CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



3Easy to say respectfully. In his heart, he still respected his Second Uncle very much. Second Uncle was the enlightened teacher in computer technology between him and Rong Jian.    


In the past, the two of them had been at loggerheads due to the establishment of a defense system, and the two of them had been locked in the room for two days and two nights. In the end, Mu Shen was even better and easily discovered his shortcomings.    


"I haven't seen him for a few years. I've grown taller."    


Mu Shen pounded on Easy's shoulder. This time, he came back from Italy because he was worried about this nephew of his.    


"Bro, you're late. Hey, hurry and let me see, who's this?"    


Rong Jian looked at Wen Zhixia as if he had found a new world. Rong Jian, who was wearing a pink dress, had a good complexion and a lively personality that contrasted sharply with his easygoing calmness.     


Facing Rong Jian's undisguised curiosity, Wen Zhixia felt even more uneasy. Her two index fingers were intertwined in front of her.    


But facing Rong Jian's sincere eyes, Wen Zhixia didn't seem to be annoyed or discriminated against at all. Looking at Rong Jian's inexperienced eyes, Wen Zhixia understood that he was the kind of naive person who was loved by others.    


"Jane, don't scare Zhixia."    


Mu Qianqian called out to Rong Jian, but her tone of voice was full of doting without a single hint of blame. She then walked to Wen Zhixia's side, took her hand, and sat down in front of the sofa.    


"Zhixia, come sit over here. This is Rong Jian, my daughter. I've spoiled her too much. Please don't mind me."    




Wen Zhixia smiled as she followed Mu Qianqian and sat beside her, trying her best to remain calm. Facing this room full of handsome men and beautiful women, Wen Zhixia turned from a small existence into a focal point.    


Sensing Wen Zhixia's panic, it was easy for him to walk to her side and sit down.    


Wen Zhixia seemed to have a sense of security and was no longer timid, and she didn't want to embarrass herself even more.    


"Zhixia, let me introduce you. That's Yi's Second Uncle. This is Yi's father. Jane is Yi's younger sister."    


Mu Qianqian enthusiastically introduced her family to Wen Zhixia. Ever since she saw Wen Zhixia, Mu Qianqian felt that this girl would be the one that would greatly influence her son.    


So today, she specifically told her son to bring Zhixia back so that her family would know of her existence.    


"Hello, uncle. Hello, Second Uncle. Hello, it's simple."    


Wen Zhixia greeted them one by one. One could tell how nervous she was, but when she felt the warmth of her palm on her hand, Wen Zhixia smiled sweetly.    


Wen Zhixia was no longer afraid. It seemed that as long as she could be by his side, she would be able to forget all her fears, and even if she didn't say anything, Wen Zhixia would still be able to sense his existence.    


Rong Heting sat beside Mu Qianqian, one of his arms lightly wrapped around his wife, while paying attention to Wen Zhixia's actions.    


He also understood his wife's intention and started to size up Wen Zhixia without batting an eyelid.    


Mu Shen looked at Wen Zhixia and recalled the time when he sent Mu Qianqian back to his brother. It was easy to look at her again. For a moment, he hesitated.    


Rong Jian also understood why Second Uncle suddenly came back. Although she had never participated in the matters of the company or the family, the safety of her family was her greatest concern.    


"Bro, help me look at my computer. I recently discovered a new system."    


Rong Jian pulled his brother upstairs to her room.    


Easily didn't expose Rong Jian and followed her upstairs. Easily understood his sister, Rong Jian's IQ was not lower than his.    


In fact, she had been busy with the company's matters for the past few years, and her sister had taken over the defense system on the island.    


Walking into Rong Jian's room, the pink color in his eyes made him a little helpless. A pink bed, a pink desk, and a pink carpet.    


Sigh, who would have thought that such a delicate little girl would actually be controlling the defensive system behind the entire Rong's.    


After all, she inherited her mother's high IQ, but unlike her mother, she didn't build a tree in medicine. Instead, she was taken away by Second Uncle to study computers.    


"Speak, why are you looking for me?"    


He leaned against the door frame and crossed his arms. He was a little worried about leaving the little woman downstairs by herself.    


"Are you serious about Wen Zhixia?"    


Rong Jian also stopped joking around and became serious. He wasn't as naive and ignorant as he was downstairs.    


"She's just a woman, don't worry about my matters. It's best for you to take care of the one you love."    


Looking at the rare serious Rong Jian, Yi Yeyu still didn't want a little girl like her to join in. Since Second Uncle had come back, the problem this time wasn't too big of a problem.    


After saying that, Yi Yi turned around and went downstairs. It was better to stay by a girl's side. Rong Jian had already noticed, so Zhixia should have also attracted the attention of her parents, Second Uncle.    


Sure enough, those who had reached the staircase could easily hear the voices downstairs and stopped in their tracks.    


"Zhixia, how have you and Yi been? Oh, by the way, I haven't asked you, how did you meet Yi? "    


Mu Qianqian seemed to be chatting unintentionally with Wen Zhixia, but in reality, she was probing whether Wen Zhixia was suitable to stay by her side.    


"It was an accident that I was acquainted with Easily. One time on the cruise ship, the two of us mistook for our room number. It was a coincidence that we got to know each other."    


Wen Zhixia's face turned red as she recalled the ridiculous scene of how it was easy to meet and be mistaken for a scum. I don't know how Easy told his family.    


When she thought about the appearance of the ice mountain, she probably wouldn't mention such a small matter.    


"What a coincidence, I don't know if it's the will of the heavens or if it's been deliberately arranged by someone."    


The corner of Mu Shen's mouth curled up into a mocking smile. Sometimes, the more coincidental it was, the weirder it seemed to be.    


"I don't understand, what does Second Uncle mean?"    


Wen Zhixia could clearly feel the hostility in Mu Shen's tone. However, she didn't understand why everyone treated her so kindly when she was still here just a moment ago.    


"Miss Wen doesn't have to pretend to be ignorant anymore. I heard that the company's formula was leaked last time. It seems to have something to do with Miss Wen."    


Rong Heting, who had been silent all this time, held his teacup and didn't even look at Wen Zhixia. However, his question made Wen Zhixia shudder.    


Yes, how to explain that? Indeed, it was easy for her to betray them. It turned out that everyone knew that. Wen Zhixia felt ashamed all of a sudden. She lowered her head, not daring to raise it. Her face was so red that it looked like it was about to drip.    


However, he had done it. No matter what the reason was, he would admit that it was wrong. If he just blindly avoided it, it would only make him feel more disdainful and embarrassed.    


Wen Zhixia's heart ached when she thought of Easily, Easily's current personality must have had something to do with his background and the environment in which he grew up. Yet, she, as one of his people, had also lied to him.    


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