Making Great Fortune Overnight

C165 Two Dates

C165 Two Dates

3"What?" Qin Lang was overjoyed. He went up to Kong Lingxian and asked, "Mr. Kong, is there any news about Zhong Yu?"    


"Yes." Kong Lingxian nodded. He turned on his phone and showed the screen to Qin Lang. It was a picture with a phone in one hand. Qin Lang recognized it at a glance. It was Zhong Yu's phone. He was so excited that he could barely speak, but his face was full of joy. He pointed at the screen with his hand and stammered, "This phone... It's... It's... Zhong Yu's."    


" Yes, Young Master. Our people found this phone in Linan. Through the fingerprint comparison left on the screen of the phone, it was indeed Miss Zhong Yu's. Now that you have recognized it, that makes it even more certain. " Kong Lingxian smiled and said," Now Miss Zhong Yu has a high chance of being in Linan. I plan to focus on Linan next. I believe there will be news soon. "    


"Okay, sorry to bother you. When I find Zhong Yu, I will reward you well," Qin Lang said happily.    


"Young Master, please don't say that. We should do things for the family." Kong Lingxian was slightly frightened. "By the way, Young Master, Miss Zhong Yu's whereabouts are getting clearer and clearer. You don't need to go there personally. Just leave everything to us."    


"No, I have already decided. Before this, I didn't know where to find Zhong Yu. But now, my goal is clear. I will go to Linan. "Qin Lang shook his head and said. Kong Lingxian and Shen Wanqian tried to persuade him again. However, Qin Lang was determined to find Zhong Yu this time, so they had to give up.    


After chatting with Kong Lingxian and the others for a while, Qin Lang saw that it was already six o'clock in the afternoon, so he decided to leave tomorrow.    


He returned to his room and booked a high-speed train ticket at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning on the internet. He was preparing to have a meal when he came back to have a good sleep and rest. His phone rang. It was an unknown number. Qin Lang picked up the call and found out that it was Peng Meng's close friend, Gu Sha.    


"Hello, Mr. Qin. I am sorry to disturb you now," Gu Sha said carefully. Last time at Peng Meng's family gathering, when she saw Qin Lang driving a super luxurious Ferrari and burning Faang Lun's Ferrari into scrap metal, she was shocked. Qin Lang was a super rich second generation who could get the Ferrari CEO to personally deliver the car. She thought of her previous attitude towards him. Gu Sha shivered.    


"What is it? Tell me." Qin Lang said lightly.    


"It's like this. I called you because of Peng Meng. Ever since the last family gathering, Peng Meng had become silent. She doesn't go out every day and keeps herself at home. Every time I go to their house in the morning, her eyes are red. I'm very worried about her..."    


Hearing Gu Sha mention Peng Meng, Qin Lang's heart couldn't help but move. In his mind, that smiling girl appeared again.    


"I know that she did not let go of you in her heart. I want to ask you to take some time to meet Peng Meng, okay? If this continues, she will be completely useless," Gu Sha said worriedly.    


"Okay, tell her that tomorrow at 9 o'clock in the Runxi Lake of Jinling University, I will meet her..." Qin Lang was touched and finally agreed to Gu Sha's request. Gu Sha gratefully hung up the phone.    


At the same time Qin Lang was on the phone with Gu Sha, Soong Xueer was also on the phone with Suen Yue. From Suen Yue's words, Soong Xueer knew that Qin Lang was about to leave Jin Ling, which shocked her.    


Ever since she confirmed that the person Qin Lang liked was her, Soong Xueer had been fantasizing about it. She had been looking forward to the scene of her becoming Qin Lang's girlfriend. If Qin Lang could "attack" her as soon as possible, he only needed to show a little bit of his desire to pursue her. Soong Xueer would immediately agree to him.    


However, during these two days, Soong Xueer did not have any news about Qin Lang. Although she was a little anxious, when she thought about how deep Qin Lang's feelings for her were, Soong Xueer felt relieved. She felt that what belonged to her was definitely hers.    


At this time, Soong Xueer suddenly heard that Qin Lang was leaving Jin Ling for a period of time. She became alert. What if Qin Lang met some beautiful woman outside and did not like her?    


She became more and more anxious. She felt that she had to take the initiative to attack. Before Qin Lang left, she wanted to become his girlfriend. Even if she couldn't become his girlfriend, she had to at least smooth their relationship. This way, even if Qin Lang left Jin Ling, she would have an excuse to call "Cha Gang" and even go out with him.    


After making up her mind, Soong Xueer thought for a while and called Qin Lang.    


Seeing that it was Soong Xueer's call, Qin Lang was quite curious, but he still picked it up.    


"Qin Lang, after the summer vacation, I was very bored at home every day. My classmates all went back to their hometown. I think... I want to ask you, can you accompany me out for a day tomorrow? " Soong Xueer said shyly and timidly.    


"Sorry, I will leave Jinling tomorrow." Qin Lang said lightly. Soong Xueer's heart tightened. Luckily I made this call, or else I wouldn't even know if Qin Lang left.    


"You want to leave? Where are you going? Why don't I go with you? Anyway, it's quite boring for me to be at home." Although Soong Xueer had restrained herself, the anxiety in her voice was still revealed.    


"No need. I will go by myself. Tomorrow is the 11 o'clock high-speed rail. I need to go to Linan to do something." Qin Lang wanted to go to Linan to find Zhong Yu. What was the meaning of bringing Soong Xueer along?    


Soong Xueer urgently said, "The 11 o'clock high-speed rail is not very early. Just play with me for a while. Even if it is by the side of our school's Runxi Lake, I will also be happy. Can you promise me?"    


Qin Lang did not know what to say.    


"Are you still blaming me for treating you like that in the past?" Soong Xueer suddenly said. There was a hint of sobbing in her voice. "I knew that you said you would forgive me in the villa that day. You lied to me. I used to scold you and laugh at you. You must have been hurt by me..."    


"Don't think about it. I said I would forgive you in the villa. Of course it's true. Don't be sad... " Qin Lang heard Soong Xueer's voice trembling and his heart softened. "You said you wanted to play in Runxi Lake. Then let's play. But let me tell you first, I won't be able to stay for long. I'm afraid I can only accompany you around Runxi Lake."    


"En, as long as there is someone accompanying me, I will be happy even if I stay there for five minutes!" Soong Xueer's voice became cheerful again, "Then we will meet at the Runxi Lake at nine o'clock."    


"No... Let's call it 10: 00. I might not be able to get up at 9: 00." Qin Lang thought that he had already made an appointment to meet Peng Meng at 9 o'clock. He definitely could not overlap with Soong Xueer, so he panicked a little. He thought that he should have finished talking to Peng Meng in an hour and then accompany Soong Xueer to walk around by the lake. Then he would go to the high-speed rail station and take a car to Linan.    


"Okay, whatever you say is what it is. Then we will not leave until 10 o'clock." After Soong Xueer finished speaking, she hung up the phone.    


Soong Xueer played with the phone in her hand and she was so happy that she almost died. She felt that Qin Lang's 11 o'clock high-speed rail was still willing to play with her by the lake at 10 o'clock. It was the best proof that she liked her. Tomorrow, she would definitely seize the opportunity. She would strive to improve her relationship with Qin Lang in a limited amount of time.    


The next day, Soong Xueer arrived at Runxi Lake at eight o'clock in the morning. Beside her stood a tall man.    


Last night, Soong Xueer thought for a long time. The time she spent with Qin Lang was really too short. According to Qin Lang's usual quiet personality, he definitely would not confess to her.    


Soong Xueer racked her brain to think about what exactly she should do to make Qin Lang confess to her.    


In the end, she thought of a plan.    


When she was playing with Qin Lang by the lake, she asked someone to pretend to be a criminal and attack her. She wanted Qin Lang to save the damsel in distress.    


During this process, Qin Lang might be deeply in love with her and tell her what he was thinking. Even if Qin Lang didn't say it, wouldn't it be normal for her to give herself to him after saving the damsel in distress?    


Thinking about how much Qin Lang liked her, Soong Xueer felt that as long as she confessed, Qin Lang would immediately accept her.    


"Have you bought all the things I asked you to buy?" Soong Xueer asked the tall man beside her.    


"Don't worry about me. Everything is ready. Look. This was a mask. To put it bluntly, it was a pair of black stockings. This was a model knife. The blade can be retracted. This is fake blood used for filming... " The tall man also showed the props that he had prepared for Soong Xueer later to see.    


"We must not let him see it! You must not let him catch you after you struggle a few times when he hits you. Do not let him catch you, understand?" Soong Xueer deliberately handed it over to him again.    


"Don't worry. I will definitely not let you mess up your act. No matter what, we are still people who have played minor roles in Hengdian Film and Television City!" The tall man said proudly.    


"Alright, before he comes, let's demonstrate first to prevent any accidents from happening." After Soong Xueer finished speaking, she walked to the lakeside and faced the surface of the lake.    


"I'm coming..." The tall man put the silk stockings over his head and held the model knife in his hand. He tiptoed towards Soong Xueer and wrapped it around Soong Xueer's neck. He pointed the knife at Soong Xueer's neck.    


"What are you doing? Let go of me, Qin Lang, save me..." Soong Xueer screamed in panic.    


"Ah... You... What are you doing? Let go of her, I'm calling the police... " At this moment, a trembling voice came from the side of the lake.    


Soong Xueer turned her head to the side and cast a sidelong glance. She saw two beautiful girls standing about 20 meters away.    


They came. The two girls were Peng Meng and Gu Sha. When they came over, they saw this scene. They were really shocked. Although Peng Meng was afraid, but seeing that the "criminal" had already placed the knife on Soong Xueer's neck, it might be the result of cutting her throat in the next second. She did not have time to think and loudly shouted to stop.    


Gu Sha's hands trembled as she held the phone and was about to call the police.    


"Hey, two beauties, don't call the police!" Soong Xueer hurriedly called out and then said to the tall man who was still around her neck, "Let go, are you stupid?"    


After the tall man let go of her, Soong Xueer quickly ran to Peng Meng and Gu Sha and smiled, "You guys misunderstood. He is not a criminal. I am just playing with him here..."    


Soong Xueer originally thought that it was summer vacation in Jinling University and there were not many people in the school so she did not have any fear. She did not expect that she would be misunderstood by two girls who suddenly came over.    


"Playing around?" Peng Meng and Gu Sha were a little confused. These two people were playing around in university. It was too strange, but they did not know Soong Xueer either. She could play however she wanted. Peng Meng gently smiled, "Alright, we misunderstood. You can continue."    


Finishing, Peng Meng and Gu Sha walked to a chair by the lake and sat down.    


Soong Xueer went back and rehearsed with the tall man a few more times. It was almost 9 o'clock and she looked at the two beauties. Sitting by the lake, she seemed to have no intention of leaving. If Qin Lang came later... What if these two beauties were to spill the beans?    


Soong Xueer was worried and walked in front of Peng Meng, "Two beauties, you have been sitting here for a long time. Don't you want to go somewhere else?"    


"We are waiting for someone here." Peng Meng smiled beautifully.    


Soong Xueer secretly thought that it was not good. It seemed that these two beauties would be sitting here for a long time but Qin Lang was about to come. What should she do?    


"Beauty, when we perform later, if other people misunderstand, don't tell him, okay?" Soong Xueer could only instruct these two beauties first.    


"What do you mean? What are you planning to do?" Peng Meng did not understand.    


"Aiya..." Soong Xueer helplessly let out a sigh. It seemed that it would not work if she did not confess to Peng Meng and the rest. Soong Xueer said, "It is like this..."    


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