CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



3The delicate snacks were served on the table, making it easy to look at them while drooling. However, his simple expression was serious, and his small body was perfectly straight. As the older brother, he couldn't be too casual.    


"You guys came here today specifically to tell me not to bully your mommy?" Rong Heting turned the ring on his finger, "But I don't remember when I saw her …"    


"Mr Rong, I'm sure you've seen our Mommy before and bullied her." A simple expression on his face.    


"Although I don't know if there were any conflicts between Mommy and Mr Rong in the past, but with my Mommy leaving the Dragon Country for so long, I believe that Mr Rong wouldn't be a stingy man."    


"He calmly stated his views and easily found a way to support his sister." Mommy has been like a different person since we met. She hasn't smiled for days. "    


The simple thought of dear mother Mimi in the bed in a daze, and even more dissatisfied with the man in front of her.    


Rong Heting felt powerless towards the two children. He didn't want to discuss whether or not he had bullied their mommy, so he just went along with what the children said.    


"Then why didn't you go to your father's place and ask him to protect your mother?"    


Rong Heting held his head with one hand as he craftily threw out another question. He did not forget the look of Luo Yu at the banquet when he was in a rush to clarify the situation.    


"Daddy …" She lowered her head and twisted her fingers, trying to think of an answer that she thought was most suitable.    


"Mommy has already left Daddy's place!" Easily loudly for the simple reply, "We and Mommy live very well, we can protect Mommy well! What do you want Father to do! "    


Rong Heting Ning listened to Easy. He leaned over and pushed the snacks on the table in front of Easy and Easy.    


"Don't you want some? This was specially prepared for the two of you. "    


The two treasures looked at each other for a moment. Then, they first picked up their forks and took a taste. Their eyes sparkled as they looked at the simplicity of the forks.    


"Little sister, this is super delicious!" Do you want to try it? "    


Simply turning his head away from the tea, he didn't dare to relax in the slightest. "Please give me black tea, milk and two spoonfuls of sugar. Thank you."    


Mu Qianqian, who did not know that her family's child was having a snack in Rong Heting's office, was busy with her research team downstairs.    


Most of the members of the research team were classmates or acquaintances from Qianqian's university, and they all welcomed Mu Qianqian with the most sincere expressions of welcome.    


Professor Wei kept his head down as he organized the research reports from the past few days. From time to time, he would look up to confirm Qianqian's condition.    


On the night that Qianqian had agreed to stay behind to assist in the completion of the research, Luo Yu and Leng Su had gathered everyone in the research group at the last minute.    


Leng Su briefly explained how Mu Qianqian was going to come to the research group and emphasized the matter of Mu Qianqian's amnesia.    


"Because of some external reasons, Qianqian had lost her memories not long after she left the Dragon Country. Past memories can cause her to go insane, and over the years, I've taken her to see a lot of psychiatrists. "    


Leng Su looked around coldly at the different expressions of the research team members, "The doctor specifically told me not to mention anything related to the past in front of Qianqian, otherwise, it will lead to an unpredictable recurrence."    


"Mu Qianqian's medical attainments are well-known." Luo Yu added, "This participation was also Professor Wei's strong invitation and Qianqian's very high hopes for the AIDS treatment and prevention business, so please don't ask questions about Qianqian's past and influence the progress of the research."    


"We understand Vice-President Luo's meaning." Professor Wei's assistant stood out first.    


"I just heard that this group was created by Dr Mu. The reason we have our current results is all thanks to our Ronghao International Enterprise and Dr Mu. We will only pay attention to the research results of this group."    


Mu Qianqian, who had been standing in front of the microscope for a long time, wiped the sweat from her forehead. She put on the white coat, which made her feel like she was suffocating.    


"Qianqian, are you alright?"    


Liu Hongyu, who was the closest to her, noticed her abnormality. He immediately dropped the apparatus in his hand and supported Qianqian's tottering body.    


"Senior Liu, I seem to have stood for a long time." Senior Liu, I seem to have stood for a long time. Qianqian smiled in consolation.    


"Just nice, I'm a bit tired too. Let's go outside and rest for a bit. "    


Liu Hongyu turned around and greeted his companions. He supported Qianqian and slowly walked to the resting area outside of the research room.    


"I have some snacks to alleviate my hunger, try it."    


Following Qianqian's habit back then, Liu Hongyu piled large bags of snacks in front of her.    


"You! This was too desperate! "If you're tired, then take a rest. You don't need all those interns either."    


"I am thinking that I am also a member of the research team. If I can do it myself, I don't need to trouble everyone." Qianqian thanked Senior Liu for the hot drink, and her pale face regained some color.    


"Eat first. That side seems to have called me. I'll go take a look."    


A voice calling Liu Hongyu came from the research room. After giving Qianqian her orders, he ran back to his study room like the wind.    


The research room's floor was still in the Ronghao International Enterprise basement. While Qianqian sat in the resting area to recover her strength, a few researchers who were resting just happened to come in.    


"Eh? Have you read the newspapers? We, Young Master Rong, are on the front page again. "    


"What do you mean we, Young Master Rong is the Jiang family's daughter!"    


"Exactly, it doesn't belong to us no matter what. How many people are waiting behind Young Master Rong like tigers stalking their prey? You think you can snatch it away?"    


"They've waited for a year or two. Is this considered solid ground?"    


The sound of small talk and laughter came from the tea room. Qianqian carefully chewed on the snacks in her mouth and listened to every word they said.    


Young Master Rong, she remembered that he was the person that forcefully pulled her away in the darkness that night.    


It seemed that he already had a partner that was suitable for him, so why would he want to pester her?    


Mu Qianqian's beating heart felt as if it had been pierced by countless needles. A minuscule amount of pain spread throughout her body, and her head started to hurt again.    


Her gaze finally settled on the front page of the entertainment newspaper on the next table.    


Imperial Capital Young Master Rong kissed the Jiang family's daughter late at night! Underground love finally settled in!?    


It seemed to be true. Since he already had the other half, then he wouldn't pester her anymore.    


Qianqian had touched the blurry picture, but her head hurt even more.    


At the door of the lobby, Rong Heting, who watched as the two children were sent away by the driver, got ready to take the elevator back to his office. His previous guess confirmed it a little, but there were more things he needed to verify.    


"Ding ~"    


Rong Heting watched as the door slowly opened. Mu Qianqian was slightly surprised by his sudden appearance, but she quickly recovered.    


"Young Master Rong."    


He heard her voice like an April breeze, rippling the frozen surface of the lake inside him.    


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