Making Great Fortune Overnight

C579 Dragon Reversal Needle Technique

C579 Dragon Reversal Needle Technique

0"I don't believe I'll lose. What if you lose?!" Hsu Xiwen was arrogant. Of course, she did not believe that Qin Lang would hit the nail on the head this time.    


"It's easy. If I lose, I will serve you for ten years. I can do anything you want as long as you give the order."    


"Okay!" Hsu Xiwen waited for Qin Lang to say this and her pretty face lit up. "This is what you said! Then I will add another sentence on your foundation."    


"What? Tell me." Qin Lang stood with his hands behind his back, looking calm and relaxed.    


"If you lose, not only will you work as a servant for me in Original Herb Hall for ten years, you will also need to tell me what kind of pill you need to concoct. How about it?"    


Hsu Xiwen fantasized about torturing Qin Lang in the future, such as counting sesame seeds every day, or going to the cliff to pick herbs. In short, she wanted to regain the face that she had lost in the past.    


After being tortured and tired, she would make pills for herself.    


Lu Meichen, however, knew Lin Shaoxiong's condition. She could not help but stop him, "Qin Lang, don't..." "It's fine, I can handle it."    


Qin Lang laughed lightly. Then he looked at Hsu Xiwen and said, "Miss Xu, it's settled."    


"I will join in the fun too. Qin Lang, if you win, I will marry my daughter to you."    


Divine Doctor Xu suddenly said, "If you lose, you will marry my daughter."    


Divine Doctor Xu believed in his own judgment. He was a descendant of medicine that had been passed down for hundreds of years. He would not make a mistake.    


Hsu Xiwen was his youngest daughter, and he regarded her as a treasure.    


Hsu Xiwen almost vomited blood. "Father, you..."    


"Elder Xu, I don't want to bet with the old man."    


Qin Lang also looked at Divine Doctor Xu unhappily. It turned out that the old man and Hsu Xiwen were father and daughter. He did not say anything after that. He went forward and squatted beside Lin Shaoxiong to check.    


Soon, Qin Lang asked Divine Doctor Xu to bring the silver needles. He divided the needles into nine parts and each of them had nine needles.    


"Didn't you say that you have a knot in your heart?    


Why did you also perform acupuncture?"    


Hsu Xiwen could not help but mock, "I want to see what tricks you can play."    


" Acupuncture is only to stimulate blood energy, not to cure the root cause. "    


Qin Lang casually threw out a sentence, then started to treat Lin Shaoxiong.    


Nine silver needles appeared in his hands. Qin Lang held his breath and focused his mind. He moved his hand like lightning and instantly pierced the needles.    


He did not stop. His hands flashed again. He took out another nine needles and stabbed again.    


"Returning Dragon Needle Technique..." The expressions of the dozen doctors and Hsu Xiwen, who were watching, changed at the same time. They recognized the needle technique that Qin Lang had used.    


Hsu Xiwen could not stop herself from saying, "Father, did you see that? He secretly learned our family's ancestral needle technique..."    


Divine Doctor Xu's face darkened. "Shut up!"    


"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh." When Hsu Xiwen subconsciously calmed down, Qin Lang stabbed the silver needles out one after another. Nine times, nine times, and in the blink of an eye, 81 needles fell.    


"Nine return to one, nine return to one. After nine return to one, the dragon will fly in the sky... Nine return to one. After nine return to one, the dragon will fly in the sky..." Divine Doctor Xu's eyes lit up, and he said with a trembling voice, "Living, alive, full of energy..."    


Hsu Xiwen was stunned. "Father, what dragon will fly in the sky?"    


"Nine returning to one, isn't one a dragon?"    


Divine Doctor Xu said excitedly, "Qin Lang performed nine times in a row, but it doesn't mean that he only repeated it nine times. He used the Returning Dragon Needle Technique to its maximum effect."    


"Judging from this young man's acupuncture technique, the Returning Dragon Needle Technique that I learned is just a superficial knowledge. It's like learning the Returning Dragon Needle Technique, one scale and half a claw. It's really shameful."    


He was sincerely impressed. "The pinnacle technique, the pinnacle technique..."    


"Ah - - -"    


When he said that, not only were the doctors present shocked, Hsu Xiwen was also stunned. Then, she asked with difficulty, "Father, how can he be so powerful?"    


"He obviously secretly learned our family's acupuncture technique. How can he be more powerful than you?"    


She said with a reproachful tone, "You shouldn't have allowed others to watch you perform acupuncture. If you did, others would step on our heads."    


"Shut up!"    


Divine Doctor Xu could not stop scolding his daughter. "Use your brain to think. I only know how to perform the Invigorating Dragon Needle Technique, but I know the full set. Tell me, how can I secretly learn from me?"    


"Without Qin Lang, I don't think I know the full picture of the Dragon Reversion Needle Technique until now."    


Hearing Divine Doctor Xu's words, everyone fell silent again. They couldn't believe Divine Doctor Xu's evaluation of Qin Lang.    


Hsu Xiwen almost fell down. She could not accept the bloody reality, but seeing her father's serious look, she knew that it was not a joke.    


She looked at Qin Lang, ashamed to show her face.    


She believed that Qin Lang had secretly learned it, but she did not expect him to be the true inheritor of the Dragon Reversal Needle Technique.    


Her cheeks were hot.    


Lu Meichen's eyes, however, lit up. She admired Qin Lang even more.    


"Rise! At this time, Qin Lang had finished all the acupuncture.    


Both of Lin Shaoxiong's hands, legs, and body were covered with flashing silver needles. He looked like a hedgehog.    


However, Lin Shaoxiong still did not have the slightest reaction.    


His eyes were dull and his body was stiff, as if his heart had already died. He didn't have the slightest bit of attachment to this world.    


Qin Lang ignored everyone's gazes and walked to Lin Shaoxiong's side. He whispered into Lin Shaoxiong's ear, "A man who can support the heavens and support the earth should try his best to make up for his mistakes. He should not sit in a wheelchair and be an ostrich for more than 20 years."    


"You must be suffering because of something. Why are you giving up on yourself? A man should be able to lift and put it down, shouldn't he?"    


"It's not that you can't walk the road, but you don't want to take responsibility. It's not that you can't hold your sword, but you don't dare to face your own failure."    


"If I were that child, I would hate you for hating you. Because of your weakness and incompetence, you made me coldly live for more than 20 years..."    


Qin Lang's tone was calm, but when it fell into Lin Shaoxiong's ears, it was like a huge thunder. Every word that fell into Lin Shaoxiong's ears made him tremble, and it also shocked him until his eyes gradually became angry.    


Hsu Xiwen and the others were confused, but Divine Doctor Xu's body also shook.    


Qin Lang's words were like enlightenment, and it made Divine Doctor Xu suddenly understand a lot of things.    


What waist and muscle were all nonsense. His treatment of Lin Shaoxiong was completely wrong. It was a mistake in direction, so it did not have any effect.    


The heart, the key was the heart. It was the heart that solved the knot in Lin Shaoxiong's heart.    


After so many years, Lin Shaoxiong's heart had never been stitched together.    


"Idiot, it's useless. You deserve to die ten thousand times for your crimes. A walking corpse..." Lin Shaoxiong suddenly spoke. His lips were dry and cracked as he muttered. His breath was weak, but the pain on his face was like a shadow.    


Every time he said a word, the silver needles on his body trembled. Later, his blood and Qi clearly flowed back. Lin Shaoxiong's pale face had a trace of red color, and his blood and Qi gushed out.    


One word, one word, each word was like Lin Shaoxiong's blood and tears.    


Qin Lang's method had worked! But it was still not enough. How could Lin Shaxiong's decades of blood and Qi weaken in an instant?    


"I... lost... my child. I am a bastard. I am a... scum... I am not worthy of living in this world..."    


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