her to help Lee Lei repay his gambling debts.    


Lee Lei looked up at Wen Zhixia. He didn't expect that Wen Zhixia, who always dressed poorly, would be dressed so brilliantly today.    


The orange dress was even brighter under the light of the crystal lamp. It made Wen Zhixia's skin appear white and shiny. Coupled with her already peerless beauty, it made Lee Lei unable to shift his gaze away.    


"30 million!" Lee Lei couldn't help but admire his mother's acting skills as he felt ashamed of himself.    


When Wen Zhixia heard the price of thirty million, her heart tightened. She hadn't paid the 500,000 this morning yet, but now there was another fifty million. How could there be so much money?    


"I understand, I'll go back to my room first." Wen Zhixia was really tired today. She never thought that there would be such a big 'surprise' waiting for her when she got home. It was so shocking that she couldn't even breathe.    


He dragged his tired body back into the room and saw Wen Zhixia lying on the bed. The narrow and soft bed was like a safe haven for birds with injured wings.    


Wen Zhixia took off her makeup and went to sleep after thinking that it was the opening day of school tomorrow and that she was not allowed to sleep too late.    


The next morning, the morning sunlight enveloped Wen Zhixia's room. The sunlight was like a naughty child scratching Wen Zhixia's face, making her feel warm and itchy.    


When he opened his eyes, it was already daytime. Familiar furniture, familiar quilts, all these made Wen Zhixia, who was physically and mentally exhausted, feel slightly comfortable.    


She started to wash up with a drowsy look. When the cold water touched her face, which still had a trace of sleeping fantasy, she lost all sense of self. Wen Zhixia looked at herself in the mirror with dark circles under her eyes and sighed helplessly.    


Wen Zhixia had said that sighing could make people feel relaxed, but to her, only sighing could make her feel relaxed!    


Lee Lei didn't need to get up early because he had a driver at home to send him off, but Wen Zhixia didn't have such good treatment. The bus was her main means of transportation.    


The only thing that was worth it was that Wen Zhixia didn't have to go to school using the subway, and she had to go to the office using the subway. Therefore, Wen Zhixia preferred going to school rather than going to work.    


She was probably one of the reasons why so many people liked to go to school.    


No one would prepare breakfast for her. The only thing in the family was that postgraduate brother of hers. Whether it was the room or the meal, everything depended on him.    


The university campus in September was exactly the lush and vibrant campus. As Wen Zhixia stepped into the school, she looked at all her peers with smiles on their faces and actually felt some envy in her heart.    


She also wanted to live a carefree and carefree life like her peers, with a smile on her face.    


"Hey!" "Zhixia!" A voice full of vitality came from afar.    


Wen Zhixia turned her head and looked at Lee Weixi, who was running towards her friend. Lee Weixi had a head full of short hair, a white T-shirt and ordinary jeans, running towards him full of energy.    


Under the sunlight, Lee Weixi's short hair looked brown under the sunlight. Because she was running, her hair was blown up by the wind. Her smooth forehead was exposed to the air, making her look even more lively!    


"You actually cut your hair short!"    


Lee Weixi, who came to Wen Zhixia's side, was wearing a long skirt and had long hair. She had always been like a woman, so she didn't know what she had experienced during this holiday and how refreshing it had been.    


"His long hair has been left behind for too long. I want to try his short hair!" Lee Weixi replied breathlessly.    


Wen Zhixia smiled. Looking at the changed Lee Weixi, Wen Zhixia suddenly thought of her father in the hospital. Her father said that the name Lee Weixi was a name that could make people smile when it was called out.    


"What are you thinking? "Let's go!" Lee Weixi held onto Wen Zhixia, who was slightly taller than her, as they walked towards the school building.    


At this moment, Lee Lei was escorted to school by the driver. After getting off the car, he saw Wen Zhixia and her buddy Lee Weixi walking in front, talking and laughing, completely forgetting about paying his debt.    


Lee Lei was a graduate student in this school. Naturally, he didn't pass the exam by relying on his own strength. It was Wen Zhixia's stepmother who paid a huge price and found many people to enter the school. In short, he was now Wen Zhixia's senior.    


Lee Lei quickly caught up to Wen Zhixia and Lee Weixi and stopped in front of them. He felt that Lee Lei, who was carrying a bag on one shoulder and looked so cool, had suddenly appeared in front of them with a bag on his back.    


"Wen Zhixia, now is not the time to laugh so happily!" Lee Lei pointed at Wen Zhixia's nose, his tone full of criticism.    


"Can you stop bothering me at school? I didn't forget what I promised you!" Because Lee Lei's attitude made Wen Zhixia feel uncomfortable, her expression first revealed a hint of disdain.    




Lee Lei raised his hand and slapped Wen Zhixia hard.    


"No one can discipline you while your father is sick in the hospital. I can discipline you!"    


Wen Zhixia touched her face that had just been slapped. The burning pain made her angry. The moment Lee Lei mentioned her father, Wen Zhixia raised her hand and prepared to retaliate.    


Lee Lei grabbed her slender, white, lotus root-like arm and threw her to the side. Due to the imbalance of her body, Wen Zhixia and Lee Weixi fell to the ground.    


The fierce quarrel between the two had attracted the gazes of the passing students as they gradually surrounded them.    


"Are you sick!?" Zhixia and I are leaving just fine, but you've come to cause trouble! " Lee Weixi stood up. Due to wearing shorts, a large chunk of skin had been rubbed off her knee.    


"You don't need to be an outsider to our family's matters!" Lee Lei waited with his eyes and showed an angry expression.    


"I naturally can't be bothered with your matters, but Zhixia's matters are my matters!" Ignoring the pain in her knee, Lee Weixi shouted at Lee Lei.    


Because Wen Zhixia's palm hit the ground first, the palm of her right hand was cracked open, and the white flesh of her hand was covered in blood and mixed with dirt. The pain in her entire hand caused her to frown.    


"Mind your own business, be careful of getting beaten up!" Lee Lei clenched his hands into fists and gestured in front of Lee Weixi.    


"What kind of man are you trying to bully a woman for! "Also, to have the same surname as someone like you makes me feel ashamed!" Lee Weixi did not feel any fear from Lee Lei's threat and continued to retaliate.    


Wen Zhixia noticed that there were more and more people gathering around her. She didn't want to get into the news headlines on the first day of school, so she got up and prepared to drag Lee Weixi away.    


Seeing that Wen Zhixia was frightened, Lee Lei was even more proud. He spread his hands and blocked their path!    


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