Making Great Fortune Overnight

C228 Three Arrogant Foreigners

C228 Three Arrogant Foreigners

3Fu Yuv and a few of her colleagues finished filming and were just about to look for Qin Lang and the others. Three foreigners walked in front of her and Fu Yuv was slightly startled. She saw that these three foreigners were all over 1.85 meters tall and all of them had strong bodies. Although they were wearing coats, they had thick pectoral muscles. It was easy to tell!    


"Hello, can I take a picture with you?" A foreigner said in English.    


"Of course," Fu Yuv replied in English.    


"That's great!" As they spoke, the three foreigners walked to Fu Yuv's side. The two close to Fu Yuv put their hands on Fu Yuv's shoulders in a very familiar manner. Fu Yuv felt a little conflicted in her heart. But she did not say anything and very cooperatively took a photo with the three foreigners.    


"Thank you so much! Beauty!" The three foreigners said to Fu Yuv.    


" You are welcome! " Fu Yuv smiled and nodded to greet them. She turned around and was about to leave.    


"Beauty, please don't go yet. Can you accompany us to the flower bed at the side of the square and take another picture? We really like you!" A foreigner said with a smile.    


"Uh... okay." Fu Yuv said. Since the other party had invited her so warmly, Fu Yuv was also quite embarrassed to reject.    


As she spoke, Fu Yuv followed the three old men out of the stadium.    


Qin Lang saw Fu Yuv and the three foreigners walk out from the audience. It was quite strange. He said to Feng and the others, "Let's go out and take a look."    


There were a lot of people in the stadium square. They were all taking photos and saying goodbye.    


Fu Yuv and the three foreigners walked to the edge of the stadium. There were fewer people there.    


"Three gentlemen, can we take photos here?" Fu Yuv asked.    


The three foreigners looked at Fu Yuv and their hearts were already hairy. At this time, their eyes greedily scanned Fu Yuv's body.    


Fu Yuv looked at the gazes of the three and suddenly realized something in her heart.    


At this time, a foreigner grabbed Fu Yuv's arm and covered Fu Yuv's mouth. He smiled evilly and said, "Miss, you are so beautiful. Follow the three of us to the hotel. The three of us will make you feel good."    


The other two foreigners also sneered and said,    


"This time, I will let you face three foreigners at once. You earned it. Don't you women all think that we foreigners are the best?"    


"Oh, I can't wait. I don't want to wear a condom tonight. I want you to give birth to monkeys for me. This way, once I return to China, I will abandon my wife and my son. We foreigners like this kind of exciting feeling."    


"Alright, there's a taxi there! Baby, we will take you to the hotel now and let you have a night that you will never forget in your life!"    


As he spoke, the foreigner covered Fu Yuv's mouth and carried her towards the direction of the taxi. The other two foreigners deliberately used their bodies to block her so that no one else could see.    


Fu Yuv was extremely afraid in her heart. She used all the strength in her body. Grasping an opportunity, she took a bite of the foreigner's hand. The foreigner screamed. At the same time, Fu Yuv hurriedly shouted, "Save me! Save me! They want..."    


The foreigner was shocked and quickly covered Fu Yuv's mouth again.    


Hearing Fu Yuv's cry, many people gathered around. They saw three foreigners covering the mouth of a girl from China and were shocked. They pointed at the foreigners and questioned them.    


"What are you doing? Why are you covering her?"    


"Let go!"    


"What do you want to do..."    




The three foreigners were surrounded, but they were not prepared to stop.    


A foreigner said to the crowd in English, "She is my girlfriend! You have no right to interfere."    


Some of the people who knew English had already translated the foreigner's words. However, no one believed the foreign language. Who would treat their girlfriend so rudely?    


Someone in the crowd said, "Nonsense. Let her go. We want to listen to her."    


The foreigner said arrogantly, "I won't let her go. What can you do to us? We are leaving. Don't block us. "    


A girl among the onlookers held her phone. She pointed at the three foreigners and said, "I recognize them. They are boxing athletes from Sai! This is their Facebook. There are many lines in their Facebook that say that China is bad. "    


Many people in the crowd said, "What did these three foreigner say?"    


The girl swiped her phone and said, "18th Facebook. They said that the people in China are all shorties. They came to China like they came to a small country."    


"22nd, Facebook. They say they went to China's red light district. The women in the red light district are willing to follow them even if they don't want money! China women are the most despicable people in the world!"    


"Facebook, 28th. They say that China's streets are full of trash. They are the world's dirtiest country. China's people are the human bugs!"    


"Facebook, October 4th. They say that China uses coal to fry youtiao. Everyone is as abnormal as crazy people!"    


"Today, their Facebook says that all the men in China are incapable of sex. Before they leave China, they still need to help the men in China and dote on their women!"    


As soon as the girl finished speaking, the surrounding crowd immediately boiled up. Everyone glared at the three foreigners and scolded them hatefully:    


"What? These three bastards dare to scold our country like that?"    


"Who do they think they are? Sai Country is just a small country, yet they look down on our magnificent China!"    


"These three bastards, we are waiting for you to come to China to participate in the competition, and you are cursing us behind our backs. How can there be such a disgusting person in this world?"    




Everyone could be said to be agitated. There was an anxious uncle in his 30s. He couldn't bear it any longer and rushed to the front of the three foreigners. He pointed at the foreigners and scolded, "Smelly foreigner, you dare to be so impudent in our country? I'll let you know what rules are!"    


As he spoke, he threw a punch at the foreigners. However, he was not as tall as the foreigner, and the other party was a professional boxer. The punch did not hit the foreigner's face, so the foreigner grabbed the uncle's fist. A hook was thrown at the uncle's right cheek. The uncle fell to the ground.    


The others quickly helped the uncle up. This time, everyone knew that the foreigner was a boxing expert. There were also three other people. They were all ordinary people. If they went up, they would only get beaten up. They didn't dare to go up. They just surrounded the foreigners and didn't let them leave. They pointed at them and scolded them angrily:    


"This is too much!"    


"These three bad guys will be punished sooner or later!"    


"Look at the fur on their bodies! They are beasts that have not fully evolved yet!"    




The foreigner became even more arrogant. He pointed at the crowd and cursed in English, "A bunch of cowards! Hit us if you dare!"    


"If anyone dares to stop us, we will hit them!"    


"You Huaxia people are inferior compared to us!"    


The three foreigners did not want to waste any more time here. They wanted to quickly bring Fu Yuv to the hotel and play with her. They dragged Fu Yuv and moved out of the square. "Move aside, you Huaxia people. Let us go!"    


The crowd moved along with the foreigners. They wanted to beat up the three foreigners, but facing the three boxers, they felt a deep fear in their hearts.    


"Young Master Qin, what's going on here?" Feng and the others squeezed into the crowd.    


Qin Lang saw a foreigner holding Fu Yuv in his arms and covering her mouth. Fu Yuv seemed to be very panicky and was shocked in her heart. She immediately flew forward. A palm hit the foreigner's hand and the foreigner released his hand in pain. Qin Lang took advantage of the situation and pulled Fu Yuv into his arms.    


"Fu Yuv, what happened to you?" Qin Lang let go of Fu Yuv and asked as he pulled her shoulder.    


Fu Yuv threw herself into Qin Lang's arms and sobbed, "Qin Lang, you are here. You scared me to death just now. The three of them are bastards..."    


When the three foreigners saw their girls in Qin Lang's hands, they angrily said in English, "Huaxia boy, return my girls to me!"    


As they spoke, the three foreigners rushed towards Qin Lang. Fu Yuv was shocked and subconsciously pushed Qin Lang back. "They are coming over..."    


Qin Lang was about to attack when he saw four figures scuttling out from Qin Lang's side. They were the four women from Feng Hua and Xue Yue!    


Feng scolded, "Young Master Qin is also something you three dogs can touch!"    


The three foreigners were shocked and subconsciously stepped back. When they saw that there were four beautiful girls rushing towards them, the three foreigners revealed evil smiles and said:    


"These four beauties are not inferior to that beautiful girl just now. You guys came to find us. Tonight, the three of us will let the four of you have a good time in the hotel!"    


Fu Yuv anxiously said to Qin Lang, "Qin Lang, quickly let your friends come over. Those three foreigners are boxers, they will be injured..."    


Qin Lang worriedly called out, "Feng, you guys withdraw..."    


Feng turned around and smiled at Qin Lang. He said, "Young Master Qin, don't worry. You don't need to do anything to this kind of bastard. The four of us can handle him."    


Thinking about how Feng and the other two could knock out two staff members yesterday at the National Hotel, Qin Lang felt relieved. He said, "Don't kill them!"    




The four women replied in unison. After saying that, they rushed forward to attack.    


The surrounding onlookers immediately retreated a few meters, afraid that they would hurt themselves. At the same time, they were extremely worried about the four girls. A few men were eager to give it a try. They all made up their minds that once the four girls were in danger... Even if they were injured by these three foreigners, they would still fight with them.    


When the three foreigners saw the four beauties rushing towards them, they didn't care at all. They felt that they weren't worth mentioning at all. Instead, they opened their arms and welcomed the four beauties, wanting to take advantage of them.    


They thought, "Come, my four treasures, quickly come into my arms and let me kiss enough!"    


The four women rushed to the front of the three foreigners in the blink of an eye and did not say anything. The four of them split up and attacked the three foreigners. Although they were 18 or 9 years old, they were still young girls. However, since they were born in Moon Inviting Palace, they had received Old Mrs. Biyu's guidance. Their martial arts were also not to be underestimated!    


The three 1.85 meters foreigners were each hit by a punch from the four women. They could not help but take a step back. The place where they were hit was painful. It was even more painful than being hit by a man!    


Only then did the three foreigners understand that the four girls were not ordinary people. Immediately, they became serious and put on a boxing stance to deal with Feng and the others.    


When the onlookers saw the foreigners put up their stance, they were full of vigor. The muscles on their arms bulged like a small hill. They were all shocked and broke out in a cold sweat for the four girls.    


The four girls did not put the three foreigners in their eyes. Their martial arts were much higher than that of the foreigners, so they did not need to be afraid of them at all.    


Feng moved to the side, and in the blink of an eye, he was next to one of the foreigners. She slapped him on the waist, and the foreigner screamed and fell to the ground.    


Littleflower's feet paused, and his body floated up 1.5 meters. He used the "Celestial Maiden" technique, and kicked a foreigner in the chest. The foreigner felt like the air in his chest had been forced out, and he fell to the ground.    


Snowy and Xiaoyue attacked the last foreigner together. The foreigner punched at Snowy and Xiaoyue again and again, but every time they saw their figures, the punches didn't hit them.    


"Ghost Yellow Hair, you deserve to fight!" Xiao Yue shouted, and then she counted. Xiao Xue and Xiao Yue had already slapped the foreigner's face more than ten times.    


The foreigner was almost stunned by the slap. His vision blurred, and he saw the figure of a beauty flash in front of him. Immediately after, his knee bent and he lost his balance, kneeling on the ground.    


In less than two minutes, the three tall and big foreigners were all knocked down to the ground.    


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