Making Great Fortune Overnight

C210 Repentance

C210 Repentance

3The helicopter took Young Master Yu and Loong Ling to the First People's Hospital of Zhejiang.    


Young Master Yu was directly sent to the emergency room.    


Loong Ling waited outside the emergency room. She was worried, worried, touched, and scared. She really hoped that the person lying in the emergency room was herself and not Young Master Yu.    


At five o'clock in the afternoon, Young Master Yu was transferred to an ordinary ward, but he was still in a coma. Loong Ling just sat beside Young Master Yu like that, holding his hand and looking at him worriedly.    


At 8 o'clock in the evening, Loong Ling saw Yu Ming's eyelids moving slightly and slowly opened his eyes. Loong Ling was wild with joy and shouted, "Young Master Yu, you are awake. Doctor, come quickly. Young Master Yu is awake..."    


"Don't call the doctor, I am fine." Yu Ming smiled slightly and said softly, "Loong Ling, are you alright?"    


"I'm fine." Loong Ling replied. Yu Ming was already like this and was still concerned about his own safety. Loong Ling could not help but have a sour nose. Her eyes lit up. "Young Master Yu, you should not have protected me like that. Otherwise, you would not have been injured so badly now."    


"No, if you were injured, it would be even more painful than my injury. It would be better for you to be like this now. I am very happy." Yu Ming shook his head and said with a smile.    


Loong Ling looked at Yu Ming with sparkling eyes. She could feel the affection in his words.    


After spending the past few days with Yu Ming, Loong Ling knew that Yu Ming only treated her as a friend. He also had a special relationship with her, but he was her fiance after all. Even if she could feel it, she could only pretend that she did not know. He deliberately ignored this relationship.    


"Young Master Yu, you should rest well. Before, I did not dare to inform Loong Yan. Now that you are awake, I will call her to take care of you," Loong Ling sighed softly and said, as she was about to stand up and leave.    


"Loong Ling." Yu Ming reached out his hand and grabbed Loong Ling's little hand. Loong Ling's heart could not help but move. Yu Ming stared at Loong Ling and said, "Don't you see my feelings for you?"    


This sentence shocked Loong Ling's delicate body. She looked at Yu Ming blankly and her heart was in a mess.    


"Do you think that I really went to the Jiangnan University to find you every day to experience the lowest level of life? Do you remember that we ate Seafood Rice together by the lake? It was precisely because you ate with me. That's why I felt that the Seafood Rice was the most delicious food in the world. After that, I accompanied my customers to eat the highest level western food. I also felt that it was tasteless. The Seafood Rice was still the best. In my eyes... You are just like the Seafood Rice. I have seen you before. I don't like to see other women! Loong Ling, don't you understand my feelings now? "    


Loong Ling turned her back and two tears fell from her face onto the floor. Loong Ling wiped away her tears and sighed. She said faintly, "Of course I do. But... But you and my sister are already engaged, how can I..."    


Yu Ming looked happy and said, "Are you worried about this? Then I will cancel the engagement with your sister. "    


"Ah..." Loong Ling was stunned and thought about it in her mind. She muttered, "How can this be? If Loong Yan knew that it was because of me and you cancel the engagement with her, she would hate me to death."    


Yu Ming said, "No, you are wrong. The relationship between Loong Yan and me is not that deep. Maybe she will thank you because I keep feeling that she does not like me."    


Loong Ling was stunned. She looked at Yu Ming and thought that Loong Yan had previously told her that marrying Yu Ming was not her intention. It was for the family business of Loong Family. She had no choice but to make a decision to obtain the support of Yu Family.    


"Loong Ling, do you promise me?" Yu Ming asked.    


"I... I..." Loong Ling's heart was conflicted. She wanted to agree but also felt that she should not agree.    


" I will marry you. If you do not agree this time, I will still marry you until you promise me. But at that time, I might be attacked a few more times like today, Loong Ling. Are you willing to let me keep getting hurt?" Yu Ming said.    


"You know I don't want to, but you still ask me," Loong Ling said.    


Yu Ming smiled and said, "Since you love me so much, then follow me to talk to Loong Yan and your father."    


"I'm not going. You go by yourself," Loong Ling said shyly.    


Yu Ming held Loong Ling's hand and let her sit beside him. He smiled and said, "I'm not going by myself. If you don't go with me, I'll pretend to be a loser and go to your school. The others might mock me again. As long as you don't mind your future husband being scolded, I have nothing to do with it... "    


Loong Ling smiled shyly with a red face and said, "A good rich young master. What kind of magic did he have to pretend to be Loser?"    


After saying that, the two of them laughed loudly. As they laughed, Yu Ming's trick was about to succeed.    


The next day, Yu Ming impatiently saw Loong Ling's father, Loong Teng and Loong Yan.    


Regarding Yu Ming's serious injuries, he could get down on the ground the next day. As if nothing had happened, Loong Ling also had doubts in her heart. However, Yu Ming had said that he was in good health, and the hospital had given him the most advanced medicine. He recovered naturally quickly, so Loong Ling did not think too much about it.    


In a luxurious private room of the Shijia Hotel, Yu Ming saw Loong Teng's family of three. Loong Ling had always been shy to say anything. Loong Teng and the others thought that Yu Ming just wanted to treat them to a simple meal.    


"Uncle Long, I invited you, Loong Yan, and Loong Ling today because I want to say something," Yu Ming said seriously.    


Loong Teng and Loong Yan looked at each other. Seeing Yu Ming so serious, they were quite nervous. Could it be that it was related to Loong Yan's engagement? Loong Ling blushed and lowered her head. Her hands were holding the corner of her shirt.    


"Young Master Yu, if you have something to say, just say it." Loong Teng felt uneasy, but he still smiled on the surface.    


"Then I will say it directly." Young Master Yu paused for a moment and said, "I want to cancel the engagement with Loong Yan."    


"What?" Loong Teng was shocked. The wine glass in his hand fell to the ground. He fell into pieces. His lips trembled as he said, "Young Master Yu, the marriage between you and Yan-er has been going on for so long. They are about to get married, why are you... Why is it at this time... "    


The marriage between him and the Yu Family this time was to borrow the Loong Family to help his company acquire the rights to develop the Linan's canal, the Heaven and Earth Creation Garden. Without the support of the Loong Family, this project would not have been taken over by the Loong Family. Furthermore, the news of Yu Ming and Loong Yan getting married on the 15th of September... Yu Ming's repentance of the marriage had already spread across the entire Linan. The Loong Family had become a laughing stock.    


When Loong Yan heard that Young Master Yu was going to break the engagement, she was shocked at first, but soon she was delighted because she did not like Young Master Yu at all. She agreed to the engagement purely for the sake of the family's business.    


"I know this is very rude, but please forgive me, Uncle Long, because I met a girl who attracted me more than Loong Yan," Yu Ming said.    


"She... Which family's young lady is she from?" Loong Teng's hand trembled slightly as he spoke.    


Yu Ming's gaze shot towards Loong Ling and said gently, "She is your eldest daughter, Loong Ling and Miss Loong."    


"Loong Ling!" Loong Teng and Loong Yan were even more shocked than before. They looked at Loong Ling in surprise. They looked at Yu Ming again and could not understand what was going on. However, Loong Teng's heart calmed down a little. As long as Young Master Yu was still married to his family, it was not a big difference between the two daughters.    


Yu Ming smiled leisurely and said, "Uncle Long, Loong Ling and I really love each other. I want to propose to Loong Ling. Do you agree?"    


"We have to listen to Ling'er's opinion on this matter." Loong Teng looked at Loong Ling and asked, "Ling'er, dad will listen to you. Are you willing to agree to Young Master Yu?"    


At this time, the three people in the room focused their eyes on Loong Ling. Loong Ling felt very uncomfortable when they looked at her. She pinched the corner of her clothes in frustration and her face looked troubled. "I... I..."    


She could not help but glance at Loong Yan.    


Loong Yan's heart moved and remembered that her elder sister was not willing to make a clear statement. So it was because of her face. Loong Yan held Loong Ling's hand and softly said, "Elder sister, say whatever you want in your heart. I will not be angry."    


Loong Ling saw that Loong Yan's face contained a smile and did not get angry because of Yu Ming's repentance of the marriage. Clearly in her heart, she did not care about this engagement and her nervous heart immediately relaxed. She softly said, "Young Master Yu is so outstanding, I will definitely be willing."    


Loong Teng smiled and said, "Since Ling'er has said so, then there is nothing else I can say. Young Master Yu, I agree. I see that the relationship between Young Master Yu and Ling'er is quite deep. Why don't we set a date for marriage today?"    


Yu Ming held Loong Ling's hand and smiled. "No need. I think the 15th of September is good. Everything will go as usual. We are just changing the bride."    


"Okay! This is also good!" Loong Teng thought for a few seconds and smiled.    


"Sister, Young Master Yu is a good man. You have picked up a treasure!" Loong Yan hugged Loong Ling's arm and said with a smile. She did not feel the slightest bit of disappointment from Young Master Yu's repentance of the marriage.    


Seeing Loong Yan's smiling face, Young Master Yu felt very uncomfortable in his heart. He did not want her anymore, but she did not seem to care at all. Seeing her so happy, it seemed like she was thanking him for letting her go, as if she disliked him.    


Which woman who was abandoned by him did not cry bitterly and beg him to give them another chance? Young Master Yu felt that he had been looked down upon. He was very dissatisfied with Loong Yan in his heart, but it was not good for him to flare up in this situation.    


The meal was finished very quickly. Loong Teng took his two daughters and said goodbye to Yu Ming and left.    


Seeing Loong Teng's car gradually go away, the smile on Yu Ming's face gradually disappeared. He muttered, "Loong Yan, you bitch, you laughed so happily just now. Are you celebrating my repentance of my marriage? Hmph, don't worry. Although I'm marrying your sister, but you, a beauty I've been thinking about for so long, I won't let you go..."    


Yu Ming took out his phone and sent a message in the "Linan's rich second generation" group chat. "Tonight, I'll treat you to a meal at Shijia Hotel. All of you, come here!"    


At night, everyone in the group chat was in room V001 at the Shijia Hotel. Yu Ming announced on the spot that he was engaged to Loong Ling, and it was still on the 15th of September. To marry Loong Ling, other than Ma Yang and Cao Ning, all the other rich second generations were present. They were all very surprised that Yu Ming was able to do so in such a short period of time. After taking Loong Ling down, they all praised Yu Ming.    


"Young Master Yu is awesome!"    


"Awesome! We didn't even manage to catch him. Once Young Master Yu made his move, we took him down!"    


"Young Master Yu is the Great Sage of Love Field!"    




After that, the group of rich young masters started to eat, drink, and brag again.    


Yu Ming told Ma Yang and Cao Ning that they had helped him catch up to Loong Ling this time. In the future, if there was anything he could do, he would try his best to help. Ma Yang and Cao Ning complimented Yu Ming. They said that it was because Young Master Yu was very capable that he caught up with Miss Loongling. It did not have much to do with them, so both of them were very happy in their hearts.    


Yu Ming drank a few glasses of wine and called the other young master, Suen Jian, to his side. He said in a low voice, "I need you to do something for me. After the matter is done, your company will not loan 2 billion to the bank. Can't you loan it all? I'll help you solve it! "    


" Yes, if Young Master Yu has something to say, just say it. If he can do it, I won't hesitate to do it! " Suen Jian was delighted in his heart. His family's loan had been delayed for a long time. If the Yu Family were to help him, he believed that it would come down very soon.    


"Very good. What I want you to do is to chase after Loong Yan!" Yu Ming said in a low voice.    


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