CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



0Easily sitting in the car and looking at the closed window on the second floor, he knew that Wen Zhixia had fallen asleep. He knew that he shouldn't be here, but he couldn't help but miss Wen Zhixia.    


Today, she was in a bad state. It was easy for her to wish to hug Wen Zhixia in her arms and tell her that she was the only one he had ever loved in his heart.    


He put out the cigarette on his finger. Recently, his addiction had gotten worse and worse. The slow smoke in the car didn't wake him at all.    


From the phone call he received from Hua Feiruo, Hua Feiruo told him that Wen Zhixia didn't eat much at night and was in a bad mood. She was easily downstairs and it had been 3 hours.    


However, Easy didn't want to leave at all. On the contrary, he wanted to go in and see her, even if it was just to glance at her. Easy was already satisfied.    


A flash of lightning lit up Wen Zhixia's window. It was as if he could hear Wen Zhixia's crying, and he immediately opened the door. The rain and wind had wetted Wen Zhixia's black shirt.    


He nimbly made his way to the balcony on the second floor and then lightly opened Wen Zhixia's window. Due to the thunder and lightning, his footsteps were concealed.    


When he slowly walked into the bed where Wen Zhixia was sleeping restlessly, even though the lights in the room weren't turned on, he could still feel Wen Zhixia's soft sobs easily.    


So it turned out that she was really crying. She didn't know what terrifying thing had happened in her dreams. It actually made her frown, and her body couldn't help but tremble.    


Easily reaching out to wipe the tears at the corner of her eyes, then bending down to kiss her forehead. Due to the rain and wind, Easily's clothes were already soaked, so he didn't dare to approach Wen Zhixia.    


He just squatted beside Wen Zhixia's bed and held her hand tightly. He wanted to make her feel safe, and it was only now that he realized that he would be happy as long as she was safe.    


As if being comforted, Wen Zhixia's tight brows gradually relaxed, and her breathing calmed down. She dreamt that it would be easy to hold her hand and look at her gently.    


It was an easy to pass look, it was the look of Wen Zhixia in love, she could not help but crave this temporary warmth.    


"Easy... Why did you abandon me? "    


Wen Zhixia's words made his heart hurt. How could he bear to leave his girl behind …    


However, now was not the time to tell Wen Zhixia that he would not want her to be involved with him. He could only hold her hand tightly, hoping that he could give her some warmth.    


When the sky had just turned white, it was easy to tell that he had left. He could only reluctantly look at the sleeping Wen Zhixia before turning around and leaving through the window.    


Hua Feiruo stood by the window and watched her drive away. He sighed. Who would have thought that the great Young Master Di would worry so much about a little girl?    


By the time Wen Zhixia woke up, the sky had already cleared up. Although Wen Zhixia could feel the easy warmth in her dreams, the beautiful dream would eventually wake up. Reality was always so cruel.    


This made the beautiful dream even more ironic. Wen Zhixia dreamt that it would be easy to come see her, but when she woke up and looked at the empty room, she could only feel that she was dreaming.    


Just as she was about to do it, Wen Zhixia felt a wetness on the side of her bed. She lowered her head and looked at the white bedsheet which still had a lot of water on it.    


The obvious footprints disappeared from beside the bed. Wen Zhixia covered her mouth in disbelief. She immediately ran to the bedside and opened the window, but there was no sign of her. It turned out that she wasn't dreaming.    


So it was easy to actually come by last night, but why?    


"What are you doing?"    


Wen Zhixia stood by the bed. Tears were flowing down her face, but no one could answer her questions. Wen Zhixia still felt pain in her heart.    


She had a contradictory feeling that all of this was just her imagination. Perhaps it was all her wishful thinking. Yesterday, she was already engaged to Zhan Yanjia, so how could she appear here …    


Even to this day, Wen Zhixia was still laughing at herself, not willing to forget the easy task.    


"Zhixia, have you woken up?"    


Hearing the knock on the door, Wen Zhixia quickly ran to the door and opened it. She saw Yi Zheng looking at her with a gentle expression. He had come looking for her easily … she said excitedly.    


"Easy... You came to see me. "    


Nan Wenjing stood at the door and looked at Wen Zhixia with a strange expression. He didn't know why Wen Zhixia yelled her easy name at him, so he corrected her.    


"Zhixia, what's wrong with you? I'm Nan Wenjing. "    


Wen Zhixia stood at the door. Hearing Nan Wenjing's words, her easy face slowly turned into Nan Wenjing's. She shook her head and looked at the face in front of her. It was indeed Nan Wenjing's weird face.    


It looks like she really made a mistake …    


"Sorry, Wenjing."    


She turned around desolately, raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her face, then walked into the bathroom to wash up. Then, she followed behind Nan Wenjing and sat at the dining table.    


Nan Wenjing looked at Wen Zhixia nervously. He could feel that Wen Zhixia was abnormal. From her expression just now, he knew that it wasn't that easy for her to forget.    


Hua Feiruo looked at the silent Wen Zhixia. He didn't know if Yi Yi said anything to Wen Zhixia last night, so he tried to find something to say.    


"Xia Xia, did you sleep well last night?"    


Hearing Hua Feiruo's voice, Wen Zhixia looked up in confusion. Looking at Hua Feiruo's face, she felt that it was unfamiliar, but it slowly turned into an easy face. She shook her head and found that it was still an unfamiliar face.    


She raised her hand to support her forehead and her arm was propped up on the table as she asked Hua Feiruo with a confused expression.    


"Who are you?"    


Looking at Wen Zhixia's expression, Hua Feiruo was momentarily surprised. Was Wen Zhixia playing amnesia with her? In the end, he still purposely teased Wen Zhixia early in the morning. With an embarrassed smile, he joked with Wen Zhixia.    


"Xia Xia, stop messing around. You seem so pretentious. I was almost tricked by you."    


Lili looked at Hua Feiruo's laughing face and didn't know what he was laughing about. He was looking at this stranger with a serious expression. She didn't understand why he was here or where he had gone so easily.    


"Who are you? Why here? "Is it easy?"    


Nan Wenjing had been silently observing Wen Zhixia's situation. He suddenly realized that Wen Zhixia might really have a problem. He stood up and walked to Wen Zhixia's side, carefully probing her.    


"Zhixia, do you remember who I am?"    


Hearing Nan Wenjing's question, Wen Zhixia looked at him strangely, not knowing why he asked such a strange question.    


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