CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



2In his heart, he thought that if Hua Feiruo was a girl, he would have definitely been married by him long ago. It was such a pity for his face.    


Watching Bai Li's leaving figure, Hua Feiruo smiled even more charmingly. He turned around and walked into the ward. He sat beside Wen Zhixia's bed and watched her sleeping.    


Her small, pale face was bloodless, and her delicate features were not bad. Her long, thick eyelashes cast a faint shadow under her eyelids. Her long, dark, soft hair was scattered on the pillow.    


Mm, she was a beauty. I just don't know what was special about her that made her look so easy. Easy was actually the calmest and calmest person in their group.    


Furthermore, looking at Bai Li's expression just now, he must have given her a lot of concern. Women are always trouble. It's better to be like him, hidden from all the flowers.    


When Wen Zhixia woke up, she saw the ceiling of the ward and remembered that she had fainted even before leaving the hospital. It was probably because the medical staff found out that she was sent back.    


"Are you awake?"    


Hua Feiruo, who had been staring at Wen Zhixia, saw her open her eyes but only stared at the ceiling. He didn't realize that she had completely ignored him.    


No matter where he went, Hua Feiruo would always attract the attention of a bunch of people. However, this little girl didn't even notice that there was a living person beside her and didn't have any sense of security.    


This made Hua Feiruo feel that she was not a smart woman, and he started to doubt her taste.    


Hearing an unfamiliar voice, Wen Zhixia turned her head and saw Hua Feiruo's devilish face. Seeing that she had woken up, his eyes were filled with surprise, but Wen Zhixia knew that she did not know him.    


"You are?"    


"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Hua Feiruo, I saw you faint in front of the hospital, so I sent you in. I asked the nurse before I knew you were in this ward."    


Hua Feiruo didn't see any surprise in Wen Zhixia's eyes. He had never doubted his charm, but now, he was completely ignored by Wen Zhixia. He couldn't help but feel defeated.    


"Oh, thank you."    


Wen Zhixia then turned to look at the ceiling in a daze. It didn't matter how she got back, she just understood that with her current condition, she couldn't get away.    


"Are you hungry? From the looks of it, you probably haven't eaten breakfast. I just went to buy breakfast before you woke up. Eat some. The doctor said that you would only recover faster if you ate more."    


Hua Feiruo picked up the rice porridge on the bedside table. It was just sent over by someone easily. It was hard to believe that Easy had also started to know how to take care of girls. It just so happened that Hua Feiruo offered it as a gift.    


"I've already eaten. Thank you, but I have nothing else to do. You should have something to do, right?"    


Seeing Hua Feiruo's attentive look, Wen Zhixia felt a little strange. She had already thanked him, so why was he still hanging around?    


Wen Zhixia's words were obviously trying to chase Hua Feiruo away, but Hua Feiruo was someone who liked to go against difficulties. If Wen Zhixia was no different from other women, then he would really think it was easy to misjudge her.    


Very good, Wen Zhixia had successfully aroused Hua Feiruo's desire to conquer her family. This was the first time he met a woman that could ignore his existence.    


"I'm fine. I was just here to see a friend in the hospital, but now that he's left the hospital, I can be considered to have come to see a friend. You still haven't told me your name?"    


Looking at Hua Feiruo's eyes, which seemed to be able to speak and flashed with light, Wen Zhixia couldn't help but to envy him for his energetic look. Only now did she look at Hua Feiruo carefully.    


If his voice hadn't been so magnetic, Wen Zhixia would really have suspected that he was a girl, with skin as white as an egg, features more delicate than a woman's, and eyes that sparkled like peach blossoms.    


Wen Zhixia couldn't help but be curious. This kind of face must have been meticulously carved by the heavens. Judging from his passionate look, he must have been the darling of his family.    


The heavens were truly a bit biased.    


"Wen Zhixia."    


He said his name softly and turned his gaze to the window on the other side. It was autumn now, and the leaves on the trees outside were gradually drifting away.    


The desolate scene was just like Wen Zhixia's current mood, desolate without any signs of life.    


"Wen, he knows, Xia, what's a very warm name? "She's as cute as your person. I also like the summer so much that it makes people feel warm. Can I call you Xia Xia then?"    


Hua Feiruo muttered to analyze Wen Zhixia's name, using it to divert her attention.    




However, the current Wen Zhixia could not hear anything. Was it as warm as summer? But the summer would eventually pass, and she was lost in her own world.    


"You should get up and eat something. I just heard from the nurse that you're still very weak, so you should take good care of yourself. Don't keep thinking about unhappy things, it won't be good for your body."    


Without waiting for Wen Zhixia to refuse, Hua Feiruo raised the height of the electric bed with the remote control in his hand, forcing Wen Zhixia to sit up.    


Then he scooped up a spoonful of millet porridge and brought it to Wen Zhixia's mouth. He looked at her expectantly, as if she had done something unforgivable if she didn't eat it.    


Sensing the sudden change in the bed, Wen Zhixia frowned and looked at Hua Feiruo. She felt that this person was good-looking, but not polite at all. She was slightly disgusted by his approach.    


However, looking into his eyes, Wen Zhixia felt that she couldn't bear to lose her temper with him. She knew that he was caring for her, but the current her really didn't need to care about her in such a way.    


Looking at the porridge in his mouth, Wen Zhixia had no choice but to grab the bowl and spoon in his hand. She put the spoon back into the bowl and gently stirred the rice porridge in the bowl, not putting it into her mouth.    


"Thank you. I'll do it myself."    


Hua Feiruo carefully put down the folding table beside the bed for Wen Zhixia. He looked at her staring at the bowl of porridge but didn't have any intention of eating it.    


"Are you very unhappy?" "Tell me about it, and maybe it will be more comfortable.    


Facing Hua Feiruo's concern, the corner of Wen Zhixia's mouth barely curved upwards. She bitterly smiled at herself. "Aren't you happy?" His heart must have died.    


Wen Zhixia's sudden concern was always strange. She didn't want to expose her wound to a stranger, so she merely shook her head.    


She felt that her attitude was very obvious, but why was Hua Feiruo still so happy to get close to her? Why on earth would he do that?    


"Why me?"    


Hearing Wen Zhixia's question, Hua Feiruo smiled embarrassedly. He raised his head and rubbed the back of his head, revealing a harmless smile and an innocent look.    


"If I were to say that you look very much like my first girlfriend, would you be very angry?"    


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