Making Great Fortune Overnight

C276 You Can Leave the Police Station Now

C276 You Can Leave the Police Station Now

1"Cousin, what happened?" Fangzheng looked at Soong Yi in surprise. Father Fang and Mother Fang also looked at Soong Yi.    


"Chung Meng killed my men!" Soong Yi said with a gloomy face. He imagined Chung Meng's face in his mind, and wanted nothing more than to kill him.    




Upon hearing that, Fangzheng and his family were alarmed. Fangzheng cried out in panic, "How could it be a mistake? Didn't you send six men to kill Chung Meng? Didn't you use his girlfriend to threaten Chung Meng just now? How could he have killed ___ instead? What else did he say? "    


"Shut up!"    


Soong Yi glared at Fangzheng and said. He was in a very bad mood. Fangzheng was buzzing in his ears like a fly, making him very upset.    


Fangzheng immediately shut his mouth. He also realized that he had irritated Soong Yi. He immediately tried to please Soong Yi. "Cousin, blame me for speaking too much. So what if I didn't catch Chung Meng this time? Cousin, you have thousands of ways to deal with a boor like him. Letting him die was a piece of cake. Don't look at how smug he was right now. When he falls into our hands, he will know how powerful you are... "    


Soong Yi did not take a single word of Fangzheng's flattery to heart.    


In his mind, he recalled the arrogant words Chung Meng had said to him on the phone.    


"Don't worry. I will definitely make you pay this debt of blood. Humph! So what if you are from the Soong Family? I, Chung Meng, will make you pay the price. Hahaha..."    


Soong Yi clenched his fist tightly, his heart was in a state of extreme imbalance.    


At this moment, in the police station, Wang Chen had obtained the fingerprints on the pistol from the forensics department. The result was just as Qin Lang had said.    


The gun had the fingerprints of Qin Lang, Fangzheng, and Chung Meng on it, and there were only the fingerprints of Fangzheng and Chung Meng on the board. This meant that the person who had shot Fangzheng was definitely not Qin Lang!    


However, according to Qin Lang's confession, it was Qin Lang who had threatened Chung Meng to shoot Fangzheng. Qin Lang had also violated the law.    


Wang Chen would still enforce the law impartially, even though she was angry and sympathetic towards the humiliation of Qin Lang and Dai Qianbai at the entrance of the Yan University's residential area.    


However, the law of the country was dead. As a police officer of the people, her responsibility was to defend the dignity of the law!    


Wang Chen walked from the forensics department to the office.    


"Captain Wang, we received a report from Chung Meng. He is now in Room 903, No. 2 Hospital in the middle street of the big pavilion." A male police officer quickly walked over and reported to Wang Chen.    


Wang Chen's spirits were lifted when she heard that.    


"Chung Meng called the police!" Wang Chen found it unbelievable!    


"That's right. We were also surprised when we received the police report."    


The male police officer said, "Chung Meng only said that he was in Room 903, No. 2 Courtyard in the middle of the street, and then hung up the phone. Captain Wang, is there a trick?"    


"I don't know!" Wang Chen thought about it and said. She looked at the male police officer and said, "Let's go over now!"    




The male police officer replied. After he finished speaking, he followed behind Wang Chen and walked into the hall.    


Wang Chen brought four subordinates and sat in the police car. They headed towards the big pavilion's No. 2 courtyard, Room 903!    


When they arrived in front of room 903 in the middle of the big pavilion, Wang Chen still had a lot of doubts about Chung Meng calling the police. Like the other policemen, her first reaction was that Chung Meng was playing some kind of trick again!    


They slowly moved to the front of the door. Wang Chen and the others were communicating with each other with hand gestures.    


Lu Chong, who was in charge of recording the statement, took the initiative to walk to the door. He wanted to be the first person to rush in. The first person's task was to kick the door open. He wanted to provide conditions for his other teammates to rush in, but if the criminals in the room had already calculated that the police would rush in... Then this person would be extremely dangerous.    


Wang Chen raised her right hand and blocked Lu Chong. She gave Lu Chong a look of retreat.    


Although Wang Chen was a female, she was the team leader among the five of them. The most dangerous task should be done by her!    


At crucial moments, Wang Chen would never shirk responsibility.    


Wang Chen gently walked to the door and made a "three, two, one" countdown gesture to her companions behind her.    




When the countdown ended, Wang Chen kicked at the lock. There was not a trace of stripping! She simply kicked the door open.    


Wang Chen kicked the door open and immediately raised her gun. Her eyes searched the room for the target. The other policemen also rushed in.    


"Don't move!" Wang Chen quickly found the target - Chung Meng. The other policemen also pointed their guns at Chung Meng.    


Wang Chen and the others soon realized that their nervousness was unnecessary.    


Chung Meng did not play any tricks. He just sat on the ground and held a dead woman in his arms. He sat there silently, like an old man in his twilight years.    


The scene in the room shocked Wang Chen and the others again. There were five or six people lying on the ground in disorder. Everyone had lost their vitality. There was a large pool of blood beside them. There was even one person whose face had been punched into a deep pit!    


The room was filled with the smell of blood, causing a police officer who had just entered to feel nauseous.    


"You're finally here!" Chung Meng slowly turned his eyes to Wang Chen. At this moment, he was like a robot. There was not a trace of emotion, because all his emotions had flowed away with Ding's death.    


"You killed all these people!" Wang Chen pointed at Chung Meng and shouted. This was an interrogation that she, as a police officer, had to do.    


"Yes, I killed all of them." Chung Meng did not hide anything. Now, these were no longer important to him.    


"I surrender! I was also the one who committed the shooting at the Fangzheng's house a few hours ago. The reason was because of Soong Yi from the Soong Family in Yanjing. He hired me to kill two security guards from the Yan University with Fangzheng from the Weihui Group. My operation failed. They were furious at me. I was furious. These people were sent by Soong Yi to kill me. They even killed my girlfriend, Ding! "    


Chung Meng had called the police to explain this.    


It did not matter if he was sentenced to death. What he needed to do now was to make Soong Yi and Fangzheng pay the price. Hiring someone to kill someone was not a small crime in China. According to China's Penal Code, the highest sentence could be sentenced to death.    


Wang Chen and company were shocked. They never expected Chung Meng to admit his crimes so readily. Furthermore, he wanted to drag Soong Yi and Fangzheng down with him.    


"In the past three years, Soong Yi hired me to kill eight people. The time, location, and reason for each person's death, I can tell you later," Chung Meng said.    


Ding's death was caused by Soong Yi. His biggest wish now was to kill Soong Yi and avenge Ding.    


Wang Chen and the others were stunned. They never thought that the dignified Soong Family of Yanjing would have such a dark side to him. Chung Meng purposely brought them here to expose Soong Yi's secret.    


"At the Fangzheng's house, was it the security guard called Qin Lang who forced you to shoot at Fangzheng?" Wang Chen asked again.    


"No, it's none of his business. It's just that I'm dissatisfied with them. That's why I shot at Fangzheng! " Chung Meng said. Didn't Soong Yi want to kill Qin Lang? Then he had to let Qin Lang have nothing to do with him. The enemy of an enemy was a friend. At this moment, only Soong Yi and Fangzheng were Chung Meng's enemies!    


"Take him away!" Wang Chen said to her subordinate behind her.    


"Yes!" The two subordinates replied and walked towards Chung Meng. The other two policemen pointed their guns at Chung Meng.    


The two police officers handcuffed Chung Meng. Just as they lifted him up, Chung Meng's eyes rolled back and he fainted. He was shot five times. It was his conviction that supported him until the police arrived.    


"Send him to the hospital immediately!" Wang Chen checked Chung Meng's breath and said to the other policemen.    


Wang Chen and the others called 120. When 120 came, Wang Chen sent two policemen to follow Chung Meng to the hospital. She and the other two policemen drove the police car back to the police station.    


Wang Chen let the two policemen report to the bureau chief while she went straight to the detention room to detain Qin Lang in a small room.    


When Wang Chen arrived, Qin Lang was lying on the small bed in the detention room. He did not think about anything else but thinking that if Zhong Yu did not see him this morning, she would be very worried. What should he do?    


Hearing the sound of Tie Gu opening the detention room, Qin Lang sat up.    


"You are quite calm," Wang Chen walked in and said to Qin Lang.    


"What's the use of me thinking more? Why don't I sleep for a while? The bed here is a little hard, but it is still okay!"    


Qin Lang said lightly, "Officer Wang, what do you want from me at this time?"    


"You can leave now!" Wang Chen said. Chung Meng had already admitted that shooting Fangzheng was completely his personal action. It had nothing to do with Qin Lang. Qin Lang's crimes had already been washed clean.    


"Really? Why?" Qin Lang was overjoyed. He could not understand why Wang Chen would let him go in just over an hour.    


"We have already caught Chung Meng. Chung Meng admitted that you have nothing to do with this shooting! So you can leave now!" Wang Chen said.    


"I see." Qin Lang suddenly realized something and walked towards the door.    


There was no light in the wolfberry room, it was dark. When Qin Lang walked to the front, the light in the corridor shone on Qin Lang's face.    


Wang Chen saw Qin Lang's angular face, thin lips, and a strong nose bridge. His two dark eyes were like a pool of water under the night sky. His face maintained a calm and calm expression.    


Although Qin Lang was wearing a grey security uniform, his tall and straight body gave off an invisible aura of a man.    


Wang Chen could not help but think of more than an hour ago, in the interrogation room, Qin Lang had stolen her first kiss. Her eyes flickered slightly, and a rare blush appeared on her face.    


Qin Lang's heart skipped a beat. He also thought of the kiss from before and said, "It was my fault before. Please forgive me."    


"Hurry up and leave!" Wang Chen heard that Qin Lang saw through her thoughts and felt anxious in her heart. She stared at Qin Lang and said.    


Qin Lang had no choice but to walk out of the detention room. Wang Chen locked the door. She followed behind Qin Lang and looked at his back. Wang Chen actually had some resentment in her heart. In her heart, there was a voice saying, "That was my first kiss. How can you compensate me?"    


When this thought appeared, Wang Chen's face burned even more. She shook her head and wanted to forget about this matter as soon as possible.    


At this moment, Fann Feng heard his subordinate report that he had caught Chung Meng. He was delighted. Soong Yi and Young Master Soong had both been caught. He had finally completed the task given to him by Soong Yi.    


"You guys go out first!"    


Fann Feng said to his subordinate. He wanted to call Soong Yi to tell him the good news. However, when the two subordinates opened the door and went out, Fann Feng saw through the crack in the door. Wang Chen was leaving with a young man, and that young man seemed to be Qin Lang, whom Soong Yi had specially instructed. Fann Feng had seen Qin Lang's photo just now.    


What was going on? Fann Feng panicked and immediately shouted at Qin Lang, "Stop!"    


After saying that, Fann Feng quickly got up and quickly walked out of the office.    


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