Making Great Fortune Overnight

C273 The Domineering Policewoman

C273 The Domineering Policewoman

0The doctor and nurse immediately walked into the ward and supported Dai Qianbai to perform the surgery for him.    


"Qin Lang, you..." Dai Qianbai was very surprised. Qin Lang did not leave, but went to call the doctor for him!    


"Brother Dai, don't say anything now. Let's do the surgery first!" Qin Lang looked at Dai Qianbai and said.    


When he got to the hospital just now, he was very angry that the hospital did not operate on Dai Qianbai because he did not have money. He immediately went to the consultation hall below and asked the nurse to find the best surgeon in the hospital to operate on Dai Qianbai.    


He had a bank card with him. It was given to him by the four girls of "Flowery Snow." Qin Lang simply paid the surgery fees, and the hospital was much more efficient. They immediately sent the doctors and nurses over.    


Qin Lang and Dai Qianliu saw Dai Qianbai being pushed into the operating room. They both heaved a sigh of relief and sat on the chairs in the corridor.    


At that moment, Dai Qianliu's heart was filled with gratitude towards Qin Lang.    


"Brother Qin Lang, thank you for saving my brother. Don't worry, I will definitely return this money to you in the future..." Dai Qianliu looked at Qin Lang, her bright eyes filled with joy.    


"No need. Big brother Dai is my brother. It's only right to help him. This money is not a big deal to me. Don't take it to heart. The most important thing right now is that Brother Dai is fine." Qin Lang said with a smile.    


"I know you are doing this for our good. You and my brother are security guards. It's only 5,000 yuan a month. How can you have so much money? Don't worry. I will definitely return the money to you. I swear, "Dai Qianliu said seriously. Qin Lang had helped them. She would definitely not not lend the money back. Otherwise, this would hurt Qin Lang's heart.    


"We will talk about it in the future." Qin Lang smiled bitterly. After Dai Qianbai recovered, Qin Lang told him the situation was better.    


"Mr. Qin Lang, please... Come with me, please... A doctor walked in front of Qin Lang. He looked nervous, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.    


"Okay, Qianliu, wait here. If you are tired, take a rest. I will go and take a look." Qin Lang got up and said to Dai Qianliu. Then he followed the doctor.    


Qin Lang followed the doctor from the corridor. Just as he was about to turn a corner, a figure suddenly flashed and a gun was pointed at Qin Lang's forehead.    


"Don't move!"    


The person who used the gun to block Qin Lang was a woman in a checkered shirt. She had a heroic look on her face. There were two clear eyes under the eyebrows of a sword. At this moment, these two eyes, which were like jade, were staring at Qin Lang's face. It was as if if if Qin Lang made any unusual movements, she would shoot without hesitation.    


Qin Lang did not move. He just looked at this woman quietly.    


The two men in police uniforms behind the woman immediately walked to Qin Lang's side. They used a massage technique to control Qin Lang. With a cracking sound, Qin Lang's hands were handcuffed.    


The woman put away the gun. The two men searched Qin Lang and reported to the woman, "Captain, there is no gun on him!"    


"Qin Lang, you are suspected of shooting the young master of Weihui Group, Fangzheng. We will bring you back to the police station for interrogation!" The woman looked at Qin Lang and said.    


Half an hour ago, the Yanjing External Branch received a police report from Soong Yi. He said that the security guards of Yan University, Qin Lang and Chung Meng, had shot Fangzheng in his villa and requested the police to arrest the murderer immediately.    


After Wang Chen received the police, she took the initiative to invite Ying and her two colleagues. She relied on high-tech technology to quickly obtain Qin Lang's location and came to the hospital to arrest him. In order to avoid causing harm to the other people, Wang Chen let the doctor trick Qin Lang here. She caught Qin Lang in one fell swoop.    


"Officer, I didn't shoot Fangzheng. What happened to him has nothing to do with me. It was Chung Meng who did it alone." Qin Lang said.    


"Hmph! At this moment, he pushed the responsibility onto someone else! " Wang Chen looked at Qin Lang with disdain. According to her past experience in handling cases, the more the suspect shirks responsibility, the more likely he will do the case.    


"Brother Qin, how did you..." Dai Qianliu ran over and saw Qin Lang being handcuffed by two policemen. She was very anxious. "Police brother, why did you arrest Brother Qin? He is a good person. Did you make a mistake... "    


"Don't worry. If he is innocent, I will let him out unharmed. If he really breaks the law, I will personally send him to prison! " Wang Chen said to Dai Qianliu and looked at the two policemen. She whispered, "Take him away!"    


"Yes, sir!" The two policemen responded and escorted Qin Lang out.    


"Brother Qin..." Dai Qianliu was very worried when she saw Qin Lang was taken away by the police, but she could not do anything. Her brother was still in the ward, so she could not leave.    


Qin Lang was pushed into the police car by two policemen. The police car drove towards the External Branch. Wang Chen sat in the front passenger seat, and Qin Lang was held in the back seat by two policemen.    


"Kid, you are really good. You even dare to touch the young master of Weihui Group. It's said that Young Master Fangzheng directly entered the emergency room of the Alliance Hospital! If something were to happen to Young Master Fangzheng... Hmph, you will be in trouble..." A policeman looked at Qin Lang and said with a chuckle.    


"I said, it was not me who fired the gun," Qin Lang said.    


"Shut up! Whether it was you or not, we will know later. If you are so excited, it will only make me more suspicious of you, "Wang Chen said as she looked at Qin Lang through the rearview mirror.    


Qin Lang felt that this policewoman was very straightforward and honest. She was in charge of this case and he felt very relieved. Qin Lang did not say anything. He looked out the window.    


Very soon, the car reached the police station's door. Qin Lang was directly escorted into the interrogation room by two police officers. Wang Chen and another male police officer interrogated Qin Lang.    


"Tell me why you shot Fangzheng." The male police officer asked. From the moment he found out that the victim was the young master of Weihui Group, Fangzheng, and the young master of Yanjing's Soong Family, Soong Yi, he had called the police. He subconsciously thought that Qin Lang was the real murderer.    


"The person who shot Fangzheng was a man called Chung Meng. I didn't do anything to him," said Qin Lang.    


"You aren't telling the truth, are you? Are you trying to aggravate the punishment? I advise you to honestly admit that you did it... " The male policeman stared at Qin Lang and said. He wanted the male policeman to understand the case as quickly as possible so as to avoid incurring the other party's displeasure.    


"Lu Chong! Don't bring your personal feelings into the interrogation!" Wang Chen looked at the male police officer and said, This is not how cases are handled.    


"Captain, this was clearly done by him. He was making excuses..." The male police officer was still a little excited.    


"You're not suitable for a case right now. Go out and smoke a cigarette to calm yourself down. You can go back and rest. I'll take care of him alone!" Wang Chen looked at the male police officer and said. Her eyes were firm and there was no trace of a woman's tenderness.    


"You are saying that I am excited. I am not professional in handling cases..." The male police officer looked at Wang Chen discontentedly.    


"Yes! Now I order you to go out!" Wang Chen did not have time to talk nonsense with him and directly pointed to the door. Her tone was not to be questioned.    


The male policeman looked at Wang Chen. His eyelids were trembling. But he still did not dare to disobey Wang Chen's orders. According to the grapevine in the police station, Wang Chen was the daughter of a big family. Even the bureau chief was afraid of Wang Chen. As an ordinary police officer, he did not dare to be disrespectful. "    


The male police officer got up and angrily left the interrogation room.    


"Now tell me honestly, what exactly is going on!" Wang Chen stared at Qin Lang and asked.    


"It is like this..." Qin Lang organized his speech and told Wang Chen about what happened between the afternoon and the night.    


"According to what you said, it was Chung Meng who injured Fangzheng alone?" Wang Chen stopped writing her statement and asked Qin Lang.    


"That's right! There must be a gun at the scene. The fingerprints of me, Fangzheng, and Chung Meng are on the gun! However, on the tablet, there were only the fingerprints of Fangzheng and Chung Meng. This proves that I have never fired a gun before!" Qin Lang said. Back in the villa, he had snatched a gun from Fangzheng. He had not touched the board, just to prevent the police from investigating him.    


"We have already sent people to Fangzheng's villa to gather evidence. We still need to verify whether it's really as you said." Wang Chen said.    


"But I have to tell you. According to your description, in the villa, after you snatched Fangzheng's gun, you were no longer threatened with your life. And you forced Chung Meng to shoot at Fangzheng. Your actions have already become a crime of inciting others to commit crimes. We also need to arrest you! " Wang Chen said righteously.    


" Officer Wang, it was Fangzheng who first ordered Chung Meng to kill Dai Qianbai and me. After I subdued him, I asked Chung Meng to bring me to Fangzheng's house. He took out his gun and prepared to kill me. He nearly killed me twice. I forced Chung Meng to shoot him. It should be self-defense! " Qin Lang asked in confusion.    


"It's not self-defense. I can tell you clearly that you are threatening others to commit crimes everywhere you go!" Wang Chen said firmly.    


"At the same time, I have doubts about your testimony. According to the information I have, Chung Meng once fought underground black boxing. Can you really subdue him? Also, Chung Meng and Fangzheng used guns to hit you. You dodged them twice? This sounds like a fantasy! " Wang Chen said with a slight sneer.    


"I told you, I am not lying," Qin Lang said.    


"Humph, will there be a result soon? Today's interrogation ends here. We need to detain you until the truth is out!" Wang Chen said and closed the interrogation paper.    


Wang Chen stood up and saw Qin Lang also stand up. Her eyes flashed and her right hand suddenly turned into a knife and slashed towards Qin Lang's neck.    


Qin Lang was slightly shocked and immediately lowered his head to let Wang Chen's hand blade pass.    


Wang Chen did not expect Qin Lang to be able to dodge and could not help but look at Qin Lang in a different light. She threw another punch at Qin Lang's face. This punch was a sure hit. Unexpectedly, Qin Lang suddenly turned sideways. Wang Chen's fist passed through the tip of Qin Lang's nose. Qin Lang used his hip to push against the interrogation table. The interrogation table hit Wang Chen's thigh.    


"Ouch!" Wang Chen screamed in pain and took two steps back.    


"Sorry, sorry!" Qin Lang felt bad when he saw Wang Chen frown and scream in pain.    


Wang Chen originally wanted to try whether Qin Lang could really subdue Chung Meng like what he had said in his testimony. She did not expect Qin Lang's hands to be handcuffed and so powerful.    


She was born strong. At this moment, her competitive spirit was aroused. She raised her fists and rushed towards Qin Lang, punching him in the nose.    


In Qin Lang's eyes, Wang Chen's martial arts was too childish. He nimbly turned around, avoided Wang Chen's fists, and went in front of Wang Chen.    


Wang Chen lifted her knee and hit Qin Lang's lower body. At the same time, Qin Lang lifted his right leg up. His speed was much faster than Wang Chen's. He stopped Wang Chen's leg and Wang Chen's leg could not move.    


"You..." Wang Chen was angry and angry. She was anxious to pull her leg out. She did not expect her body to lose balance and fall backwards. Qin Lang was also carried by her and pressed on Wang Chen's body.    


Wang Chen leaned on the interrogation table. Qin Lang could not hold back his leg and pressed it on Wang Chen's body. With a "pop," it happened to kiss Wang Chen's mouth.    


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