Making Great Fortune Overnight

C189 I'll Let You Pass If You Knock Me down

C189 I'll Let You Pass If You Knock Me down

3At this moment, the auditorium was silent. Qin Lang's laughter sounded particularly obvious and piercing.    


Cao Ning locked his eyes on Qin Lang. His eyes were filled with hatred. He subconsciously stole a glance at Loong Ling and saw a faint smile in her eyes. Cao Ning could not help but become even angrier.    


"Hey, what are you laughing at?" The director was a student. When he saw Qin Lang being so rude, he immediately ran to the center of the stage and pointed at Qin Lang and spoke loudly into the microphone.    


"What am I laughing at?" Loong Ling looked at Qin Lang and did not want her to feel rude.    


"Bullsh * t. You are clearly laughing at Young Master Cao for burping, but you still do not admit it!" The director pointed at Qin Lang and said loudly.    


"If you knew, you would still ask. Do you also find it funny?" Qin Lang said. The director's face burned. When he saw Cao Ning looking at him discontentedly, the director shrunk his neck and felt very uneasy.    


"If you laugh again, get out!" Cao Ning looked at Qin Lang and said angrily.    


Hearing Cao Ning's voice, the anger in Qin Lang's heart immediately rose a little. You hooked up with my girlfriend, and you still talk to me like that? Qin Lang sneered and said, "You have a big mouth on my face. I can smile whenever I want to. Can you control me? "    


Usually, even if Qin Lang was angry, he would not attack others with his words. However, when it came to Cao Ning, the depression in his heart made him unable to talk to him properly.    


When the others heard that Qin Lang dared to challenge Cao Ning, they were surprised, angry, and amused. They did not like Qin Lang at all.    


"Is this kid crazy? Who is he? Which academy is he from? How awesome is he?"    


"A Loser dares to challenge Young Master Cao? He really doesn't know his own limits!"    


"Look at what he is wearing. He is just like a stall on the street. In front of Young Master Cao, he is just a piece of trash. How dare he speak to Young Master Cao in such a manner? If Young Master Cao becomes angry, his family will be destroyed immediately!"    




"Humph, look, I don't care about you!" Cao Ning sneered and called out to the backstage, "Guards, come out and kick this person out!"    


"He's here, Young Master Cao. I have long disliked this kid. Let's kick him out now!" The director of the security department fawned over Cao Ning as he walked towards Qin Lang with his two subordinates.    


"Wait, Cao Ning, what right do you have to kick me out?" Qin Lang looked at Cao Ning and asked.    


"Hmph, I'm chasing you away and you still want to..." He was used to being arrogant. He wanted to say, "What right do I need to chase you away?" But he suddenly realized that Loong Ling was still standing beside him. Afraid that Loong Ling would have an aversion to him, he changed his words and said, "You are not the rehearser at all. Now you are interfering with our practice. So what is wrong with us letting you out?"    


"Who said I am not the rehearser?" Qin Lang asked back, "My name is Qin Lang. My name is on the list. You can read it yourself if you don't believe me!"    


"Bullshit. I have seen the list. Why don't I remember you?" The director said hurriedly.    


"Really?" Cao Ning tilted his head slightly towards the director, and the director immediately took out the program list to look for it. Very quickly, the director's expression froze. He muttered, "F * ck," then he looked at Young Master Cao like a dead mother and said, "There is indeed this person's name, and he is... you... Your performance's accompaniment."    


"What!?" Cao Ning snatched the list from the director and saw Qin Lang's name. He looked at Qin Lang angrily. Seeing Qin Lang looking at him with a smile, the fire in his heart rose.    


"You are on the list, but I now announce that you can leave. I don't need you to dance for us!" Cao Ning said.    


"If you want me to leave, then so be it. Who do you think you are? Let me tell you the truth. I signed up for your program not to watch you. I am here for Loong Ling," ___ said. Qin Lang said.    


"Loong Ling doesn't need you. You can leave!" Cao Ning said straightforwardly. He looked at Loong Ling and saw the worried look in her eyes when she looked at Qin Lang. Cao Ning was slightly shocked. He could tell that Loong Ling's look indicated that she at least knew Qin Lang. He could not help but think of the look Qin Lang had when he stood at the door of the classroom yesterday. Could it be that they had another story?    


"Loong Ling, do you want him to dance with you?" Cao Ning asked a little guiltily.    


Only then did Qin Lang dare to look at Loong Ling. He was also afraid that Loong Ling would ask him to leave. The two of them just looked at each other. Loong Ling's eyes were puzzled. It was anger, hate, and helplessness. In Qin Lang's eyes, there was only one thing that he did not want to do. His hand on the handrail was holding it tightly.    


"I don't know." Loong Ling looked away and said in a low voice absent-mindedly, "You decide."    


Cao Ning looked at Qin Lang again. In his eyes, Qin Lang had become a thorn, making him feel very uncomfortable. He felt that Loong Ling did not directly reject Qin Lang, and it was already his loss.    


"Okay. Since you are here, I can give you a chance. Dream Chaser, the song we are performing this time is a song with explosive power. The dancers that are needed are not soft and soft. What we need is Yang. Only those with strength can be our dancers! "    


Qin Lang quietly looked at Cao Ning, wanting to see what he was going to do.    


"I am here to test you. Come up. If you can knock me down, I will let you participate! Do you dare to come up? " Cao Ning said with a sneer.    


As soon as Cao Ning finished his words, the others looked at Qin Lang with smiles on their faces, as if they had predicted that Qin Lang wouldn't dare to go up the stage.    


"Do you dare to go up?"    


"I'm afraid now."    


"Didn't you just call it Ting Huan? Why didn't you call me Ting Huan?"    




Qin Lang slowly stood up and walked to the side.    


The others saw Qin Lang and thought he was ready to leave. They all sneered at him, "You're a loser. You don't have the capital, yet you dare to challenge Young Master Cao. You overestimate yourself." "You loser left with your tail between your legs.    


They did not expect that Qin Lang did not leave. He only walked to the side because the steps on the stage were on both sides. At this time, Qin Lang had already stepped onto the steps and walked onto the stage.    


The others were shocked. They felt that Qin Lang was too arrogant and did not know who they were.    


Qin Lang walked towards Cao Ning step by step. The director walked over with the microphone in his hand aggressively. He stood in front of Qin Lang and used the microphone to scold him loudly, "You loser, you have no name in school. You dare to challenge Young Master Cao? Are you worthy? I am the chief director here. You can leave now. We don't need you!"    


Qin Lang pushed the director hard on his shoulder. The director fell to the ground. A few students from the production team rushed to the director's side and helped him up. They were about to go up and hit Qin Lang, but Cao Ning stopped them.    


In front of Loong Ling, Cao Ning naturally had to maintain his poise. Besides, he was confident that he could teach Qin Lang a lesson to vent his anger.    


The director said shyly and angrily, "You still don't know that Young Master Cao participated in the National Youth Games last year and won the third place in the Taekwondo competition, right? Asking you to get lost is giving you face, but you still don't know what's good for you. Don't be beaten until your teeth are all over the floor later! "    


In order to curry favor with Cao Ning, the director had put in great effort to understand Cao Ning's background and experiences. When the others heard that Cao Ning was an expert in Taekwondo, they understood Cao Ning's intentions. It was a lie to test Qin Lang, but it was the truth to beat him up. They started to look like they were watching a good show.    


Qin Lang ignored what the director said and continued to walk towards Cao Ning step by step.    


Loong Ling looked at him and walked slowly to Qin Lang. She said in a low voice, "You should go back. It's not worth it..."    


Loong Ling really did not want to fight because of her. When she heard that Cao Ning was an expert in Taekwondo, she could not help but worry that Qin Lang would be beaten up badly.    


"It's okay. I will play with him." Qin Lang smiled faintly. He felt a little disappointed when Loong Ling advised him to leave.    


"Loong Ling, move aside. I am just testing him. I will not let anything happen to him," Cao Ning said from behind Loong Ling. He meant that he would definitely win.    


Cao Ning gave a look to the people beside him. The people at the side pulled Loong Ling to the side.    


"Are you ready, kid?" Cao Ning asked.    


"If you want to attack, attack. Cut the crap!" Qin Lang said.    


"B * tchy mouth!" Cao Ning shouted and threw a punch at Qin Lang's face. Cao Ning was indeed the third place champion of the Youth Games. Qin Lang was shocked and quickly stepped back. He dodged to the side, but Cao Ning's punch was too fast. Although the fist did not hit Qin Lang's face, it still hit his neck. Qin Lang felt a deep pain.    


"Oh..." The others below the stage all cheered.    


"Loser was beaten by Young Master Cao!"    


"If Young Master Cao is a little more ruthless, I guarantee that this loser will fall to the ground on the spot!"    


"I thought that he would dare to go up there because he has some skills. But now, it seems like he is just a live target. He can only eat and fight!"    




Loong Ling saw that Qin Lang was hit by a punch as soon as he came up. She was especially anxious in her heart. Her two hands rubbed together as she nervously watched the two people fighting.    


At this time, Young Master Cao came close to Qin Lang again. He used his right elbow to hit Qin Lang's chest. Qin Lang snorted and looked like he could not catch his breath. Cao Ning put his shoulder on Qin Lang's chest. Qin Lang could not take it anymore. "He took a few steps back and almost fell down.    


"Kid, it looks like your physical fitness is not good. You can't be our partner. You can go." Cao Ning said with a cold smile.    


Qin Lang looked at Loong Ling, who was beside him, and saw that her expression was slightly calm. Obviously, she felt that she would definitely back out from this predicament. Qin Lang was annoyed and resentful in his heart. Loong Ling was certain that he would lose. Qin Lang let out a breath of hot air and rushed to his chest. He shouted at Cao Ning, "This is nothing. Who are you looking down on?"    


After saying that, Qin Lang rushed towards Cao Ning.    


Cao Ning had never been satisfied with fighting. He wanted to teach Qin Lang a lesson. He only let Qin Lang go because he was afraid that it would ruin his impression in Loong Ling's heart. He didn't expect Qin Lang to not appreciate his kindness. Instead, Qin Lang rushed towards him. Cao Ning smiled coldly. This was exactly what he wanted. Miss Loongling, you can't blame me now. It was this ignorant fool who provoked me again and again. Then I can only let him suffer a little more.    


Cao Ning used his agile footsteps to dodge Qin Lang's fist. He saw that Qin Lang did not have time to turn around. Cao Ning kicked Qin Lang's waist. Qin Lang couldn't control his balance. Cao Ning fell to the ground and screamed. At the same time, he jumped up high. He was about to smash Qin Lang's body with his knee from top to bottom.    


"No!" Loong Ling shouted loudly. Cao Ning looked at Loong Ling's frightened face. He quickly retracted his hand and kicked fiercely at Qin Lang's back. He looked down at Qin Lang and said with contempt, "You want to be our dance partner? In your next life?"    


Then he walked towards Loong Ling.    


Qin Lang felt pain from Cao Ning's kick. He heard Cao Ning's insulting words. When he thought about how he had lost so much face in front of Loong Ling, he felt especially guilty and angry. He ignored the pain and quickly got up from the ground. He looked at Cao Ning's back and threw a punch at his head!    


Cao Ning heard the others' reminder and immediately hid, but he was still a little slow. Qin Lang swept his ear. Cao Ning covered his ear and rubbed it. Knowing that his skin had been scratched, countless resentment surged into his heart. He wanted to give Qin Lang a good beating in his heart. "You don't want to live anymore, do you?"    


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