Domineering Female State Advisor



2Only after the emperor had left did she slowly stand up with a vicious expression on her face. The plan had finally been halved. She would not spare anyone who had harmed her father in the past!    


"Congratulations! Esteemed wangfei, congratulations! Esteemed wangfei can follow this servant to the Purple Smoke Palace right now!"    


"Eunuch, please send someone to pick me up later. I've lived here for many years, so I want to collect some old items."    


"Yes, then this servant will go and report to the Ministry of Rites first. At the same time, I'll have someone carry the emperor's reward into the Purple Mist Palace first, then this servant will take his leave!"    




Princess Anning Mansion    


"Master! Master! Where is my master? "    


During this period of time, he had been very busy, and had been busy discussing Dongfang Ning's trauma treatment and first aid knowledge with the doctors who were still in the Anning Hospital. Who knew that early in the morning, there was actually a coffin that was waiting outside the Anning Hospital to seek justice from Princess Anning.    


It was only after he understood what was going on that he found out that there was an old man in his sixties inside the coffin. He had been dead for a long time, but the owner said that he died after taking the Anning Hospital medicine. An old woman was making a ruckus in front of the Anning Hospital, claiming that the princess's medicine had eaten people to death.    


Right now, the hospital was already in a mess, no one knew what to do. With so many people watching, Soft Armor simply did not dare to catch this old man in public, and the doctors had not found out how he died. Thus, he hurried back to ask Dongfang Ning how she was going to deal with this matter.    


"Nameless, what you're saying doesn't make sense. Can you organize your speech properly so that we can talk about it?"    


Dongfang Ning had been training at night these few days and had gone to the hospital during the day. She basically didn't go to the pharmacy at all, she just wanted the results.    


"Master, how come you're not worried at all?"    


Seeing that the girl was still lying down drinking tea even after hearing the news, Nameless' brain really couldn't keep up with the times. Just who was his master? Was she not afraid of him if something like this happened to her?    


"Why should I be in such a hurry? They love to cause trouble for us, so all you have to do is say 'the eyes of the masses are bright'. Don't tell me any random family would come looking for trouble if they were dead?"    


Dongfang Ning firmly believed that the commoners had faith in her. Otherwise, she would have wasted her efforts in the past few days. If the commoners had no conscience, why would she need to open a hospital?    




Nameless didn't know what to do, could Master's attitude really work?    


No, he had to find Yan Wuzhan!    


"You're not allowed to find Yan Wuzhan. If you can't even deal with this kind of thing, you can go back to your whatever valley or mountain."    


Dongfang Ning thought too highly of Nameless Old Man. As a person who only knew how to study medicine all day, how could he deal with any accidents?    


If he was asked to cook, he might have taken medicine and boiled it with him. Such a person was originally a superior human, but now he was anxious about Dongfang Ning. Who knew that Dongfang Ning would not care unless she accepted orders or had to deal with this matter?    


Thinking about how other people would harm her, she could not be in a hurry, let alone this kind of thing that was not even a matter of concern to her.    


"How did she know that she wanted to find Yan Wuzhan? Isn't this girl too magical?"    


Nameless was speechless. He had lived for almost a hundred years, but he had never met such an intelligent person.    


That day, he had asked Dongfang Ning to not go anywhere in the Anning Hospital, not to worry about those "quack doctors", so Dongfang Ning had handed over the Anning Hospital to him to manage. Now that something had really happened, she wanted an old man like him to take care of it …    


"Master, are you going to endure it?"    


"I have something to say. If you can do it, you might as well know how to speak. Quickly go and learn how to speak, then come and teach me."    


In the past few days, she had been looking through the Intelligent Brain's database and reading some useful novels. She urgently needed to learn everything but secret agents.    


"Oh …"    


What's so good about a person who only knows how to talk nonsense all day? How did his master come up with this hospital?    


A capable person needs to learn how to socialize?    


Seeing that she was still the same, calmly basking in the rising sun, Nameless had no choice but to turn around and leave. He kept thinking about what Dongfang Ning had just said, about how she wanted him to take care of this great event of a dead person: Were the eyes of the masses bright?    


He could not figure out what this sentence had to do with the incident.    


"Just call Feng Liuyun over for dinner. He's pitiful by himself." For some reason, she also felt a sense of familiarity towards Feng Liuyun.    


"Master, you really don't care …" Then, then I'll go, the families of those patients … "They will beat me to death …"    


With every step that Nameless took, he turned his head around. Her master probably didn't know how fierce the bereaved family members were, right?    


Dongfang Ning pretended not to see his troubled expression. It was useless to worry for nothing, and he had to deal with it. But this was not a matter for her.    


After Nameless left with a depressed expression, Dongfang Ning immediately called for Mei Er to secretly follow behind him. She wanted to find out who the mastermind behind this crying woman was.    


For a professional spy like Mei Er, this sort of thing was nothing but a small matter. Therefore, she wasn't worried about anything big happening, unless the Emperor wanted to touch her.    


Anning Hospital, after Nameless returned, he took a tall stool and stood on it:    


"Fellow villagers, fellow elders, Princess Anning said: When the forest is big, there will be all kinds of birds, and the eyes of the masses are bright! Regarding this matter, Anning Hospital refused to give any explanation! There was only one sentence: "The eyes of the masses are bright!"    


When Nameless had walked out of Princess Anning's residence earlier, he had been thinking about what Dongfang Ning's words meant the moment he got on the carriage. Unexpectedly, the coachman heard him and replied:    


"Divine Doctor Nameless is right. The eyes of the crowd are bright and clear. Everyone knows that woman is intentionally framing us!"    


"What? What did you say?"    


Nameless hastily asked the coachman, what did he mean by that …    


When he finally understood what was going on, he ran back to the hospital full of energy and said those words in front of the crowd. It didn't matter if he was framed or not, he still had to say it for his master.    


After Nameless finished speaking, he looked at the rest of the people:    


"We will not explain any further about this matter. Someone, close the door. If she likes to cause trouble, then so be it. Princess Anning believes that …" "No schemes or tricks can escape the eyes of the masses."    


After saying that, he walked back to the hospital with his chest held high and ordered his men to close the door. Anyway, the hospital was no longer accepting ordinary patients.    


The entrance of the hospital was already surrounded by people, but it wasn't as crowded as it was in the morning. When the crying woman heard Nameless Old Man say that, she cried even louder, as if Anning Pavilion was selling poison.    


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