CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



2However, he was worried that things might get out of hand. It wasn't that he didn't see Xia Yu's hesitation. Nan Wenjing was already worried about this wedding even though it hadn't been held for a day.    


"Oh? Miss Xia became pregnant so quickly. Didn't you always like Wen Zhixia before this? "How did you suddenly end up with Xia Yu?"    


It was easy to understand Nan Wenjing's feelings for Wen Zhixia. Although he didn't know Nan Wenjing very well, he didn't believe that Nan Wenjing was someone who moved his feelings so quickly.    


"Back then, she chose you. I know that the one she loves is you, so I have no reason not to give up."    


Nan Wenjing recalled that even though Wen Zhixia had sealed his memories, she could still remember easily. It was Wen Zhixia's instinct. It was as if even if she forgot the whole world and him, it wouldn't be easy for her to forget.    


He hadn't forgotten that time and time again, Wen Zhixia had chosen to leave his side, returning to the side of ease.    


Perhaps even Wen Zhixia herself didn't realize how easy it was for her to love him.    


As the saying goes, those watching from the sidelines are all talking about them.    


Maybe it was because Nan Wenjing was aware of Wen Zhixia's position in her heart that he still felt uneasy.    


Looking at Nan Wenjing's serious expression, Ye Zichen clenched his fists easily. Why was Nan Wenjing so sure that Wen Zhixia loved him? It was something that even he himself didn't dare to be sure of.    


Why did Nan Wenjing say it so naturally?    


"What right do you have to say that Wen Zhixia loves me?"    


It seemed that whenever Wen Zhixia was mentioned, easy emotions would cause waves. The name Wen Zhixia was like a fuse that could ignite the bomb at any time.    


Nan Wenjing couldn't help but shake his head when he heard those awkward words. He smiled bitterly. Although he was really unwilling to admit it, it was actually the truth.    


"Easy, now that Zhixia has died in that fire, everything between you and Wen Zhixia is already in the past. You should let it go, don't hold grudges against Zhixia anymore, otherwise I really feel wronged on Zhixia's behalf."    


Nan Wenjing stood up and wanted to leave. He didn't want to tell Easy how much Wen Zhixia loved him because that would be like rubbing salt on Nan Wenjing's wound.    


He didn't want to find out Xia Yu's secret one day, and at that time, he would find out that he had personally sent Wen Zhixia back to her side.    


At that moment, Nan Wenjing already hated himself to death.    


"Stop right there, speak clearly."    


It was easy to say something to stop Nan Wenjing when he saw that he wanted to leave.    


Perhaps Nan Wenjing's words from before would easily be doubted because his expression was obviously evading.    


However, when Nan Wenjing said that the person Wen Zhixia loved was him, he could easily see the sadness and disappointment on Nan Wenjing's face. It was easy to not get it wrong.    


Thus, he definitely wouldn't let Nan Wenjing off that easily.    


Didn't Wen Zhixia get together with Nan Wenyu long ago? You don't even know about it? "    


Hearing Easy's words, Nan Wenjing's footsteps paused. He turned around and looked at the easy to mock and frowned.    


"What are you talking about?"    


Nan Wenjing had no idea what 'easy' meant, and what was the relationship between Wen Zhixia and Nan Wenyu.    


Looking at Nan Wenjing's confused expression, Ye Zichen stood up easily and faced Nan Wenjing with a cold gaze.    


"Looks like you still don't know about the adultery between Wen Zhixia and Nan Wenyu. I really pity you being kept in the dark. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that Wen Zhixia was such a woman."    


Easily never forget the way Wen Zhixia stood beside Nan Wenyu before she died. She was willing to give up her life for Nan Wenyu. If this wasn't love, then Easily never knew what love was.    


It was only at that time that he realized that he had fallen in love with Wen Zhixia, and that he was willing to sacrifice himself for her.    


Hearing the insult towards Wen Zhixia, Nan Wenjing directly waved his fist towards Yi Li's face.    


"Easy, I won't allow you to slander my brother and Zhixia like this."    


He raised his hand and easily caught Nan Wenjing's fist, then forcefully threw Nan Wenjing's hand away.    


"Defamation? "Nan Wenjing, you're too naive."    


In terms of martial arts skills, Nan Wenjing knew he wasn't an easy opponent. His actions just now were completely due to Nan Wenjing's subconscious reaction. He gently rubbed his wrist and the look in his eyes turned to one of disappointment and mockery.    


"Easy, you're not worthy of Zhixia's love, not worthy of her heart. She died with only you in her heart, and even after you killed her father, she still doesn't have the courage to take revenge."    


"And you, what have you done for Zhixia? Other than foolishly misunderstanding her, what else have you done? "    


Nan Wenjing really felt that Zhixia wasn't worthy.    


Hearing Nan Wenjing's accusation, it was easy for him not to admit it. His heart was shocked. It was as if what Nan Wenjing saw was completely different from what he saw. If he had a choice, he would rather accept what Nan Wenjing said.    


At least this way, he would no longer resent Wen Zhixia in his heart.    


"How well do you know her?"    


Actually, it was easy for him not to admit it. Because of Nan Wenjing's words, he already had doubts about the truth. Towards Wen Zhixia, he still seemed to have fantasies in his heart that shouldn't have existed.    


At this moment, he was actually a little timid. If what Nan Wenjing said was the truth, then he had killed Wen Zhixia, who had always loved him, with his own hands.    


Nan Wenjing smiled mockingly as he looked at Easily hesitating. He knew how deeply Wen Zhixia loved Easily, but as the person involved, Easily questioning Wen Zhixia's feelings for him.    


Even now, Wen Zhixia didn't want to let go of this child because she couldn't let go of the ease in her heart. Although Nan Wenjing didn't expose Wen Zhixia, it didn't mean that he didn't know.    


"I can't say that I know her well. I just regret not meeting her before you did. If I had found her first, I definitely wouldn't have let her fall in love with you, and I definitely wouldn't have harmed her in the slightest."    


"Easy. You were born to be too superior. You have always been doted upon and grew up, so you peacefully accepted everyone's love as you pleased. Actually, you don't even know how to take the initiative to love someone."    


"You're not worthy to love Zhixia. You always enjoy Zhixia's love for you without fear. One day, you'll know that what you've lost is a precious emotion that you'll never be able to make up for with your entire life."    


After Nan Wenjing finished speaking, he turned around and walked out of the room. Only once did he not stop him.    


Although Yi Yi had always hated Nan Wenjing's feelings for Wen Zhixia, he never expected Nan Wenjing to say such words.    


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