Making Great Fortune Overnight

C81 Are You Willing to Go out with Me?

C81 Are You Willing to Go out with Me?

0"What are you doing? Don't be silly. I don't think he's the one you're talking about. Look at what he's wearing. He's not much better than the beggars on the street... " Gu Sha had a bad impression of Qin Lang because Qin Lang glared at her. She did not think that she was the one who made fun of Qin Lang first.    


"Don't talk first." Peng Meng glanced at Gu Sha and then looked at Qin Lang. "Hello, classmate..."    


"Sorry, I will go first." Qin Lang also did not have a good impression of Gu Sha. He subconsciously felt that... Peng Meng might have the same personality when she was with Gu Sha. They could not afford to offend her and could not hide from her? After Qin Lang finished speaking, he strode forward.    


"Look at you..." Peng Meng looked at Gu Sha with a reproachful look. She held her hand and followed behind Qin Lang.    


Qin Lang felt thirsty and just happened to pass by the canteen. Qin Lang went to the canteen to buy a glass of ice drink.    


After passing through the window, the auntie passed him a cup of lemon water. Qin Lang swiped his dining card on the machine and found that he was out of money. Their canteen was very strange. Apart from swiping the dining card, they could only pay cash. WeChat and Zhi Fubao were not allowed.    


Qin Lang's cash was left on the driver's face the other day. Now, Qin Lang actually didn't have the money to pay the bill.    


"Uh, Auntie, I won't..." Qin Lang was about to return the money in embarrassment when he heard the machine beside him beep. The money had been paid.    


Qin Lang turned his head. It was the beautiful woman who had spoken to him later.    


The girl was slim and her skin was white. Liu Haier had two sides of his forehead. Her eyes were big and full of spirit. She had a straight nose and thin pink lips. She looked very delicate.    


At this moment, she was smiling at Qin Lang.    


Qin Lang did not understand why she wanted to pay for him. He wanted to express his gratitude to her.    


Gu Sha pulled Peng Meng and said with a slight frown, "Why are you paying him? He is so good at bragging. 10 million yuan, Ferrari can be blown out. I think he is crazy about money. His character is probably not that good. You should not be so concerned about him... "    


Even if Qin Lang was really the person who saved Peng Meng that night, Gu Sha did not care about Qin Lang at all. Furthermore, she also felt that Qin Lang was not as powerful as Peng Meng had said. He was just a bragging Loser who only knew how to glare.    


"Sha Sha!" Hearing Gu Sha say this, Peng Meng was really a little angry. Regardless of whether Qin Lang was boasting or not, in Peng Meng's heart, Qin Lang was her hero!    


When Qin Lang heard Gu Sha's words, he became suspicious in his heart. What did Gu Sha mean by "don't care about him"? Qin Lang could not help thinking about Xie Wenjing and Yang Siqi. When the two of them "cared about" him, they were both thinking about how to cheat his money away.    


Could it be that this seemingly harmless Young Beauty was also coveting his money? This was possible. After all, the matter of Qin Lang donating more than 1 million yuan previously was known by many people in the school.    


Thinking of this, Qin Lang could not help but have a trace of nameless fire. He did not want to be cheated by any other woman. No matter how beautiful the woman who tried to cheat him was, in Qin Lang's eyes, she was ugly to death.    


He put the lemon water on the window, turned around, and walked out of the canteen.    


Peng Meng immediately followed behind Qin Lang. She did not know what Qin Lang had experienced, and could not understand why Qin Lang disliked her so much.    


Qin Lang swept a Mobai car in the campus. He wanted to return to the dormitory first so that he could get rid of Peng Meng and the others.    


He did not expect Peng Meng to sweep a Mobai as well and follow closely behind him.    


"Hey, wait a minute." Peng Meng crazily stepped on the bicycle behind him. She seldom rode the bicycle and the posture of the bicycle was very awkward.    


Qin Lang ignored her and continued to ride the bicycle.    


"Stop first. I need to tell you something." After putting in a lot of effort, Peng Meng finally got along with Qin Lang. She tilted her head and panted as she said to Qin Lang.    


Qin Lang did not even look at her. He stepped on the pedals fiercely and the bicycle dashed forward, leaving Peng Meng far behind.    


"Wait for me. Why are you riding so fast?" Peng Meng rode the bicycle hard from behind, but the gap between her and Qin Lang was getting bigger and bigger.    


Qin Lang felt at ease. The other party came to "deceive" him, why did he still give her this chance?    


When he rode to the plaza in front of the library, Qin Lang had just turned the corner when he heard a clang behind him. Qin Lang immediately turned his head and saw Peng Meng's bicycle scuttling to the lawn of the green belt. Peng Meng also fell onto the lawn.    


At this time, Qin Lang felt a little guilty. After all, Peng Meng fell because she chased him.    


Qin Lang saw Peng Meng who fell on the lawn and glanced at him with a bitter look. Qin Lang's heart softened and he finally turned around and rode to the place where Peng Meng fell. He supported the bicycle and walked to Peng Meng's side.    


"Run again. Why don't you run anymore?" Peng Meng, who fell on the ground, looked at Qin Lang and said angrily. She was indeed a little angry with Qin Lang now.    


"How are you?" Qin Lang asked lightly.    


"Your legs are broken and your legs are broken. You can do whatever you want." Peng Meng stared at Qin Lang and said.    


Qin Lang sighed slightly and reached out his hand to Peng Meng.    


Peng Meng looked at Qin Lang's extended hand. Although she was angry, she still held it in the end. Qin Lang exerted force and pulled Peng Meng up.    


"Are you alright?" Qin Lang supported Peng Meng and asked caringly.    


"My ankle hurts a little..." Peng Meng's attitude unknowingly softened.    


"Slow down..." Qin Lang supported the limping Peng Meng and slowly walked to a stone by the roadside. Peng Meng was supported by Qin Lang and there was a trace of delight in her heart.    


"My ankle hurts. Help me massage..." Peng Meng looked at Qin Lang's eyes and said softly.    


Seeing Peng Meng's lovely appearance, Qin Lang could not bear to refuse. Forget it. After all, it was him who made her fall. Rubbing it was fine.    


Qin Lang squatted down in front of Peng Meng. He held Peng Meng's feet, which were wearing flat shoes, in his hands and gently moved Peng Meng's ankles.    


On the surrounding lawn, a few male students who were reading saw this scene. They did not have the mood to read anymore. Their eyes all secretly shot at Qin Lang and Peng Meng.    


They were so jealous that they wanted to die. The girl sitting on the stone was so beautiful. She was a proper little loli and a beautiful girl. Who wouldn't want to hold her in their hands and show care for her? However, at this moment, she was with a boy who seemed to be Loser, wearing ordinary clothes. More importantly, he was still holding the little loli beauty's foot. He was gently rubbing her feet.    


The boys who were peeking around were so angry that their teeth itched. They really hoped that they were the boy who rubbed the loli's foot.    


"How is it?" Qin Lang raised his head and asked gently.    


"It still hurts a little," Peng Meng said softly. She thought Qin Lang was a tough and casual man, but now it seemed that he had a gentle side to him.    


Peng Meng had a deeper impression of Qin Lang.    


Qin Lang was still squatting on the ground, carefully massaging Peng Meng's feet.    


"What do you think of me?" At this time, Peng Meng suddenly asked softly.    


"What do you mean?" Qin Lang stopped and looked at Peng Meng strangely.    


"If you think I am not bad, we can try to date..." Since Qin Lang asked this, Peng Meng could just say it. When she saw Qin Lang that night, she fell in love with him at first sight. She really wanted to try it out with Qin Lang. If it was not appropriate, she would just break up with him again.    


"Heh..." Qin Lang put Peng Meng's feet down. He smiled faintly and stood up. It was as he had expected. Peng Meng had ulterior motives and deliberately came to get close to him.    


He had never seen Peng Meng before. They had only met for less than an hour. Peng Meng had already confessed to him. There was such a random love in the world? Or was Peng Meng here to cheat him of money?    


Qin Lang smiled coyly and slowly turned around to leave.    


"Wait..." Peng Meng anxiously stood up from the rock and pulled Qin Lang. "I want to be your girlfriend. What do you mean by that?"    


In the past, it was always other people who pursued Peng Meng. It was Peng Meng's first time confessing to someone, but the other party ignored her. How could she not be angry?    


The surrounding boys who had been secretly watching Peng Meng felt their hearts bleeding. Why would such a beautiful loli and beautiful girl like him fall in love with a loser, and even confess to him! He was dressed much better than that loser. How could he not encounter such a good thing?    


"What do you mean by asking me? We've only met for less than an hour, and I don't even know your name. So you confess to me, do you think I'm brainless? You've agreed to it in a daze just because you're beautiful?" Qin Lang looked at Peng Meng with a cold smile and asked.    


"I was careless. My name is Peng Meng. Do you think I am lying to you? No, "Peng Meng quickly explained," Actually we have met before. "    


"Have we met?" Qin Lang looked surprised. If he had seen such a beautiful girl, he would definitely remember her.    


"Yes, not only have I seen her, you have also helped me a lot..." Peng Meng nodded and said. She told Qin Lang about what happened that day. Only then did Qin Lang remember that there was indeed a girl there that day.    


"I really had no choice on that day. Fortunately, you appeared in time and knocked them all away. I felt that you were handsome, so I found a lot of clues and came to Jinling University to find you."    


"So that's the case..." Qin Lang nodded slowly. Only then did he believe that Peng Meng was not here to cheat him of his money.    


At this time, Gu Sha walked quickly to Peng Meng. She did not ride the bicycle just now and had been walking at the back. Seeing the bicycle flip on the side of the lawn, Gu Sha asked worriedly, "Peng Meng, are you okay?"    


Peng Meng did not pay attention to it. Her eyes had been focused on Qin Lang's face.    


"So, are you willing to date me?" At this time, Peng Meng was still very confident. She felt that she had eliminated the misunderstanding. With her condition, Qin Lang would definitely agree to her.    


"What? You confessed to him? He is just an ordinary loser..." Gu Sha said anxiously. In her eyes, Qin Lang was not even worthy of Peng Meng's toe. But she also knew Peng Meng's personality. As long as it was something she believed in. It won't change that easily.    


"I'm warning you, you have some self-awareness. Don't look at Peng Meng's good conditions and use crooked thoughts..." Gu Sha pointed at Qin Lang and warned him.    


"No," Qin Lang said lightly.    


"Do you know what identity Peng Meng has? How dare you agree? Shameless..." Gu Sha scolded Qin Lang for a while before she realized that Qin Lang said "no." She was stunned. In her opinion, with Peng Meng's condition, any normal man would definitely agree.    


Gu Sha could not help but look at Peng Meng. Peng Meng gently bit her lips and looked like she was wronged.    


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