Making Great Fortune Overnight

C718 They Didn't Listen to His Advice

C718 They Didn't Listen to His Advice

0"The public opinion these few days isn't too optimistic. They are all criticizing us and supporting the Leap White Medicine. We are unable to provide our own explanation in the face of the surging public opinion. It is very weak, and no one will listen to us."    


"Furthermore, the public opinion is now one-sided. They are all certain that the secret recipe belongs to Yang Zhanguo."    


"Chairman Qin, I don't know if there is a saying that needs to be said. I think that the most rational way for us now is to reconcile with Yang Zhanguo and the others and compensate them with some money to gain forgiveness."    


"The lawyer who jumped into the pharmaceutical industry called me this morning. He told me that if you continued to talk about the defects of their white medicine, they would sue you for slander."    


"Dr. Qin, let's admit defeat in this round."    


Wei Fatian took a long breath and said, "There is still a long way to go in the future. We don't need to care about the gains and losses."    


Although his words were pretty, Wei Fatian felt pity in his heart. The secret recipe worth 100 billion had been taken by someone else. How many people did not go crazy?    


Qin Lang said in a low voice, "This product is really flawed..."    


"Qin Lang, let Lawyer Wei handle this matter."    


Lu Meichen grabbed Qin Lang's arm. "Can you accompany me to ski and relax?"    


Obviously, she was worried that Qin Lang would go crazy.    


Qin Lang smiled. "I'm afraid we won't be able to leave..."    


"Doctor, doctor, help!"    


At that moment, a car rushed to the entrance of the Rejuvenation Hall. Before the car could stabilize itself, the door opened.    


Qin Lang and the others turned to look.    


They saw a well-dressed woman carrying a child rushing over and shouting.    


"Doctor, please save my son."    


"Son, don't move, don't scratch him!"    


Then he shouted with a sobbing tone, "Quickly save my son."    


The woman looked like she was in her forties. She was dressed in fashionable clothes and looked like a gem. She was carrying a five-year-old child in her arms.    


The child was small, but he was very strong. At this moment, he was struggling and crying. He looked like he was in great pain.    


His left hand was dripping with blood.    


His right hand tried to scratch his left arm several times, but it was stopped by the beautiful woman.    


The child kept crying, "Mom, I'm itchy, I'm itchy..."    


A middle-aged man ran out of the parked car and rushed into the clinic to help hold the child's hand. He shouted, "Doctor, save him!"    


Hsu Xiwen and the others reacted. They fixed the child and cleaned his arm.    


It was fine if he did not touch it. Once he touched it, the child twisted even more. He shouted crazily, "It's itchy, it's itchy..."    


Hsu Xiwen and the others could not handle it for a moment.    


"Let me do it!"    


Qin Lang went forward and took out a silver needle to prick it a few times. The child's body went limp and his arms were also powerless, but he still kept screaming in pain.    


Feng asked the family members, "What exactly happened?"    


"I don't know either."    


Seeing that her son was no longer struggling, the beautiful lady's mood improved by two percent. However, her pretty face was still anxious.    


"We took him to the amusement park to play today, and as soon as he came out, he shouted that his arm was itchy, and then he scratched it with his life."    


"He scratched until it was badly mutilated, and the more he scratched, the crazier he became. I felt that something was wrong, so I held him down"    


"Seeing that there's a clinic here, bring him here to take a look," Wang Yao said.    


The middle-aged man also echoed, "Yes, he suddenly acted up. We still don't know what's going on."    


He looked at his son lovingly. He did not know what was wrong with his son, so he grabbed his arm like this.    


However, now that he had calmed down, he felt much better.    


Qin Lang picked up the child's left arm and examined it. "His left arm was injured?"    




The beautiful lady patted her head. "Yesterday afternoon, the window glass was broken and his arm was cut."    


"But the wound wasn't deep nor long. It was only about three centimeters long. We applied the Leap White Medicine twice and stopped the bleeding and formed a scar."    


"It healed too quickly. I forgot that he was injured."    


She looked up at Qin Lang in surprise. "You didn't say that there was a problem with the Leap White Medicine, did you?"    


"That's right, Leap White Medicine."    


The middle-aged man took out a bottle of ointment. "The child is injured like this, and it's perfect to use the Leap White Medicine to treat him. Why didn't I think of that?"    


"It can't be applied!"    


"The Leap White Medicine has a flaw. It doesn't match your child's constitution. "    


Qin Lang stretched out his hand to stop the other party. "He's extremely itchy, and he's even scratching and bleeding. This is the side effect of the Leap White Medicine."    


"Although the Leap White Medicine allowed your child to stop bleeding and form a scar yesterday, because the special characteristics did not merge together, it did not completely merge with the wound. The wound left under the scar is still there."    


"The child had fun for a day today. He worked hard and activated the white medicine again, which stimulated the new flesh under the scar."    


"Your child could not control himself and tore open the old wound to relieve the itch of the scar."    


Qin Lang reminded him, "If you apply the white medicine on it now, it will only make its vicious cycle more and more itchy."    




" Why does this word sound a little familiar? "    


The beautiful lady slapped her thigh to recognize Qin Lang. "Ah, I remember now. You are the one who caused trouble at the press conference?"    


"Right, right. He's the one from Yunxian Pharmaceutical, the one who slandered the Leap White Medicine all over the place."    


The middle-aged man shuddered as well. "So it's you. No wonder you splashed dirty water on the Leap White Medicine when you got the chance."    


"My son is scratching the Leap White Medicine like this! It's very likely that he's just feeling agitated for a moment or that Changxin's flesh is itching! It has nothing to do with the Leap White Medicine!"    


"There's really a problem with the Leap White Medicine. My son should have scratched it yesterday or morning. Why would he wait until now?"    


"You, what kind of doctor are you? Your heart is too dark. How dare you slander such a good medicine?"    


"Bah, a person without medical ethics must not have good medical skills."    


"Let's go to a big hospital to treat him. We don't want him to murder us for money here."    


"Kid, let me tell you. You just gave him a few needles. If anything happens to my son, I will not let you off..."    


The middle-aged man picked up his son and did not forget to point at Qin Lang's nose and scold him.    


"My brother-in-law is from the Medicine Department. You just wait for your bad luck."    


Seeing that his son had become much quieter, the middle-aged man was full of confidence. He quickly brought his son and wife into the car, then stepped on the accelerator and drove to the big hospital.    


Yingjing Ling could not stop herself from slapping the table.    


"What kind of person is this? Helping him save someone? He looks so arrogant."    


Hsu Xiwen and the rest also shook their heads.    


Lu Meichen walked up from behind and held Qin Lang's hand. She said, "Don't be angry. They also love their son and don't know what to say."    




Qin Lang smiled and said, "I should be happy!"    


"It's time to put away the net..."    


It was seven o'clock in the evening when the lanterns were lit. The middle-aged man and the beautiful lady sent the child to the emergency room of the hospital.    


After a round of examination, the doctor determined that there was no major problem. It was just that the wound healed quickly, and the new flesh caused an itch.    


The adults could control their scratching, but the child had poor self-control. Coupled with the fact that he had been playing for a day and was drenched in sweat, he was scratching.    


The doctor gave the child anti-inflammatory injections, prescribed injections and anti-inflammatory drugs, and told him that he would be fine after being hospitalized for two days.    


The middle-aged man and the beautiful woman let out a sigh of relief. They looked at Qin Lang with even more contempt. They were very angry at him for slandering the Leap White Medicine.    


Therefore, while letting their son stay in the hospital, they posted their encounters and told everyone their experiences. They must not fool people like Qin Lang.    


After the post was posted, they pulled out the silver needles that Qin Lang had inserted into the needles.    


"Ah -"    


Almost as soon as the silver needles were pulled out, the child lying on the bed screamed again. He reached out and scratched off the Leap White Medicine that had just been applied.    


His nails were still digging deeper and deeper, causing his left arm, which had stopped bleeding, to become badly mutilated again.    


The needle that was hanging from his hand was also removed. It sank into the palm of his right hand, but he did not feel any pain at all.    


He only wanted to scratch his left arm so that he could stop the itch.    


The clothes and the bed sheets were soon covered in blood, and the child's face turned pale due to the pain.    


The middle-aged man and the beautiful woman were so scared that their phones dropped. Then, they held the child down and shouted, "Don't scratch, don't scratch!"    


"Call the doctor, quickly call the doctor."    


The beautiful woman looked at her son's arm, which was tearing her heart and lungs, and shouted.    


Seven or eight medical staff rushed over and pressed down on the child. Although the wound was quickly treated, the child could not calm down no matter what.    


The doctor could only inject a tranquilizer to let the child sleep for a while...    


"Hubby, Hubby, the child is scratched again. Quickly call the doctor."    


At two o'clock in the morning, a beautiful woman who had not slept for the entire night wanted to scratch the child when he woke up. She quickly grabbed his right hand.    


The middle-aged man who had narrowed his eyes earlier shuddered and hurriedly rushed out to call the medical staff.    


He wanted to cry but had no tears.    


Although the child was sedated at dusk, he only woke up after sleeping for a few hours. After that, he repeatedly tossed and turned, causing the couple to be physically and mentally exhausted.    


The medical staff had no choice but to hold the child's hands and remind the family to pay more attention to him. They were unable to take any more sedatives for a short period of time.    


It was just that there were seven or eight disturbances in the night. Every time the child woke up, the child would scream again and again until he was exhausted and fell asleep. Only then could everyone catch their breath.    


This also made the middle-aged man and his wife mentally and mentally exhausted.    


"What exactly is going on?"    


The beautiful woman looked at the Leap White Medicine with a haggard expression, "Could it be that there really is a problem with this medicine?"    


At three o'clock in the morning, Hee Yaxin, who was sleeping soundly with the blanket in her arms, felt an itch on her left palm.    


She muttered as she scratched.    


After an unknown amount of time, she suddenly screamed and a sharp pain surged into her palm.    


There was also something sticky.    


Her sleepiness was completely gone. She sat up straight and turned on the large lamp. It was fine if she didn't turn on the lamp, but when she saw it, her soul scattered.    


She discovered that the scar on her left palm had been scratched open at some unknown time. There were dozens of nail marks on it, and it was a bloody mess. It was extremely painful.    


The pillow, the bed sheet, and the blanket were all covered in blood.    


What made her panic the most was that her left palm was still extremely itchy, and she couldn't help but scratch it.    


One scratching and one scratching, it was very comfortable. The posture of not being able to stop at all also made the wound even more terrifying.    


"No, you can't scratch it!"    


Hee Yaxin bit her lips tightly, holding back the urge to scratch again, worried that one of her hands would be destroyed.    


Then, her hands trembled as she picked up her phone and called 120...    


When Hee Yaxin asked for help, Qiu Gongcheng also fell from the bed and fell to the ground. He covered his abdomen and was in pain.    


The wound that had only been operated on for two days had been scratched open by him. It was a shocking sight to behold.    


Moreover, his heart was trembling, as if he had gone through a violent exercise.    


What made Qiu Gongcheng's eyelids twitch the most was that even though he knew that the wound was in great pain, he could not help but scratch it a few more times.    


Because he felt that there were countless ants crawling around in his abdomen. If he didn't scratch it a few times, he wouldn't be able to withstand the strange itch at all. Moreover, if he scratched it, it would be indescribably comfortable.    


It was painful but happy.    


How could this be?    


There was a problem! There was a problem!    


Qiu Gongcheng shouted at the nurses, "Quickly call the doctor, quickly call the doctor..."    


Qiu Gongcheng then held his breath with both hands and quickly operated martial arts on the bed to protect the channels and collaterals in his body.    


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