CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



0Mu Qianqian and Ting Ye went to a few children's clothing stores in the mall. After buying a few small, beautiful clothes for Easy and Ting Ye, they took the two baby girls into the amusement park in the mall.    


Ting Ye's butt had just touched the seat of the parents waiting area outside the amusement park when she let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, I finally sat down. I'm so tired."    


"Logically speaking, I am a twenty-four or twenty-five year old man in my youth, but why do these two children who look at you everyday always feel that they are old?"    


Mu Qianqian was also knocking on her calf as she looked enviously at the kids playing happily in the amusement park. They didn't look tired at all.    


"Yeah, it's not even been two hours, but my waist feels like my legs are filled with lead, but look," she pointed at the simple sliding ladder, "look at them, they are still as energetic as a fully charged battery.    


Ting Ye shook her head. "We can't compete. We can't compete."    


Mu Qianqian raised her hand and looked at her watch. "It will be noon soon. We'll bring the two of them out for dinner when it's time."    


She picked up a pile of shopping bags at her feet. "I'll take these back to the car first."    


Ting Ye nodded and watched Mu Qianqian leave.    


"You also brought your child to play."    


A middle-aged woman walked over and sat on the seat that Mu Qianqian had just occupied.    


"You look quite young. How old are you?"    


Ting Ye looked warily at the unfamiliar woman in front of her.    


"Don't worry, I also came with a child. Look," She pointed at a small child in a mesa uniform, "That's my grandson."    


"I brought him here alone. It's really boring. Seeing you sitting here by yourself, I wanted to be your partner. To chat and kill time. "    


"The child's parents both work, only I, an old woman, take him along all day …"    


The middle-aged woman's nagging words dispelled Ting Ye's wariness.    


"Ah, yes, do you eat fruit? I prepared them for my grandson, they were all cut before they went out. " From the bag she was carrying, the middle-aged woman took out a transparent box containing various sliced fruits.    


"He's out of my area. He must have a lot of things prepared for him. Look at you. You didn't bring anything, so you can tell from one look that you're inexperienced. You don't often bring your child out, right? It's the same as my wife, it's all up to your mother-in-law! "    


The middle-aged woman opened the box and took out a toothpick and an apple, giving it to Ting Ye, "Have a taste, try to quench your thirst."    


Ting Ye took the apple and didn't dare to move. She didn't dare to casually eat the food that was given to her by someone else.    


"Eat, eat. What? Do you dislike the fruits that my wife cut?"    


The middle-aged woman took out another toothpick, forked another apple, and ate it.    


"It's sweet! You should eat too. " She reached out her hand to push Ting Ye's hand away from the apple.    


Seeing that the middle-aged woman had also eaten the apple, Ting Ye's uneasy heart relaxed slightly. Knowing that it wasn't good to refuse an elder like that, she could only resign herself to her fate and eat the apple.    


"Delicious!" The middle-aged woman said with a smile.    


"Yes." Ting Ye nodded in a perfunctory manner.    


Why didn't Mu Qianqian come back? She was going to be humiliated to death by this middle-aged woman.    


"Ah, I'm not talking to you anymore. I'm going to feed some water to my grandson."    


Ting Ye heaved a sigh of relief as she watched the middle-aged woman finally leave.    


"He's finally gone."    


Mu Qianqian returned to the amusement park.    


She had met a few people asking for directions all of a sudden. Honestly speaking, she was not familiar with the shopping mall in Dragon Country either, so how could these people tell that she looked like a local?    


She walked to the parents waiting area outside the amusement park.    


Strange, where's Ting Ye?    


Mu Qianqian walked around the waiting area twice, but didn't find Ting Ye. She took out her cell phone and called Ting Ye.    


The phone rang not far behind her. She turned around and saw Ting Ye walking slowly towards the bathroom with her hands covering her stomach.    


Ting Ye shook the phone in her hand. "I'm here!"    


Mu Qianqian ran in front of her. "Where did you go?!"    


"The toilet!" What took you so long! " Ting Ye was escorted by Mu Qianqian back to the sofa in the waiting area. "I've been waiting for you, but I had a terrible stomachache and just couldn't take it anymore, so I went to the bathroom."    


"I just met a few people asking for directions downstairs, it took some time to guide them."    


"This is a shopping mall, why are you asking for directions!"    


Both of them froze when they heard Ting Ye's words.    


Someone was going to leave them alone. Why should he leave the two of them alone?    




The two of them raised their heads and looked at the amusement park. Carefully identifying the children inside, how could there be such an easy and simple figure inside!    


Mu Qianqian and Ting Ye ran to the front desk of the amusement park and asked the staff there. After confirming repeatedly, they found out that someone had just picked up the two children.    


As the two children were born with identical clothes and looked very cute, the staff member had a deep impression of them. Thus, when Mu Qianqian asked, the staff member was especially certain that they had been taken away by the child's grandma.    


"The child's grandmother?"    


"The aunt who just sat with you. Isn't she your mother?"    


That woman, she knew it was all her doing! Ting Ye thought in frustration.    


Right, didn't she say that her grandson was also inside?    


Ting Ye pointed at the little boy with the full head curtain who was still playing happily inside the amusement park. "That boy in the Mickey Mouse uniform, where's the head of that boy? Where is his grandmother now? "    


"Miss, you must have remembered wrongly. That boy came here with his father. We have never seen his grandmother before."    


"How is this possible!" Ting Ye banged on the front desk.    


"How can you let a stranger take a child? It's my child!"    


Mu Qianqian screamed and sat down on the ground. Her child, her simplicity and ease, the two pieces of meat that had fallen from her body, had just disappeared.    


Ting Ye, who was carrying the collapsed Mu Qianqian, took out her phone and dialed a number. "Hello, brother-in-law, I'm looking for Eldest Young Master!"    


Mu Qianqian stood up shakily. No way, she couldn't just sit there and wait for death. The staff said the child was just taken away. Her child must not have been taken too far away.    


She shook off Ting Ye's hand and stumbled out, shouting, "Easy! Simple! "Where are you?!"    


When Rong Heting arrived, Mu Qianqian was waiting in the parking lot. Ting Ye apologized to the driver.    


"You're not allowed to leave. Let me see your trunk. Child, I want to see if my child is inside!"    


Rong Heting stepped forward and grabbed Mu Qianqian. "Qianqian, Qianqian, look at me!"    


He held Mu Qianqian's face, his clear eyes staring straight ahead.    


Mu Qianqian resisted with all her might. "Go away, don't stop me! My child, I want to find my child!"    


Rong Heting let Mu Qianqian's leg kick onto him as he tightly hugged her. "Qianqian, Qianqian, I will look for you, I will help you look for your child, don't worry, I will find our child!"    


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