Making Great Fortune Overnight

C77 Something Happened to Cai Ning

C77 Something Happened to Cai Ning

2As soon as Guo Yanan walked out of the practice room, Zhong Yu pounced on Qin Lang and hugged him tightly.    


Zhong Yu choked twice, then she could not help but cry out sorrowfully.    


When she was beaten up by Yan Ni and the rest, Zhong Yu felt very lonely. Now in Qin Lang's arms, she felt warmth.    


"Why did they say that I have lived with my mother since I was a child? I know how hard her life is. She has to work in the fields every day. Sometimes when I'm sick, she wakes up before dawn. When she goes to the mountain to pick medicine for me, she never tells me how bitter she is... I don't care if they scold me or hit me. Why did they scold my mom..." Thinking of Yan Ni's face when she scolded her mother as a whore, Zhong Yu could not control her emotions. Her voice was torn and she even stomped her feet, shaking her body in excitement.    


It was as if she could collapse at any time.    


"Alright, alright. Zhong Yu, don't be anxious. Don't be anxious. Relax..." Seeing Zhong Yu like this, Qin Lang became even more worried. He hated those who hurt Zhong Yu to death again. He gently patted Zhong Yu's back. He wanted her to calm down as soon as possible. If Zhong Yu did this again... It was easy to get angry.    


"Don't worry. I will make all those who hurt you pay the price... I will always be by your side to protect you from anyone's harm in the future... How about it? Do you feel better now... " Under Qin Lang's comforting, Zhong Yu's emotions finally calmed down.    


"Who hit you? Tell me, I will take revenge for you." Qin Lang gently wiped Zhong Yu's tears and gently asked. There was a trace of ruthlessness in his eyes.    


"It was my three teammates," Zhong Yu said softly. At this time, she was not as excited as before. "This time, forget it. If they touch me again next time, you can attack again."    


Zhong Yu did not want her relationship with Yan Ni and the others to continue to worsen. After all, they were a team.    


"Zhong Yu, you still..." Qin Lang only wanted to give those people a good beating.    


"Listen to me this time, okay? I will tell them clearly. If they attack me again, I will make you help me beat them up," Zhong Yu looked at Qin Lang and said softly.    


Qin Lang frowned and looked at Zhong Yu. Although he was very unwilling, he could only listen to Zhong Yu's words.    


"Come with me to Zixuan Guest House to see my mother now, okay?" Zhong Yu begged in a soft voice. Right now, the person she wanted to see the most was her mother. Only by seeing her would Zhong Yu feel at ease, even if she sat quietly beside her.    


"Okay." Qin Lang was also very emotional about Zhong Yu. At this moment, he felt that he had a deeper understanding of Zhong Yu. Qin Lang pulled Zhong Yu up and said, "Before you go to see Auntie, at least you need to wash your face first."    


Qin Lang smiled and gently touched Zhong Yu's face. Zhong Yu smiled faintly.    


Zhong Yu simply washed in the company's bathroom and left the bathroom. Qin Lang held Zhong Yu's hand and walked out of the company.    


It was already past nine o'clock at night. The lights were bright around them. There were two or three pedestrians accompanying them. They were taking a walk under the Dao Tree on both sides of the road.    


Qin Lang and Zhong Yu had just walked down the stairs of the company building when Qin Lang's phone rang. It was Shen Wanqian. Qin Lang frowned slightly and thought that it must be Shen Wanqian inviting him to a banquet again.    


"Young Master," Shen Wanqian's voice came from the phone. He seemed to be a little flustered. "Madam Cai seems to have a serious problem. I have sent her to the First People's Hospital of Jinling City. Do you want to come and see her?"    


Qin Lang and Zhong Yu were stunned when they heard this. Something happened to Cai Nong? Immediately after, Qin Lang was shocked. Zhong Yu was very worried about her mother's condition and her heart was pulled down.    


"What exactly happened?" Qin Lang asked in a deep voice. He called the hands-free phone and placed it between him and Zhong Yu.    


"What happened to my mother?" Zhong Yu asked anxiously on the phone.    


"It's like this. Today, I sent someone to accompany Madam Cai to play in Jinling City. She was fine during the day until an hour ago. When they were eating with Madam Cai, she suddenly fainted with a painful expression. They immediately sent Madam Cai to the hospital, and now she was being treated in the emergency room. As for the exact reason, I'm not sure yet... " Shen Wanqian said in fear and trepidation.    


After hearing what Shen Wanqian said, Zhong Yu's legs almost went soft.    


"Okay, tell the doctor that Auntie Cai must not have any mishaps. Otherwise, they will not have to work in the hospital..." After Qin Lang finished clapping, he hung up the phone.    


"Qin Lang, take me to the hospital. Quick, take me to the hospital..." Zhong Yu patted Qin Lang excitedly and said. She was very anxious now. She was also very scared. There was nothing else in her mind. She just wanted to go to the hospital to see her mother.    


Zhong Yu's ominous premonition became heavier and heavier. Her entire body could not help but tremble.    


"Don't be afraid. Trust me. Auntie will be fine." Qin Lang whispered softly into Zhong Yu's ear. He hugged Zhong Yu and quickly walked to the side of the road.    


It was not easy to call a taxi. Qin Lang felt Zhong Yu trembling in his arms. He walked to the middle of the road alone and forced a black Audi to stop.    


"Do you want to die?" The Audi owner leaned out of the window and pointed at Qin Lang angrily. At this moment, Qin Lang threw a stack of red bills onto the driver's face. Qin Lang's ban had been lifted a long time ago. This was what he had taken from Hundred Flowers Island for when he returned.    


When the Audi driver saw that it was actually money that was thrown onto his face, his anger turned into a smile. When he saw that there were at least ten thousand bills, his eyes lit up.    


"Don't just stand there, come here!" Only now did the owner see that it was the young man who "threw money" at him by the side of the road, calling out to him. He hurriedly drove over.    


Qin Lang opened the door to the back of the carriage and sat in with Zhong Yu in his arms. He told the driver that he would immediately take him to the First People's Hospital as fast as possible.    


Qin Lang was at the back of the carriage, hugging Zhong Yu. He kept comforting her softly, "Don't be afraid. Auntie will be fine. Trust me..."    


The car suddenly stopped as it drove.    


"Let's go!" Qin Lang shouted angrily at the driver. He just wanted Zhong Yu to see her mother as soon as possible.    


"Young man, it's not that I don't want to go, but I can't. The front is blocking the way," the driver turned around and said with a bitter face.    


Qin Lang looked through the windshield and saw ten young people in front of him. He did not know what they were doing.    


Qin Lang opened the window and stuck his head out to shout at the young people. "Those in front, get out of the way!"    


The ten young men in front of him were all called over by a rich second generation named Liang Hui. Liang Hui was confessing to a girl now, so it was embarrassing for him to be yelled at by Qin Lang.    


"Get the hell out of my way! If you force me to do this again, I will cut you!" Liang Hui shouted loudly.    


"Turn around! I won't let you pass here!"    


"Hurry up and f * ck off! Don't delay Young Liang's confession!"    


A tall and burly young man even walked towards Qin Lang aggressively. He spat out vulgarities from his mouth. "Damn it, why aren't you turning around? I think you deserve a beating..."    


The driver was frightened and wanted to turn around.    


"Don't move!" Qin Lang shouted.    


"There's another road over there. Let's go from there. He's coming over soon. If we don't go now, he will get beaten up," the driver said in fear.    


"I told you not to move. Don't move." After saying that, Qin Lang opened the car door. The young man walked over and saw Qin Lang punch him.    


Before the young man's fist could come down, Qin Lang grabbed the young man's hair faster than him. He pressed down hard, and at the same time, lifted his right leg up. "With a bang, he hit the young man's head. The young man immediately felt dizzy. Qin Lang grabbed his head and punched him hard again. The young man fell to the ground.    


Qin Lang was able to defeat the young man. Firstly, he was very anxious. Secondly, the young man had underestimated Qin Lang's strength, which caused him to be instantly killed by Qin Lang.    


The driver was about to leave Qin Lang behind and run away. He did not expect Qin Lang to kill the young man in a few seconds. At this time, he was also stunned.    


He suddenly heard a louder scolding. He saw that the ten young men in front of him were all rushing towards Qin Lang. ...    


Liang Hui asked the others to teach Qin Lang a lesson. He stayed in front of the girl and pestered her.    


The driver panicked and felt pain in his heart. He subconsciously felt that he was going to be beaten up.    


The first thing he thought of was to run. Just when he wanted to turn the steering wheel, Qin Lang cursed, "Damn it." He angrily walked to the driver's seat, opened the car door, and pulled the driver down.    


"Hey, what are you doing?" The driver was shocked and looked innocent.    


"Get in the car!" Qin Lang closed the car door with a bang and sat in the driver's seat. He looked at the ten young men rushing over and shouted at the driver. The driver quickly got in the passenger's seat.    


Through the rearview mirror, Qin Lang looked at the sad Zhong Yu and then looked at the young man in front of him. Since you want to block my way, then don't blame me for being impolite.    


Qin Lang slowly stepped on the accelerator and the car rushed forward.    


"Hey, what are you doing? You will kill me if you hit me!" The driver said to Qin Lang anxiously.    


"Shut up!" Qin Lang shouted fiercely.    


Seeing Qin Lang's car rushing over, the young people blocking the way were shocked.    


"Don't be afraid! He definitely won't dare to crash into it. All of you follow me. Surround him and give him a good beating!" One of the young men said.    


The others also didn't believe that Qin Lang would dare to bump into them. After all, there were more than ten of them here! It wasn't a small matter to bump into them.    


They still came face to face with Qin Lang.    


Qin Lang's car was getting faster and faster. There was no sign of slowing down!    


At that moment, the tires and the ground made a loud noise. They rushed towards the group of young men like a steel beast.    


Only then did the young people realize that Qin Lang was not joking with them. They all ran in all directions.    


"With a bang, Qin Lang knocked over a few young people. They screamed and rolled to the side.    


At this time, Liang Hui was still pestering the girl about confessing, and Qin Lang's car came crashing over.    


Liang Hui was so scared that he fled in panic. However, he was still hit by Qin Lang's car. He rolled a few times and fell into a green belt on the side.    


The girl who was confessed to was right beside Liang Hui. When the car hit him, her head was blank. She only knew to cover her ears and scream with her eyes closed. She only dared to open her eyes after Qin Lang's car drove away for a few seconds.    


Looking at the taillights of Qin Lang's car, the girl thought of the moment when Qin Lang rushed over. She saw Qin Lang's face, and her eyes shone with a bright light. She murmured in a daze, "That person is so handsome..."    


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