Heaven Devouring Immortal Emperor

C9 Earth Sun City

C9 Earth Sun City



Chi Yangzi's palm hit Feng Yimo's chest, sending him flying. He spat out a few mouthfuls of blood in midair. Feng Yimo even heard the sound of his ribs breaking. There was even a broken lung in his blood. He fell heavily to the ground, unable to get up.    


"What, what kind of knife is this?" Chi Yangzi's beard and hair were fluttering in the wind. Blood was flowing out from the corner of his mouth. He looked very scary in the dark night. He asked in a hoarse voice.    


Feng Yimo did not know what he meant. He shook his head and was about to say something when he saw Chi Yangzi holding the handle of the knife with both hands and slowly drawing the rusted knife. He was shocked. How could he not be killed? If he was allowed to draw the knife, he would not be far from death. He struggled to get up, but he didn't have any strength in his body. His chest hurt badly every breath he took.    


Suddenly, Chi Yangzi screamed. The rusted knife burst out with a grey light. Chi Yangzi's red face quickly withered. His hair became dark and lusterless. The muscles on his arms contracted. In just three breaths' time, Chi Yangzi had turned into a skeleton. All of his muscles and muscles were absorbed by the gray light.    


The mountain wind blew, and the skeleton turned into dust particles. They drifted away with the wind, leaving only a Taoist robe. The rusted knife fell to the ground with a clang. Feng Yimo couldn't hold it any longer and passed out.    


After an unknown amount of time, Feng Yimo woke up and found that it was still night. It was quiet all around. He struggled to get up and picked up a large half of the ginseng, Chi Yangzi's flying sword, and Storage Bag. He looked at the rusted knife on the ground and did not dare to take it directly. He rolled up the Divine Sense and put it into his mouth. He chewed and ran.    


Before this, he had only eaten the arms and legs of a human-shaped ginseng. The ginseng's body was left behind. Now, the medicinal effect of the human-shaped ginseng was fully exerted. As it nourished his internal injuries, it didn't take long for him to feel less painful. However, the medicinal effect of the ginseng was too strong. Steam began to emerge from Feng Yimo's forehead. It was as if he was running against a steamer. It was as if there was a fire burning in his stomach. His entire body was hot, and his blood was boiling. Even though the Spirit Devouring Silkworm was continuously devouring the spiritual energy released by the ginseng, the excess medicinal strength still made Feng Yimo feel unbearable pain. His skin was red, and his entire body was swollen. The medicinal Divine Senses discovered that a pond had appeared not far away. Without caring about anything else, it dashed over. Puff!    


Sizzle sizzle!    


As his body was immersed in the water, a large amount of steam rose from the surroundings. The water vapor floated above the pond, making it seem like a fairyland. With the cooling water to cool down, Feng Yimo no longer felt so uncomfortable. His four limbs were smooth and comfortable. He hurriedly breathed in and out in the water, gradually entering a good state.    




Ling Ya was the only daughter of the city lord of Soil-Sun City, Ling Fei. She was considered a tyrant in Soil-Sun City. Everyone gave her some face. As the second largest city of Chu Country, Muyang City defended the borders. It was a great contribution to defend against the invasion of demon beasts. City Lord Ling Fei was appointed as Tu Yang Hou by the king of the Chu Country. Ling Ya was friends with the king's daughter, Chu Linger. This time, she was invited by Princess Chu Linger to the Hundred Flowers City City to participate in the Flower Lover Ceremony. It was because of the heavy rain yesterday. She was hiding in a temple to avoid the rain, which delayed her trip. Thus, he set off early in the morning to chase away the delayed journey. She did not want to miss the Flower Lover Meeting.    


"Miss, look over there, the mist is rising. Is there a hot spring over there? I was drenched in the rain yesterday and didn't take a good bath. Should I go and take a look? " If it's a hot spring, Miss can take a bath for a while to get tired. " Maidservant Qiu Ju lifted the curtain of the carriage and pointed her slender finger to the right. Ling Ya looked over and sure enough, there was a lump of hot air rising not far from the official road. She thought for a moment and said, "Uncle Hai, let's go and take a look."    


Ling Hai was the Ling Family's butler. He watched her grow up from a young age. He treated her like a daughter and listened to her every word. He doted on her so much that he immediately turned the car around. As they drove towards the place where the mist rose, the twelve cavalrymen in silver armor followed behind them. Left and right of the guards. The knights in silver armor were the most famous of the three hundred silver-armored guards of the Soil-Sun Marquis, twelve of them. Each of them could take on a hundred men. They had experienced hundreds of battles, and there were brown blood stains on the silver armor. That was the blood of the enemy, even if they were facing demon beasts. Twelve Silver Cloth Guards have the power to fight!    


When his daughter went out, she could not afford to make any mistakes. Therefore, Tu Yanghou had sent the 12 Silver Guards to protect his daughter. It was 2,800 miles from Tu Yang City to Hundred Flowers City, so he had to be careful.    


Because it was not far away, the pond arrived very quickly. The surrounding fog was dense, and the morning sun shone down. It was colorful, and half of the rainbow hung high in the sky. It was filled with the sound of birds chirping and the fragrance of flowers.    


Maidservant and Qiu Ju ran to the side of the pond in joy. She stretched out her hand and tested it. The water was warm, "Miss, it is indeed a hot spring. Come quickly!"    


There were 20 silver armored guards outside and no one was allowed to see within 200 feet. Inside, under Maidservant's vigilance, Ling Ya took off her clothes and a perfect body appeared beside the pond. Her jade feet slightly penetrated into the water and the heat came from the water. The water was slightly hot and when she completely immersed herself in the water, the hot spring soaked her whole body and made her feel very comfortable.    


Ling Ya washed her body and looked around. Suddenly, she found that there was a figure in front of her. Furthermore, it was a tall person. She could not help but turn pale with fright and scream involuntarily. "There is someone. Qiu Ju, come quickly!"    


Qiu Ju who was standing by the pond quickly ran over, "Where is it, where is it?"    


Ling Ya pointed at the opposite side of the hot spring and Qiu Ju raised her hand and shot out a sleeve arrow. Unfortunately, the thick fog above the pool was too heavy and it was hard to see whether the arrow hit the target or not. Ling Ya did not bother to take a bath and stood up from the pool. At this moment, a gust of morning wind blew over. The thick fog was blown away, revealing the situation on the other side. A handsome youth with a bare upper body was sitting cross-legged in the pool of water. His eyes were tightly shut, and his breathing was even. It was as if he had fallen asleep. There were countless butterflies around the young man. Red, blue, yellow, black, flower, all kinds of colors. Some hovered above the youth's head, while others landed on the surface of the water beside him. Some stayed on the young man's body and head, and the morning wind blew. The morning breeze danced, and it was as if ten thousand flowers were blooming. It was a magnificent sight.    


Ling Ya and Qiu Ju were both stunned. They had actually forgotten that they were still naked. At this moment, the young man suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Ling Ya with a clear and bright gaze.    


"Ah, daring pervert, daring to peep at Miss bathing!" Qiu Ju quickly put on her dress and shouted with a sullen face.    


Ling Ya's pink face was red and she was ashamed. She was almost about to cry. When had she ever suffered such humiliation? She was seen naked by an unfamiliar man. She put on her dress, shoes, and socks. She picked up a sword and rushed towards the young man along the edge of the pond. She wanted to kill this lecher who was peeping at her bath!    


However, as she ran, countless butterflies flew up. They seemed to sense her killing intent and surrounded the youth. There were also many moths flying towards her. They covered the sky and covered the earth. She had no choice but to stop and swing her sword randomly. Soon, the butterflies' bodies were piled up under her feet.    


Feng Yimo had been refining the medicinal strength of the human-shaped ginseng. The pond water in the pond was heated by the heat emitted by his body. A human-shaped ginseng only allowed his cultivation to reach the peak of the first level of the Qi Training Period realm. Unfortunately, he was only at the first level, and could not break through to the second level. Moreover, the Spirit Devouring Silkworm had gone crazy. It had absorbed all the spiritual energy that had been accumulated in his body, making him a mortal.    


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