God Prison



2As he said, he began to take it seriously.    


Every time he met an opponent that was worthy of his seriousness, he would seriously call his opponent's name before killing him.    


Even if he did not know his name, he would seriously ask for it.    


He then shouted out once more before finally killing them again. This was a form of respect towards his opponent.    


Now, Niu Thirteen had won his respect, and he had already treated him as an opponent worthy of his serious killing.    


He was prepared to seriously kill Niu Thirteen. This was also the last time he was going to kill him. His name was Niu Thirteen.    


This was because Niu Thirteen was about to die at his hands. He had every confidence that he could kill him.    


As such, he called her with extreme seriousness, as if he was an old friend whom he hadn't seen for many years.    


The more serious his attitude was, the more he respected his opponent.    


"Alright, I'm ready!"    


Niu Thirteen calmly looked at Chen Haonan. The God Slaughtering Saber in his hand trembled violently. He wanted to see how Chen Haonan would seriously kill him.    


Chen Haonan was very serious. He glanced at Ox-Head for a moment, then slowly closed his eyes.    


In the next second, he instantly opened his eyes, like a fierce tiger opening its eyes, and his body emitted the aura of a prehistoric fierce beast.    


It gave people a breathtaking feeling. If it was a timid person, he would definitely be scared to death.    


His eyes seemed to have turned into the eyes of a tiger, emitting a terrifying and fearsome aura.    


At the same time, his body also began to change. Black fur grew out of his body, formed from tiger fur.    


It was as sharp as a steel needle.    


In the blink of an eye, his body had grown ten times larger, and even his outer appearance had undergone an astonishing change.    


He had turned into a human-shaped black tiger. Its height neared twenty meters, and it was like a mountain, giving people a terrifying pressure.    


"Tiger's Roar!"    


Chen Haonan's voice came out from the Black Tiger's mouth.    


At the same time, the black tiger he'd transformed into instantly opened its bloody mouth.    


"Roar …"    


A roar that seemed to come from ancient times suddenly came out from Chen Haonan's mouth.    


The terrifying sound wave was like a wave, bringing with it an aura that could destroy the heavens and earth. It was an earth-shattering sound wave, shaking Niu Thirteen in front of it.    


This roar of a tiger had extinguished the aftermath of the battle.    


Those black tigers and demon sabers that were still self-destructing were instantly turned to dust under the tiger's roar, not a single piece remaining.    


Even the defensive barrier around the arena was trembling slightly, as if it couldn't stand the sound waves.    


However, it could be seen that this was not the case. The defensive barrier could not withstand these sound waves, but rather, the defensive barrier instead. It did not do much to resist these sound waves.    


On the stage, Niu Thirteen's pupils suddenly shrank. He could feel the breath of death coming from him, and this time, it was very clear.    


"God Slaughtering Knife, it's up to you!"    


Niu Thirteen roared at the God Slaughtering Knife in his hands.    


The God Slaughtering Knife trembled crazily for a moment before it instantly grew a hundred times larger and turned into a giant, sky-shattering blade.    


He stood right in front of Niu Thirteen, blocking the terrifying tiger roars that were madly approaching.    


The terrifying sound wave instantly shook the God Slaughtering Knife.    


The God Slaughtering Saber emitted a terrifying black light, forming a black circle of light that protected Niu Thirteen.    


After that, it continued to emit terrifying black qi. The moment the black gas touched the terrifying sound wave, it would be crazily devoured and killed.    


And when the tiger's roar rang out, many of the young talents around the arena cried out before covering their ears.    


Some weaker experts even began to bleed from their eyes, noses, noses, and mouths as they frantically retreated.    


"What a terrifying tiger's roar. It feels like it came from ancient times, as if it wants to destroy the world …"    


"Why didn't the defensive barrier block this tiger roar? Could it be that even the defensive barrier couldn't block it?"    


"No, the defensive barrier cannot completely block this type of sonic attack. In order to deal with this kind of sonic attack, one needs a special treasure. This defensive barrier is only used to protect the martial stage, it cannot completely block sonic attacks!"    




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