Making Great Fortune Overnight

C449 Qin Tian's Phone

C449 Qin Tian's Phone

2Zhu Junwen had a nervous breakdown. When people thought of his uncle, who was the deputy mayor, many teachers thought that although this person was crazy, if his uncle appeared, things would turn for the better.    


Zhu Bojun was the deputy mayor of Feng State. He had been working in Feng State for ten years and had a strong foundation. All the teachers of Huajie Middle School knew that Zhu Bojun was a senior official. Even the mayor would have to give him some face.    


Zhu Junwen saw that people seemed to be thinking about something and the atmosphere was silent. He found a sense of superiority and sneered, "Director, I'm afraid you won't dare to not give face to Deputy Mayor Zhu! As long as Deputy Mayor Zhu is in power, I can do whatever I want in Huajie Middle School. What can your director do to me? Otherwise, you will regret what happened today! "    


He thought that everyone had scolded the bureau chief and had already completely offended the bureau chief. However, the bureau chief was an extremely cultured scholar. In his heart, he thought that he had been bitten by a stray dog. He snorted and said:    


"Since you have such an attitude, I will tell you again. The way the Education Bureau handled you has changed. Not only can you no longer be a teacher in Feng State, but you can also no longer be a teacher. Furthermore, I will report your glorious deeds to the Department of Education. I suggest that the Department of Education revoke your teaching license. From now on, the whole of China will no longer hire you as a teacher. "    


"You can go and file a complaint as you wish." The director had a calm expression on his face. He simply hated this Zhu Junwen to the end.    


"Aren't you afraid that my uncle will take revenge on you?" Zhu Junwen said fiercely.    


"As the Director of Education, I will never lower my head to evil forces. Save it!" The Director's words were loud and clear, and there was no room for negotiation.    


At this moment, Mayor Chen, who had been watching coldly from the side, suddenly said, "Mr. Zhu, I'm afraid there's something you don't know yet, right?"    


"What?" Zhu Junwen was stunned.    


"You interrupted me just now. Now I can tell you that the Zhu Bojun you mentioned just now, the City Discipline Inspection Committee is investigating Zhu Bojun's serious violation of the law."    


"He is giving an account of the time and place!" Mayor Chen raised his voice a little, like a peal of thunder!    


Zhu Junwen could not bear such a blow. Could what the mayor said be a rumor? The big tree he was leaning against suddenly collapsed?    


Zhu Junwen's legs went limp and he fell to the ground. This mad dog that was completely abandoned by people actually shed a few drops of turbid tears.    


However, no one sympathized with him. They even looked at him coldly. Even Scholar Liu, who had always been praised as Zhu Junwen's loyal dog, also looked at him with disdain at this moment.    


Originally, he was trying to please you because you had a good uncle and a position of teaching director. Now, you have been kicked out of the house just like me. You are even worse than me now. I will find a place where I might be useful, but what about you? Why should I still be your dog?    


Scholar Liu sneered and gave Zhu Junwen a sideway glance. Similarly, he didn't have a shred of pity for Zhu Junwen. Instead, he felt satisfied as if he was hitting Zhu Junwen while he was down.    


"So, all of your plans have come to nothing." At this time, the principal made a final conclusion to Zhu Junwen.    


"Get lost! Huajie Middle School feels ashamed for you."    


"Get lost!" The entire Class 6 was furious.    


"Scram!" The entire school's students spontaneously joined in and issued a heaven-shaking berating.    


"Scram!" In the end, most of the teachers also joined in.    


Zhu Junwen stood up with difficulty, then hugged his head and fled like a rat crossing the street.    


Scholar Liu also escaped amidst the shouting and beating.    


Only after he ran out of the school did Zhu Junwen reveal a vicious expression.    


"Qin Lang! I will never forget your great kindness in this lifetime!" Zhu Junwen gritted his teeth.    


Qin Lang had only been in Huajie Middle School for a little more than a week, and Zhu Junwen had been chased out of the school by all the teachers and students who had once flaunted their power.    


Zhu Junwen's heart was filled with hatred. He had nothing now. He had nothing in the school, but in other places, his father owned a company that was neither big nor small. This was his last reliance.    


After all, he still had money. It was because he had money that he could settle some things that ordinary people could not.    


Zhu Junwen took out his phone and made a call.    


"When are you coming to Feng State?"    


"What's wrong? I'll go to Feng State from Jiangbei Province in two days to do something." The man's voice was very hoarse, like it came from a cold cellar.    


"Then hurry up. When you come, kill someone for me." Zhu Junwen said with extreme hatred.    


"That's easy. Just you wait." The other side said.    


After hanging up the phone, Zhu Junwen was reluctant to leave. He stood around the Huajie Middle School for a long time before he clenched his fist and left the gate unwillingly.    


"Qin Lang, let's see if you will die this time. You are truly capable. How can you compare yourself with the people of Xun Family?"    


On the other side, after the mayor and the Director of Education asked about the matters of Huajie Middle School, they left first.    


Qin Lang had won the battle and won the hearts of the people.    


He was now a bright star figure. As long as he appeared, there would be girls screaming.    


However, he had no interest in experiencing this kind of victory. This kind of victory did not have a far-reaching impact on him.    


Because of Xie Wenjing, Zhu Junwen and the others were nothing in his eyes. He could easily defeat them with one finger.    


So, do not be sad, disappointed, and give up when you are weak. As long as you are optimistic about your life, everything that you owe to you will be repaid by God in another way.    


Qin Lang suddenly received an unexpected call.    


It was his younger brother, Qin Tian, who was the best friend in the Qin Family.    


Ever since he was chased out of the family, no one in the Qin Family had contacted him. This was because of the strict family rules of the Qin Family. Since he wasn't a member of the Qin Family... In that case, he could no longer keep in touch with them like before.    


Even his father, Qin Weicheng and mother, Zhao Mingming, had never made a phone call to him.    


Therefore, Qin Tian's phone call was very unusual. Qin Lang took a deep breath and answered the call.    


"Brother, I am Qin Tian. I found your phone number." Qin Tian was a little excited. With the strength of Hidden Qin Family, searching for a person's phone was as easy as flipping his hand. The key was to see if he could find it or not.    


"Qin Tian, how are you doing?" Qin Lang's breathing was also heavy. What was Qin Tian trying to say by calling?    


"I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm just asking. It's fine..." Qin Tian was stuttering, as if he was trying to hide something from Qin Lang. He looked like he wanted to say something but stopped himself.    


"Little Tian, if you have something to say, say it. Otherwise, I'm going to die." Qin Lang said impatiently. What was wrong with Qin Tian? Was this still the same Qin Tian who talked about everything?!    


"Brother, something big has happened in Qin Family. Someone is going to destroy it. I am here to ask for your help. One more person means one more strength. Among us brothers, I trust you the most, and I admire you the most. I think you will be of great help to the Qin Family in this crisis. " Qin Tian said as he poured beans from his bamboo tube.    


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