Making Great Fortune Overnight

C199 Listen to Me

C199 Listen to Me

3After taking the photos, the people at the venue began to evacuate under the instructions of the school teachers. Cao Ning greeted Loong Ling and he and a few of his followers did not want to walk out.    


After Loong Ling took a photo with some of the people attending the gala, she did not accept their invitation and went to the gathering outside the school. She preferred silence.    


The school leaders wanted to invite Qin Lang to dinner, but Qin Lang politely declined and told them not to worry about him. He did not want the matter of his donation to spread. The few leaders all complimented Qin Lang for being too low-profile.    


Zhang Qi was watching Qin Lang from the side until the leaders left. He walked up and patted Qin Lang on the shoulder. He smiled and said, "Old Qin, so you are so rich. You lied to us."    


Qin Lang smiled and said, "I had some money before, but now I donated all of it to the school. I am broke again. I did not lie to you. The money I have on me is like useless paper in my hands. I cannot use it."    


"The second generation is different. Money is useless in your hands." Zhang Qi smiled and said, "From now on, you'll be the boss of our dormitory. You'll have a bright future if you follow a rich second generation like you."    


Qin Lang smiled bitterly. He couldn't explain it clearly to Zhang Qi, so he decided not to say it. Zhang Qi pulled him out to eat outside the school. Qin Lang said he had some private matters to attend to, so he asked him for his phone, so he let him go first.    


After Zhang Qi left, Qin Lang saw that there were only 180 people left in the square. Loong Ling held her phone and walked in the crowd as if she was looking for someone. Qin Lang quickly walked over.    


"Miss Loong, who are you looking for?" Qin Lang asked.    


"You came at the right time. Didn't you bring Loong Yan here? Where is she now? I can't even get through to her phone?" Loong Ling's face had a trace of worry.    


"I didn't." Qin Lang asked curiously. He thought, When did I bring her here? Why did Loong Ling ask that?    


"No!" Loong Ling was shocked and her heart trembled. Qin Lang did not pick up Loong Yan and her phone was not connected. What happened to her?    


At this time, the phone in Loong Ling's hand rang. She was so scared that she almost threw the phone. When she saw that it was her father Loong Teng's number, Loong Ling immediately picked it up.    


"Ling Er, I have already sent a car to pick you up from the school. Hurry up and come back home." Loong Teng's voice was very solemn.    


Loong Ling's mind moved and she quickly asked, "Is something wrong with Loong Yan?"    


"Yes, Yan-er was kidnapped by Xiong Hui. Xiong Hui called and asked me for 50 million in ransom..." Loong Teng said in a deep voice, "Ling-er, it is very dangerous for you to be outside now. Come back immediately!"    


Hearing that Loong Yan was kidnapped, Loong Ling's body swayed and almost fell down. Qin Lang immediately went forward to support her.    


"Get lost!" Loong Ling pushed Qin Lang away and angrily said, "Loong Yan was kidnapped because of you. I asked you to bring her back. Why didn't you pick her up? Why did I ask you if you brought her here? And you lied to me that you brought her... "    


Qin Lang was stunned. He looked at the agitated Loong Ling and his lips trembled. He wanted to ask when Loong Ling asked him to bring Loong Yan here. He had no impression of her at all. But he knew that if he said it, Loong Ling could only be even more sad. He forced himself not to say it.    


A BMW slowly drove to Full Moon Square. Loong Ling's bodyguard, Shi Wei, got out of the car and helped Loong Ling onto the car. Before getting on the car, Loong Ling looked at Qin Lang with hatred in her eyes. The car slowly drove out.    


Qin Lang suddenly thought of his phone. He quickly opened the phone to take a look. Sure enough, three hours ago, Loong Ling sent him a text message. "Qin Lang, I am Loong Ling. My sister Loong Yan wants to see the party. Help me pick her up. She is on her way to KFC. Her phone number is 138..."    


Qin Lang felt extremely regretful when he saw the message. If he had taken his phone and read the message in time, Loong Yan might not have been kidnapped.    


Now Qin Lang remembered that Loong Yan had been kidnapped by Xiong Hui. That time in the scenic area of the Heaven's Eye Mountain, Loong Yan had said that she would resign from his position. This time, he kidnapped Loong Yan, and Loong Yan might suffer his revenge.    


Qin Lang was anxious and anxious. He wanted to save Loong Yan himself, but now she was locked up somewhere and did not know where. He wanted to, but he did not have the strength. But he could not just wait here and do nothing. Qin Lang called Loong Ling back to ask about the information that Loong Family had. However, Loong Ling didn't answer his call.    


Qin Lang thought that Xiong Hui was always in Linan City. He searched everywhere and did not believe that he would not be able to find her. Thinking of this, Qin Lang ran out of the school.    


In the bar.    




Abandoned building.    


Qin Lang sat on the city road of Linan, from the south to the north of the city. He looked from midnight to dawn, constantly searching. He searched while trying to call Loong Yan's phone, but no one answered.    


Linan City was so big, how could it be so easy to find a person? Qin Lang did not find any clues about Loong Yan.    


At 6 o'clock in the morning, Qin Lang's legs were almost broken. He sat on the steps of a square and rested for a while.    


At this time, his phone rang. It was Loong Yan's number! Qin Lang perked up and quickly picked up the call.    


"Hello, Loong Yan!" Qin Lang was worried that he would hear the kidnapper's voice, but it was Loong Yan's voice that came from the phone.    


"Well, don't worry about me. I am fine now," Loong Yan said.    


"You are fine. That's great. Where are you now? I will go and see you." Qin Lang was overjoyed.    


"I am now at the First People's Hospital of Lin'an..." After hearing Loong Yan's words, Qin Lang took a taxi and immediately went to the First People's Hospital of Lin'an.    


When he came to Loong Yan's ward, he saw Loong Yan lying on the hospital bed with a hanging water. Loong Ling and the bodyguard Shi Wei stood beside her. There was also a man with a refined face and in his 40s. He must be Loong Yan's father, Loong Teng.    


Qin Lang knocked on the door and everyone in the ward looked over.    


When Loong Ling saw Qin Lang, the resentment in her heart could not help but rise again. She looked at Qin Lang and asked coldly, "What are you doing here?"    


Qin Lang modestly said, "I came to see Loong Yan. I want to explain what happened yesterday to you..."    


"No need. My dad and I can take care of Loong Yan. You can go back to school." Loong Ling did not want to hear Qin Lang's explanation at all. Thinking about Loong Yan being kidnapped because of him, she felt uncomfortable seeing Qin Lang.    


Hearing Loong Ling speak to him so decisively, Qin Lang could not help but feel sour in his heart. He looked sad, thinking that Loong Ling was still angry and turned around to leave.    


"Qin Lang!" Loong Yan, who was in the hospital bed, suddenly called, "Sit outside for a while. Come in and see me later."    


Qin Lang saw that Loong Yan's face was pale, but there was no sign of hatred on her face. He nodded and felt a little relieved. He sat on the chair in the corridor.    


"Yan-er, who is he?" Loong Teng asked in confusion.    


"He is a friend of mine," Loong Yan said. She looked at Loong Ling and said gently, "Sister, this matter is not his business. Don't blame him."    


"But yesterday I asked him to pick you up. He didn't go and lied to me that he brought you here. If it wasn't for him, you wouldn't have been kidnapped by Xiong Hui," Loong Ling said angrily.    


It turned out that because of what happened at the scenic area of the Sky Eye Mountain, Xiong Hui was fired by the Loong Family. He had lost his source of income, so he couldn't help but hold a grudge against the Loong Family. He wanted to kidnap Loong Yan and extort a huge sum of money from the Loong Family. He had planned to kidnap Loong Yan with the chief of the security department of the Sky Eye Mountain, Fann Zhen. It had been put into practice yesterday.    


However, the Loong Family was after all one of the top five families in the Linan. After learning that Loong Yan had been kidnapped, he immediately mobilized his family's strength and the police's strength, and caught Xiong Hui and the others early in the morning. They successfully rescued Loong Yan because she was locked in a narrow space. Her body felt uncomfortable.    


"Alright, let's not talk about this anymore. Yan-er is fine now," Loong Teng said. He looked at Loong Yan and thought about it. "Yan-er, Young Master Yu will be coming back from England tomorrow. Can you go to the airport to pick him up?"    


"... " Yes..." Loong Yan nodded and said, but her face was so pale.    


"Loong Yan, you should stay in the hospital tomorrow to recuperate." Loong Ling sat beside Loong Yan's bed and put her hand on her shoulder and said. Seeing Loong Yan's sick appearance, Loong Ling's heart was also very worried. "I will help you to pick up Young Master Yu. I will tell him about your situation. I believe he will understand. "    


Loong Teng nodded and said, "This is also good." He looked at Loong Yan and said, "You can rest assured and treat your illness."    


The father and daughter talked for a while in the ward. Loong Teng still had things to do in the company, so he left first.    


Loong Yan smiled to Loong Ling and said, "Sister, I am fine now. Go back to school quickly."    


Loong Ling smiled and glanced at Loong Yan. She teased, "You want Qin Lang to come in and see you, right?"    


"No. I am just concerned about your studies, okay?" Loong Yan blushed and said shyly.    


Loong Ling sighed and walked out of the ward with Shi Wei.    


"Miss Loong." Qin Lang saw Loong Ling walk out and quickly stood up. "Yesterday my phone was taken by someone else. I did not see the message you sent..."    


Loong Ling's heart moved and she still coldly said, "In the future, I will not ask for your help anymore. And... I will tell you for the last time, I am Loong Ling. Not Zhong Yu. Please don't put your feelings for Zhong Yu on me anymore. "    


After saying that, Loong Ling and Shi Wei left.    


Looking at Loong Ling's back, Qin Lang thought, "Zhong Yu, I'm sorry. I made you angry. I won't be so rash in the future. I will use a gentler way to make you accept me."    


Qin Lang walked into Loong Yan's ward and saw Loong Yan sitting on the hospital bed, smiling at him. Qin Lang walked to her side and sincerely said, "Sorry, I have to take responsibility for you being kidnapped."    


"No, it is not your fault. I do not blame you at all," Loong Yan said. Then, Loong Yan told Qin Lang what happened yesterday.    


"By the way, didn't you want to see the welcome party yesterday? ___ asked. We have a video on our official website. You can open it and take a look," Qin Lang said with a smile.    


Loong Yan shook her head and said slowly, "I don't want to watch the welcome party. I want to see someone."    


"Your sister? Her performance was very good. She won a lot of attention, "Qin Lang said with a smile.    


Loong Yan shook her head again. She smiled and said, "I am not going to see my sister. I am going to see a benefactor of mine."    


Qin Lang was stunned. He understood that she was talking about him. He saw Loong Yan's eyes flashing and her appearance was especially beautiful. His heart was about to melt. Qin Lang sighed and said, "What do I have to see? It is just a Loser on the street."    


Loong Yan looked at Qin Lang in a daze for a few seconds and asked, "Qin Lang, yesterday you knew that I was kidnapped. How do you feel? Are you worried about me? Or are you just afraid that my sister will blame you? "    


Qin Lang was stunned and said seriously, "I know you were kidnapped. I am especially anxious and blaming myself. I thought that it would be somewhere in Linan to find you. I will also find you. As for your sister blaming me... I didn't think of that at that time... "    


Loong Yan smiled sweetly when she heard Qin Lang's words. She lowered her head and a trace of tears flashed in the corners of her eyes.    


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