Making Great Fortune Overnight

C553 Without a Teacher He Would be Able to Learn Everything on His Own

C553 Without a Teacher He Would be Able to Learn Everything on His Own

3So everyone wants to leave this opportunity to themselves.    


What a joke, could these big shots even compare to a young hero?    


This was a treatment, not a competition. Could it be that Young Hero Qin wanted to go up and beat up the second miss, and then he would be cured?    


Following Hsu Xiwen's obstruction, all the doctors also had the same attitude. Their eyes flashed with ridicule and contempt towards Qin Lang.    


Facing Hsu Xiwen's questioning, Qin Lang smiled faintly and stopped Shi Faangfei and the others from explaining. He looked at Hsu Xiwen very calmly and said,    


"I have never had a teacher before, nor have I studied in a famous medical school..."    


His tone was calm. "I am a martial artist."    


As soon as he said that, the crowd burst into an uproar.    


"Then you still have the guts to say that you can cure the patient?"    


"Even so many experts present are powerless. What right do you have to be so confident?"    


Hsu Xiwen directly interrupted Qin Lang's words. "You are trying to sensationalize. This is cheating Madam and also murder the patient."    


"Madam, even if you are desperate to seek treatment, we will not say anything even if you catch an old military doctor on the street. After all, they all have medical experience."    


Hsu Xiwen continued to stare at Qin Lang and said,    


"And this young hero who claims to be a martial artist, he did not systematically learn any medical skills and still has empty hands. If you let him in, wouldn't you be joking with the patient?"    


All the doctors nodded their heads.    


When they came to treat Lian Tianhee, not only did they bring enough manpower, they also brought medical equipment and even frozen blood carrying. It was simply a mobile medical room.    


And Qin Lang did not have anything with him. He was not convincing at all.    


People looked at Qin Lang with disdain and contempt. They felt that Qin Lang did not know the immensity of heaven and earth.    


Shi Faangfei, Lian Ronghua and the others frowned slightly. They did not expect Hsu Xiwen and the others to stop Qin Lang.    


Qin Lang smiled. "Can't you treat a patient without a teacher and a famous doctor before entering a medical school?"    


"Of course, but on the premise that you are a medical genius."    


"If you think you are a genius, then do you have some ability?"    


Hsu Xiwen looked at Qin Lang provocatively. "If you can't take it out, then don't deceive Madam and cause trouble, and don't hinder us from treating the patient..."    


"We have already developed the best prescription and the treatment plan. We can definitely make the patient better."    


She pointed at the plan on the table. "Do you want to see it?"    


She wondered which influential person had introduced Qin Lang to the back door. She wanted to use him to show how powerful she and her team were.    


"See? There's no need for that."    


Qin Lang originally did not want to pay attention to Hsu Xiwen, but after a series of provocations, Qin Lang also became angry.    


"If I am not wrong, your prescription is musk incense, India yellow, antelope horn powder, antler, crown prince ginseng, cooked land and mountain medicine. There are dozens of herbs among the herbs."    


"Effects: Replenish the kidney and invigorate the spleen and muscles, and benefit the brain and marrow."    


Qin Lang's eyes became sharp. "Mainly adjusting the condition of the patient with five delays, hypoxygenic cerebral disease."    


"How do you know our prescription?"    


As soon as the words left her mouth, Hsu Xiwen's expression suddenly changed. She looked at Qin Lang in shock, not understanding why he knew her prescription.    


She wanted to say that Qin Lang was peeking, but Qin Lang had just arrived in the hall and did not even come close to the table.    


"Not only do I know your prescription, I can also judge that your treatment will be carried out in three stages."    


Qin Lang took a step forward and continued to stare at Hsu Xiwen.    


"The first stage is mainly to invigorate the marrow and awaken the brain. It is mainly to maintain the normal and healthy brain nervous system of the patient."    


"The second stage is to invigorate the spleen and stomach, adjust the internal organs, moisturize the muscles, tendons, limbs, and bones to ensure that the body needs enough nutrition."    


"The third stage is to balance the yin and yang in the internal organs, dredge the blood and vital energy in the channels and collaterals, induce the full development of the body, and make the patient's various physiological conditions normal."    


"Although your method is good, you can only keep the patient's life normal. You still don't have much confidence that the patient will wake up..."    


Qin Lang said in a mocking tone.    


"In other words, you just want to make a vegetable stronger, not wake her up."    


Hsu Xiwen's pretty face was pale as she tightly grabbed onto her treatment plan, "Impossible, this is impossible. How can you guess it like this?"    


The few companions also stiffened their bodies and opened their mouths a few times. It seemed like they wanted to say something but in the end, they did not make a sound.    


"Let me tell you one more thing..."    


Qin Lang looked at Hsu Xiwen and said faintly, "This prescription of yours can't even achieve the effect of strengthening the body. It is just daily assistance."    


"It will not cause any trouble even if she takes it, but the patient is in a critical situation right now. If you give her this medicine, it will be no different from a fake medicine made from starch. It will be a complete mess."    


Hsu Xiwen's pretty face instantly turned red. She wanted to refute, but she could not bring herself to feel ashamed.    


You have studied medicine for so long and have yet to learn humility. Questioning others is awesome."    


"Capability? What ability do you want me to have?"    


Qin Lang did not stop there. He glanced at the crowd and continued to slap the faces of the doctors who jumped out and shouted fiercely.    


"Do you want me to tell you that your stomach aches every night and you don't take pills, or do you want me to tell you that your lumbar vertebra is like a needle in pain?"    


"Or do you want me to point out that this old man has premonitions of Parkinson? This middle-aged man is easily sweating because he was flooded when he was young and fell ill?"    


"Or perhaps..."    


Qin Lang lifted Hsu Xiwen's delicate chin with his finger.    


"Tell everyone that Miss Xu's temper is violent because she is afraid of men?"    


The whole place was dead silent.    


After slapping his face, Qin Lang left the hall and went up the stairs.    


He followed Shi Faangfei and the others to Lian Tianhee's room.    


Although Hsu Xiwen and the doctors were ashamed and angry, they also followed out of curiosity and wanted to see if the awesome Qin Lang could wake Lian Tianhee up.    


Qin Lang did not pay attention to them, so Shi Faangfei did not drive them away.    


When they went to the bedroom upstairs, Qin Lang saw Lian Tianhee lying on the bed. There were all kinds of instruments around her, displaying her vital signs.    


Lian Tianhee, who used to be energetic and energetic, was now lying motionlessly on the bed. Her body was not skinny, but her cheeks were swollen, and her eyes and lips looked like they were covered with smoke and makeup.    


Shi Faangfei walked over.    


"Divine Doctor Qin, please."    


Shi Faangfei had changed the way she addressed Qin Lang. Clearly, she was very satisfied with Qin Lang's performance just now.    


Qin Lang nodded slightly and went forward to take Lian Tianhee's pulse.    


Not long after, Qin Lang discovered that Lian Tianhee's injuries were very serious. Apart from her physical injuries, the most troublesome thing was the damage to her central nervous system.    


Since Lian Tianhee was able to live until now, the doctors invited over were also effective. They could not treat even the girl's illness, but it also delayed the death of the other party.    


Otherwise, Lian Tianhee would have died a long time ago.    


Five minutes later, Qin Lang put away his finger. The expression on his face could not be seen.    


"Divine Doctor Qin, how is Tian He's condition?"    


Shi Faangfei asked softly. Her brows were full of worry. "Can he wake up?"    


The woman was in her forties, but she had taken good care of herself. Her movements were as gentle as the spring breeze.    


Qin Lang turned to look at her and smiled. "Don't worry. She will wake up for sure."    


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