Domineering Female State Advisor



3The quality of one's martial power was naturally top-notch. In addition, one's Anning Pavilion was enough to make money, but they could also make money. Thus, their subordinates were a bunch of chivalrous warriors who were unwilling to submit to others.    


"Snow Master, you're saying that we still have a master?"    


"She is the pavilion master of the Anning Pavilion, and also my master. None of you are allowed to offend her.    


She knew the temperament of these people, but she wanted the tools to kill people. She didn't spend time with these people as they had other leaders to manage them, so she was only responsible for issuing orders.    


In the Dongfang Nation, they knew better than anyone else who they couldn't offend, even more than their master, Xue'er. Pavilion Master?    


Some people had already calculated in their hearts that if they wanted to submit, they must show enough chips to convince them. Otherwise …    


"Could it be that our Pavilion Master has already cultivated to a Spirit King?" A man in black asked a question that everyone wanted to know.    


In Dongfang Nation, the strength of one's Duwei Restaurant was not inferior to others. In this world, other than a few spirit kings, no one dared to touch anyone else, and no one could convince them.    


"You are the managers that I have chosen. Today, I am only here to inform you that my master has arrived. You had better clearly see what you are capable of to avoid disgracing me and dispersing the meeting!"    


In the hall on the first floor of Duwei Restaurant, all the tables and stools were placed in the shape of a wall, with nothing left in the center. There were only thirty or so people managing the Anning Pavilion, but all of them were powerful, and their auras were even more terrifying than officers.    


"Everyone below the Head Supervisor can only stay on the first floor. Only executives can go upstairs to see the Pavilion Master. Are you looking down on us brothers? "    


"Be quiet …"    


Chun’er was responsible for managing the discipline, so when she heard people talking about it, she told them to stop. What if they were to argue with her dear Ning'er? These people were all arrogant. They wouldn't even know if they taught them a lesson!    


"Everyone, be quiet. Whoever dares to say even half a word of disapproval from our master will be killed on the spot!"    


"Pavilion Master Chun, the reason why we respect you as our brothers is because you're a woman. It's not fair to treat us like this today. I think it's about time to change the position of Pavilion Master in Serenity!"    


No one here was a match for him, but he could only be a small steward. Today, he decided to show off his strength in front of Prince An Ran so that he could see who was the most powerful person in this pavilion.    


"Yang Yuxiong, you are really lawless!"    


Chun’er's expression changed as she waved her hand and struck out with her palm. However, her cultivation base was lower than this person surnamed Yang by a level and was not a match for him.    


Yang Yuxiong sneered as he waved his hand to dissipate her palm force:    


"You can come back after a few more years. How can a weak girl like you lead everyone onto the path of the strong? Why don't you marry me and help me give birth to a son? I'll definitely love you …"    


Before he could finish his words, he was sent flying into the wall with a "pa" sound.    


Before he could react to what had happened, a gust of fragrant wind blew by and a cold voice arrived along with the wind:    


"How can such a person with such qualities allow him to enter the Anning Pavilion?! Who allowed him to enter the Anning Pavilion, he himself will be punished!"    


He looked up, shocked beyond words.    


What a beautiful woman!    


Was it her who hit him just now?    


He wasn't the only one who was shocked. Dongfang Ning's white gauze dress fluttered without any wind, and her long hair danced in the wind, making her originally beautiful appearance even more lively.    


"We pay our respects to Master!"    


Seeing that Dongfang Ning was still alarmed, Chun’er hurried forward to pay her respects.    


"We pay our respects to Master!"    


Seeing Lili call master, who didn't understand that this was the so called legendary Anning Pavilion Pavilion Master?    


"I'll give you guys a chance. Anyone who's not satisfied with your Anning Pavilion, get out of here immediately, or else!"    


"We vow to follow the Anning Pavilion Master until our deaths!"    


"Master, it's Xue'er's fault. Xue'er only cares about cultivation and not discipline them. Please punish them, Master!"    


It wasn't that she was negligent, but that the few of them were busy with their cultivation, afraid that they would embarrass Dongfang Ning if they were too weak. Unexpectedly, something major had happened.    


"Master... Yang Yuxiong, who was sent flying, finally managed to catch his breath. He quickly begged for mercy; this was too scary. This goddess-like woman was at least stronger than the Spirit King. It was possible that she was already a Spirit King, but how old was she?    


To already have such a terrifying cultivation at such a young age, who would be her opponent in the future? She was definitely the highest under the heavens.    


"With what you said just now, even if you die ten thousand times, it won't be enough. I'll let you off, where are the rules of Anning Pavilion?"    


With a wave of her hand, Dongfang Ningsu burned him into ashes without leaving a single bone behind.    


This move had scared everyone. It was as easy as crushing an ant to kill a fourth rank master.    


Dongfang Ning walked around the hall. Her cold gaze seemed to be able to see through the souls of others. Wherever her gaze passed by, everyone would lower their heads. They were afraid that if she wasn't happy about their ending, she would end up like that person who was close to the Spirit King.    


Finally, Dongfang Ning stopped at the middle position.    


"As a manager, I don't care about my subordinates. I don't think about getting ahead of myself, I only think about my position. This kind of person doesn't need Anning Pavilion, he acts disorderly, and some criminals just have to check themselves carefully for me from today onwards."    


If he is unable to do so, then scram immediately. Even if it is the Spirit Emperor, the Anning Pavilion cannot contain him! "    


"Tomorrow, each of you will hand over your resume for personal examination. Anyone who tries to hide this from you will be killed!"    


"What you say must be true. Those who are at fault can be corrected. Those who are at fault and those who wish to remain hidden must be killed!"    


"I believe that everyone has yet to fully comprehend the definition of Anning Pavilion. Go back and carefully comprehend it, what I want is not to calm down or make a fortune, but rather to have all the money in the world to eat, do you hear that?"    


"I heard it!"    


Most of the people in the hall were old geezers because it wasn't easy for humans to train. It was very difficult to achieve these management methods of the first to third ranks without being trained for a few decades. Now that they were lectured by a little girl, they didn't feel ashamed.    


Cultivating requires a person's state of mind. If one's state of mind is not wide, then one's achievements will be limited. Cultivating is one's continuous comprehension. Each realm has their own understanding of life, the world, and of all living things …    


"Tomorrow, we will decide based on your actions. I have a batch of spiritual medicines that can help you all reach the Spirit King realm. If you want, then do it well. Discipline and style are the only criteria."    




"I don't want useless people. You don't have the ability to cultivate, but you have your own specialties in other areas. This kind of person is also what I want!"    


"If you have something to ask, just ask. If you have nothing to do, just wait for dinner. Remember, examine your own heart. I don't want traitors to appear within my Anning Pavilion …"    




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