CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



1Hearing the easy words, Wen Zhixia nodded. However, she tried her best to convince herself that he hadn't shown up these days because he was busy.    


However, Wen Zhixia knew clearly in her heart that no matter how busy she was in the past, she wouldn't stop coming to see her. Women's instincts were always sensitive, and she could feel that things were different from before.    


However, right now, she could only silently ignore this. She wanted to keep this child, to protect her and the child that was easy to kill.    


Therefore, she had to constantly tell herself that it was easy to care about her, or else she really wouldn't know how to rely on herself to persevere.    


Easily, he didn't even dare to look into Wen Zhixia's eyes. He could see from her eyes the expectations he had for this child. Originally, she had confined him in her own world and was unable to extricate him.    


Because of this child, she had a new hope of living, but how could he tell her that this child could not be born? If she knew, she would not dare to imagine what would become of her.    


He remembered how Wen Zhixia had sealed him away, not allowing anyone to get close to her, and how he had refused to come out. Since when had Wen Zhixia changed?    


Easily suddenly very nostalgic. In the past, Wen Zhixia would cry if she was unhappy, laugh if she was happy, bravely face his parents and say that she would always be with him, but now …    


"Drink your saliva."    


In the end, Yi Yi made up his mind. The children would definitely have more in the future. Right now, the most important thing for her was to take off the child to recuperate her body. Then, she picked up the cup of water and brought it to Wen Zhixia's mouth.    


Looking at Wen Zhixia smiling and drinking half of the water in her glass with an easy hand, Yi Yi suddenly felt her heart ache. Wen Zhixia's face showed no trace of doubt. She believed in herself so much.    


But if she knew that he was the one who wanted to take her child away, how sad would she be? It would be hard for her to imagine. So she didn't wait for Wen Zhixia to fall asleep before she left the room.    


Wen Zhixia looked at the back of the figure that was easy to leave and the smile on her face gradually disappeared. He was really tired of her, right? He didn't even want to stay in the same space with her anymore.    


Would it have been so easy to allow her to give birth to his child? Wen Zhixia suddenly felt very scared. She had a feeling that she really couldn't see the birth of this child.    


No, she would not allow it. No matter who tried to stop her, she had to give birth to this child.    


Zhan Yanjia, who was hiding at the door, saw Yi Yi walking out of Wen Zhixia's room. She quietly walked forward and opened the door to Wen Zhixia's room.    


Seeing Wen Zhixia sitting on the bed in a daze, a contemptuous smile appeared on Zhan Yanjia's face. She walked to Wen Zhixia's bedside and looked at the cup of water on the bedside table.    


She saw that Bai Li gave her an easy cup of water. She knew what was in the cup of water and couldn't help but find it interesting, even though she didn't know why Easy did it.    


However, regardless of the reason, as long as she told Wen Zhixia about it, she would definitely give up easily. If she lost it due to excitement, then there would be no obstruction for her.    


But now that he thought about it, since it was easy to do so, it meant that he didn't care about Wen Zhixia at all. Zhan Yanjia felt that it was fair to think about this, so Wen Zhixia was quickly fed up.    


Wen Zhixia looked at Zhan Yanjia who had suddenly appeared. She didn't know why she was here, so she picked up the cup of water on the bedside table and brought it to her nose to sniff. Wen Zhixia felt very strange and didn't know what she was doing.    


"This water tastes good, doesn't it?"    


Seeing the sinister smile on Zhan Yanjia's face, Wen Zhixia didn't understand what she meant.    


Zhan Yanjia looked at Wen Zhixia's confused expression and couldn't help chuckling. It seemed like this fool didn't know anything.    


"Oh, I forgot, you didn't know? "Then I'll tell you in good faith, there are some sleeping pills in the water, ready to remove the child in your belly after you fall asleep."    


Hearing Zhan Yanjia's words, Wen Zhixia felt as if she had been struck by lightning. Her mind went blank. How could she possibly take away their child so easily?    


She wanted to refute Zhan Yanjia, but no sound came out of her throat.    


"Don't be so shocked. How can Easy allow you to give birth to Lv Wei's evil seed? Easy will definitely not allow betrayal. Do you think he will let you give birth to a father that you don't know about?"    


Zhan Yanjia looked at Wen Zhixia's dazed expression and knew that she had trusted her words. Her goal had been achieved, so she didn't want to linger any longer. If anyone found out that she had been here, it would be troublesome.    


Wen Zhixia had always been immersed in Zhan Yanjia's words. She didn't believe that it was easy to be this cruel. However, she had felt the abnormality recently when he thought the child in her womb was Lv Wei.    


He reached out his hand and knocked the water glass onto the ground, smashing the vase on the windowsill.    


Why not believe her? Why did you do this to her?    


No wonder he kept avoiding her. No wonder he hadn't come to see her recently. It turned out that he had never trusted her before. Wen Zhixia suddenly felt that their previous sweetness was so laughable.    


No, she definitely couldn't let him harm his own child. If she found out the truth one day, he would regret it so much. If she wanted to leave this place, he definitely couldn't let her do something that she couldn't reverse.    


Wen Zhixia, who had calmed down, got off the bed, took her windbreaker from the wardrobe, and opened the ward's door. She did not see the easy elevator, so she quietly went to the freight elevator to avoid running into him.    


Wen Zhixia didn't notice that when she quietly left from the back door of the hospital and got into a taxi, the black car that was originally parked in front of the hospital's entrance followed her.    


However, Wen Zhixia didn't know where she could go either. She only had Lee Weixi as her good friend, so she could only take a taxi to her home first before thinking of a way.    


He leaned his head against the door, feeling very tired. He didn't know how she was going to escape, how she was going to rely on her own abilities to protect this child.    


The taxi driver saw the disappointed look on the little girl in the back seat, thinking that she had fallen out of love with her boyfriend. He couldn't help but comfort her.    


"Little girl, are you having an argument with someone? "Young people need to accommodate themselves to each other, they won't regret their impulsive actions."    


Wen Zhixia heard the driver, but she couldn't answer. Her eyelids felt heavier and heavier, and she knew that the sleeping pills were working.    


Clenching her fists tightly and feeling the pain from her nails digging into her palms, Wen Zhixia woke up a little. However, she was still unable to hold on to Lee Weixi's house. Thus, she fell asleep in the taxi.    


The driver saw that Wen Zhixia didn't respond to him, and through the rearview mirror, he saw her tightly shut eyes. He couldn't help but step on the brakes and turn around to ask Wen Zhixia.    


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