Making Great Fortune Overnight

C175 I'm Really Not Zhong Yu

C175 I'm Really Not Zhong Yu

0"Hey, I think so. She must have burned the flies to death when she makes pancakes."    


"Yeah, I didn't expect that."    


"Could it be that we misunderstood them?"    




"Don't confuse them. It could be that you made the pancakes and flew them in when you were making them." Fann Zhen panicked when he saw the situation turning around.    


"It's even worse. Do you know how high the temperature of the frying pan I made was? No one wants to go near it. Do you think flies will go near it?" Lin Zhu firmly retorted.    


"Yes, the temperature is very high. Every time I buy pancakes, I stand two meters away."    


"Flies are not that stupid."    


"It turns out that the security guards are framing the couple."    




This time, the tone of the surrounding tourists was completely changed. They all criticized the security.    


"Let me ask you, did you eat flies in pancakes?" Loong Yan walked to the security guard and asked, "I will make it clear in advance. My name is Loong Yan. The Linan's Soaring Dragon Group belongs to my family. If you lie in front of me, the consequences will be very serious."    


The surrounding tourists were shocked when they heard that this beautiful girl was the famous Miss Loong of the Soaring Dragon Group. They looked at Loong Yan with respect and envy.    


In fact, Loong Yan was just scaring this security guard and was in a hurry to give Qin Lang justice. She usually treated people peacefully and rarely got angry.    


"I..." The little security guard was extremely nervous. He had a bitter expression on his face. His lips were curled into a crescent moon and he was still trembling.    


Fann Zhen and Xiong Hui, who were standing beside him, were also extremely nervous. None of them knew what to do.    


"Yes... It was Section Chief Fan who asked me to catch a fly and frame them. It has nothing to do with me..." In the end, the mental defense of the security guards collapsed. The Tenglong Group was a big company known by all women in Linan. Offending the people of Loong Family was not a joke.    


Loong Yan looked at Fann Zhen. Fann Zhen's heart skipped a beat and almost jumped to his throat.    


"Miss Loong, this was not my idea, it was... Xiong Hui asked me to do this. Yes, he ordered me to do this... " Fann Zhen was afraid of offending the people of Loong Family, so he could only push all the blame onto Xiong Hui.    


"Ah..." Xiong Hui really panicked this time. He quickly walked closer to Loong Yan and apologized, "Sorry, Miss Loong. I was so stupid that I did such a stupid thing. Please don't be angry..."    


"Miss Loong, don't believe him. This person ate my pancakes at the Spring Square a few days ago and didn't pay me. He was going to hit us after that. Luckily, Qin Lang was better than him. Otherwise, we would have been in the hospital by now. " Lin Zhu said with her sharp teeth.    


Hearing Lin Zhu expose his old background in front of Loong Yan, Xiong Hui really wanted to die.    


"Xiong Hui, is what she said true?" Loong Yan asked lightly.    


"Uh..." Xiong Hui's heart was hanging in the air. He did not know what to say. He stammered, "This... Actually, there was a reason for everything. At that time, I did not have time to pay for playing games. She added shoelaces to my pancakes..."    


"You don't have to say it." Loong Yan interrupted Xiong Hui and said lightly, "Go back and tell my dad. Let him arrange a new job for you."    


"Ah, no. Miss Loong, please forgive me this time. I promise I will not make the same mistake again." Xiong Hui said anxiously. He did not have a diploma and had not gone to school for a few days. Besides being a bodyguard, he did not have much to do in Loong Family. If he went to report to Chief Long that he was fired by Loong Yan... What kind of reaction did Chief Long have? Would he continue to stay in Loong Family was still a question.    


"You should not apologize to me," Loong Yan said.    


"Yes, yes." Xiong Hui walked to Qin Lang and Lin Zhu and bowed deeply. Then he said anxiously, "I apologize to you before. I apologize to you. I am a big idiot. I deserve to eat shoe oil. In the future, when I find girlfriends, I will be cuckolded. When I have a son, I will not have a penis... "    


Xiong Hui scolded himself mercilessly in front of Qin Lang and the others. Finally, he said:    


"You two, I have already scolded myself bitterly enough. The anger in your hearts should be gone by now, right? I... "Xiong Hui wanted to continue, but he heard Lin Zhu rush to say," What do you mean our anger is gone? How can it be so easy for you to say it? You just slapped Qin Lang twice in the face and didn't let us hit him back. This anger can't be gone. "    


"Yes, yes, as long as the two of you plead for me later. I will slap your faces," Xiong Hui said as he put his face in front of Qin Lang. But Qin Lang was also a strange person. Someone had put his face in front of him. He had no interest in hitting them again.    


"Hit me!" Lin Zhu looked at Xiong Hui's pale face and felt her hands itch.    


"Forget it. I don't want to hit him anymore." Qin Lang said.    


"Yes, yes. We are brothers. I have to thank you first." Xiong Hui was overjoyed when he heard that Qin Lang did not want to fight anymore. In front of so many people, it was so embarrassing to be slapped in the face. He wanted to take back his face immediately.    


"Humph, you, you really are a fool. I think you deserve to be hit by this guy." Lin Zhu scolded Qin Lang. She grabbed Xiong Hui's ear with one hand and said hatefully, "If he doesn't hit me, I will hit him."    


As she said that, her other hand raised and fell again, slapping Xiong Hui's face twice.    


Xiong Hui felt a burning pain on his face. In his heart, he really wanted to beat Lin Zhu up with a backhand. But when he thought about asking Qin Lang and Lin Zhu to plead for him, he forcefully endured it. He could only say, "Good beating, good beating..."    


"Can the two of you help me beg my family's young lady for mercy?" Xiong Hui smiled awkwardly, his face swollen.    


"You are such a lousy person, yet you want us to plead for you? Ha, you wish!" Lin Zhu crossed her arms and said with a pleased smile.    


"You..." Xiong Hui swallowed the profanities in his throat and smiled apologetically. "I have already slapped you in the face. You should also plead on my behalf..."    


"When we said we slapped you in the face, we will plead for you. Shameless rotten thing," Lin Zhu stared at Xiong Hui and scolded.    


Xiong Hui's eyes wanted to swallow Lin Zhu's face. He looked at Qin Lang again. This person was Miss Loong's friend. As long as he spoke up for her, Miss Loong would definitely not punish me. "Sir, please help me beg for mercy..."    


He thought Qin Lang was easy to talk to, but he did not expect Qin Lang to stand in front of him and ignore his words.    


It was true that Qin Lang was generous, but it did not mean that he was stupid. This Xiong Hui obviously had a problem with his morality, so Qin Lang would not plead for mercy for him.    


"Alright, Xiong Hui, don't say anymore. Go back and find my dad." At this moment, Loong Yan spoke.    


Xiong Hui had nothing else to say now. He walked back behind Loong Yan dejectedly, thinking about what to say when he saw Boss Long.    


"Now that the problem is solved, can you make me a pancake?" Loong Yan looked at Qin Lang and smiled.    


"Okay, I will make it for you right away," Lin Zhu immediately replied. If it was not for Loong Yan, she and Qin Lang would be in trouble today. Lin Zhu looked at Qin Lang and Loong Yan. The two of them were old acquaintances. She looked at Qin Lang and walked into the food truck to make pancakes.    


"Thank you. It's not you today. We really don't know what to do." Qin Lang smiled faintly.    


"No need. If it wasn't for you last time, maybe I..." Speaking of the incident where she was almost humiliated by Manager Ding in Lingwu High-rise, Loong Yan still felt that it was like a nightmare. Thinking about how Qin Lang saved her like a divine weapon from the heavens, Loong Yan smiled again. "I remember your kindness to me. I did not forget it for a second. I am very happy to see you this time. "    


Qin Lang saw that she was shy and shy when she spoke, as well as the innocent and romantic feeling of a young girl. He could not help but feel slightly moved, as if his heart was gently touched by Loong Yan.    


"Miss Loong, your pancake is ready." At this time, Lin Zhu took the pancake and walked in front of Loong Yan. "You should go up the mountain to have fun. We need to continue working."    


Lin Zhu smiled at Loong Yan and pulled Qin Lang's clothes and the food cart away.    


Loong Yan stared blankly at the background of Qin Lang and Lin Zhu leaving and her heart was filled with melancholy.    


"Loong Yan, have you bought the pancakes?" At this time, the green-dressed girl and another bodyguard, Shi Wei, walked over. They had finished their meal and did not see Loong Yan come back, so they came over to take a look.    


Hearing the voice of the green-clothed girl, Qin Lang could not help but be startled. His chest felt hot and his heartbeat was high. He immediately turned his head and looked in the direction of the voice.    


"Hey, Qin Lang, what are you looking at!? Miss Loong is beautiful. Look, your eyeballs are about to fly out. What a shame..." Lin Zhu's words actually had a bit of jealousy in them.    


Qin Lang did not take Lin Zhu's words seriously at all. He saw the green-clothed girl who had just spoken. A wild smile appeared on his face, and his face couldn't help but tremble. He almost couldn't believe that what he saw was real. Who else could it be if the green-clothed girl wasn't the Zhong Yu he had found?    


"Zhong Yu!" Qin Lang was pleasantly surprised as he ran towards Zhong Yu.    


"What are you doing!" Shi Wei, the bodyguard standing next to Zhong Yu, saw a young man rushing towards her. He was shocked and shouted. When he rushed in front of her, Shi Wei used a grappling technique and threw Qin Lang onto the ground.    


"What are you doing?! Shi Wei pressed Qin Lang on the ground and shouted.    


"Brother Shi, let him go. He is a good person," Loong Yan quickly walked in front of Shi Wei and said.    


" Zhong Yu, I finally found you. Sorry, I did not protect you well. Do you hate me in your heart? " Qin Lang looked at Zhong Yu as she kept talking, hoping to get her forgiveness.    


Zhong Yu was shocked by Qin Lang's sudden appearance. She looked at Qin Lang in fear, unable to understand his behavior.    


"Brother Shi, please let him stand up. He won't hurt sister." After Loong Yan finished speaking, Shi Wei held Qin Lang's hands and let him stand up.    


"What did you say? She is your sister?" Qin Lang was shocked.    


"Yes, she is my elder sister Loong Ling. It is not you who said Zhong Yu. You have mistaken her for someone else," Loong Yan said in confusion.    


"Impossible. I will not admit my mistake," ___ said. Qin Lang looked at Zhong Yu and said, "Zhong Yu, I am sorry. It was me who was a bastard. I deserve to die. Go back to my side. I want to make up for my previous mistake. Can you give me another chance... "    


However, Zhong Yu did not seem to understand what Qin Lang was saying. In her eyes, Qin Lang was just a madman.    


"Sorry, I am really not the Zhong Yu you are looking for. I am Loong Ling. The Zhong Yu you are looking for looks very similar to me, right?" Loong Ling calmed down a little and asked with a smile.    


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