Making Great Fortune Overnight

C713 One Foot Higher

C713 One Foot Higher

1"Yang Zhanguo, that must be Yang Zhanguo's doing!"    


Lu Meichen suddenly became excited, "I want to ask him clearly."    


Qin Lang pulled her to shake his head. "There is no need..."    


"No, I must ask clearly and see how dark his heart is."    


Lu Meichen gritted her teeth and turned around to leave the cold room.    


Qin Lang had no choice but to follow her.    


An hour later, Lu Meichen and Qin Lang appeared at the Yanjing Horse Gathering.    


Although it was late at night and there was no more business, the lights were still brightly lit, illuminating every corner. There were also many security guards and waitresses around.    


Lu Meichen came to a VIP room with familiarity.    


Qin Lang saw a shadow at a glance.    


Ruan Fu, who was wearing a sleeveless shirt, was kneeling in front of the tea table. He elegantly held a black chess piece and played chess on the chessboard.    


Opposite Ruan Fu, there was a pretty girl sitting on her knees.    


Lu Meichen walked into the hall and asked in a low voice, "Where's Yang Zhanguo?"    


"President Lu, you are here?"    


Ruan Fu raised his beautiful face and said, "Ye Leng is cold. Sit down and have a cup of hot tea."    


"It is not too late to apologize to me after drinking the tea."    


"For Young Master Yang's sake, I will turn the big matter into a small matter. As long as you stop production, I will not hold you accountable anymore."    


"If it was someone else, they would not have such a good ending. I will sue them until they are bankrupt."    


As he spoke, Ruan Fu picked up another white chess piece and elegantly placed it on the chessboard.    


Another city.    


"Ruan Fu, don't talk about these useless things."    


Lu Meichen was straightforward. "Let me ask you, where did Yang Zhanguo go?"    


"Did he do something bad and did not dare to come out to see me, so he hid?"    


She shouted, "Tell him to get out."    


"Young Master Yang is an adult, he has his own space and freedom, where did he go, what he did, how would I know?"    


There was no change on Ruan Fu's face. "It's ridiculous that you came to me for help. Don't you have Young Master Yang's phone number?"    


"You can call him yourself."    


"As for Young Master Yang hiding, that's only because you think so highly of yourself. There's nothing in the world that can make Young Master Yang hide."    


She picked up a black piece and smiled sweetly. "President Lu, as a person, you must correct your position."    


"Don't talk nonsense. Ask Yang Zhanguo to come out."    


"I want to ask him. Did he instigate Yu Qing to steal the Yunxian secret recipe? I want to ask him. Did he kill Yu Qing to silence her?"    


Lu Meichen's voice was cold and stern, "I want him to give me an explanation in front of me."    


Ruan Fu smiled faintly, "Young Master Yang is not here. No matter how angry you are, it is useless."    


"And what about stealing the secret recipe and killing people to silence them? We are people with status. How can we do such things?"    


"Also, you are only Young Master Yang. You are not qualified to ask him to give you an explanation."    


Ruan Fu kept a needle in his sleeve.    


He had won this round with absolute confidence. Ruan Fu was especially tolerant of the losers.    


"Your calmness and calmness were only given by you guys when you stole the secret recipe."    


Qin Lang provoked Ruan Fu. "Aren't you ashamed of the confidence you built up by being a thief?"    


"Qin Lang!"    


Ruan Fu's hand gesture paused, and his eyes turned cold. Then, he regained his calm.    


"You can eat randomly, but you can't speak carelessly. Do you know what you just said?"    


"You are slandering me. You are slandering me. I can sue you anytime."    


"You said we stole it. Do you have any evidence? You said we killed someone, did the police arrest him? "    


"On the other hand, we can sue you for stealing the secret prescription, deliberately counterfeiting it, and ask you to compensate for your imprisonment."    


She reminded Qin Lang, "So you better not say anything that you should not say. Otherwise, I will be in a bad mood and demand ten times the compensation."    


Lu Meichen said bluntly, "You guys are really shameless."    


"President Lu, saying these words is meaningless."    


Ruan Fu still maintained his composure.    


"If you have evidence, then sue us. If you can't sue us, then we will just keep our tails between our legs."    


"If I were you, I wouldn't be thinking about denouncing you right now. Instead, I would be thinking about how to get Young Master Yang and I's forgiveness."    


"Stealing the secret recipe, ten thousand high imitation products, worth tens of millions. We are determined to pursue this matter. Not only do you have to compensate us, but you also have to go to jail."    


She looked at Qin Lang with interest.    


"Qin Lang, President Lu is so beautiful. It is not good for me to make things difficult for her."    


"Why don't you kneel down and slap yourself ten times, then slap yourself in the face and ask for my forgiveness?"    


Ruan Fu wanted to get some interest for Yang Zhanguo.    


"You want me to kneel down and apologize?"    


Qin Lang did not deny it and smiled. "You, Ruan Fu, are not worthy."    


"Is that so?"    


"Then let me see how hard your bones can be."    


Ruan Fu smiled coldly and put down a chess piece with his finger. "I hope you do not disappoint me."    


"You just thought you won this round."    


Qin Lang stepped forward and picked up a white piece. "Actually, you might lose."    


Ruan Fu laughed sinisterly. "Sorry, I really didn't see that I would lose this round."    


Qin Lang's fingers turned around the white stone. "Tell Yang Zhanguo that evil is beyond good."    




The next second, as the piece was placed, the game suddenly changed.    


After leaving the horse race, Qin Lang made a phone call. Not long after, a white Hummer drove to Qin Lang's side.    


Qin Lang opened the car door and sat on it. Qiu Xiyi turned the steering wheel and left with a playful look on his face.    


"Qin Lang, you guys are in big trouble now."    


Qiu Xiyi obviously knew what had happened. "You guys might not only have to pay for it, but also have to go to jail."    


"How about I help you settle this matter?"    


He suggested a deal to Qin Lang. "In return, I don't have to be your driver anymore. How about it?"    


"I don't need to trouble you with this small matter. Just drive me well," ___ said.    


Qin Lang replied casually, "Besides, I don't take this matter to heart."    


"Yang Zhanguo is a person who loves his face and pretends to be noble. But I have to admit that he has always been quick, ruthless, and accurate."    


Qiu Xiyi had a gloating expression on his face.    


"This time, he even took the initiative to register the patent. You can't resist at all."    


"Don't even think about revealing the Cloud Immortal White Powder to the world, let alone taking back your patent. That's basically impossible."    


"The most important thing right now is to protect yourselves."    


"With my understanding of Yang Zhanguo, he won't give Lu Meichen any face. He will definitely kill all of you to sue you."    


He reminded, "There must be someone who wants to go to jail."    


Qin Lang smiled faintly. "Are you so sure that we will lose without a doubt? Maybe I will turn the tables and crush Yang Zhanguo to death."    


"Alright, at this point, don't brag anymore."    


Qiu Xiyi really liked to see Qin Lang at the end of his rope.    


"You can turn the tables. I, Qiu Xiyi, not only drove you for three years, but also knelt down to pour tea for you. I will recognize you as my big brother."    


"If you can't turn the tables, I will not drive this car anymore. In the future, you will be my little brother and work for the Qiu family. How about that?"    


In this kind of situation, he was still facing someone like Yang Zhanguo. Qiu Xiyi really did not think that Qin Lang could turn the tables.    


"Alright, it's settled then."    


Qin Lang sat up straight and patted Qiu Xiyi on the shoulder. "Wait for me to serve you tea and acknowledge you as my big brother."    


Qiu Xiyi smiled noncommittally. He stepped on the accelerator and drove back to the Hall of Spring.    


When he returned to the Hall of Rejuvenation, Qin Lang took a shower and slept. When he woke up, it was already noon.    


He treated ten patients to maintain his touch. After that, he handed them over to the eight great doctors to handle it. He continued to pay attention to the progress of the Cloud Immortal White Powder.    


Although it was only half a day, the situation had deteriorated to a point where it was difficult to clean up.    


Not only had Yunxian Pharmaceutical Factory been sealed up, but the research and development center had also been interfered with. All sorts of data had been taken over by Medicine Department.    


Li Xin was detained in the detention center. Lu Meichen's passport had also been confiscated and she was not allowed to leave China. She had to be asked around.    


The equipment supplier paid the deposit of the client. The workers who worked for a few days also requested compensation.    


At the same time, Ruan Fu's pharmaceutical factory sent a lawyer's letter to Yunxian Pharmaceutical Company and also submitted evidence of infringement to the court to demand high compensation and sentence.    


In the public opinion, Yunxian Pharmaceutical Company was also a rat crossing the street. Online, people were shouting about killing and beating, scolding Lu Meichen for having no bottom line and harming herself.    


Many people were calling for a boycott of all the products in Mechen Group. The company's shares immediately dropped the day it opened.    


Qin Lang did not care about these. After Qin Shijie handled the matter, he asked Qiu Xiyi to send him to the Song Corporation.    


At three o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Lang appeared in Loong Yan's office.    


The girl was looking at the news of Lu Family on the screen with her arms crossed. When she saw Qin Lang, she immediately smiled.    


"Why are you here?"    


"I thought you were staying in the Mechen Group to protect your beauty."    


"This is a good opportunity for Lu Meichen to grow."    


Qin Lang smiled faintly. "Moreover, she has a strong personality and does not want others to see her in dire straits. If I stay by her side, it will make her agitated instead."    


"You are really good to her."    


Loong Yan pressed Qin Lang on the boss chair and made him a cup of black tea.    


"When are you going to think about me?" Loong Yan seemed to be a little jealous.    


She gently blew on the tea to cool it a little.    


"You are my younger sister. Am I not good enough to you?"    


Qin Lang smiled. "Look, Yanjing General Hospital and the secret recipe. I will give them to you."    


Loong Yan placed the black tea in front of Qin Lang. She was very happy. "Brother Qin, it is not bad."    


"Yes, that is more like it." Qin Lang smiled. Then he changed the topic. "How's the management of Yanjing General Hospital going?"    


"Don't worry. I have transferred some elites from the Linan."    


Loong Yan put away her feminine side and her pretty face became capable and capable, "The entire Yanjing General Hospital is under our control."    


"The medicine on your secret prescription has also been tested and patented. Hua association Pharmaceutical Enterprise is working overtime to produce it."    


"Oh right, I also gave the medicine a name. It's called friend Qin Baiyao."    


She went up to Qin Lang and said, "You don't have any objections, do you?"    


Loong Yan blinked her beautiful eyes. "Friend Qin Baiyao means that he and Qin Lang are friends. Brother Qin, can you say it?"    


"If you think it is inappropriate, I will re-register and change my name to Qin Baiyao?"    


She bit her small mouth and was in a low mood, like a child who had made a mistake.    


"No need, just this name."    


Although Qin Lang felt that this name was actually ordinary, changing it to another name was a lot of trouble, and it would make Loong Yan disappointed, so he gave up the idea of changing it.    


"Brother Qin, you are really good." Loong Yan jumped up in joy, "Oh right, Yu Qing, I have already investigated the relevant process according to your instructions. After Yu Qing entered the research and development center to clean up, she did not have much of an abnormality. However, her mood did not seem to be very good. We also felt that it was logical. Until the accident happened. "    


"We found the cause of Yu Qing's car accident. It was done by the maintenance staff of the 4S store."    


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