Dragon Blood King



2Although the Spirit Profound Stone was a treasure, even Spirit Controller, who had a lot of power, did not dare to use it for cultivation easily, because the Spirit Profound Stone was formed from the corpses of beasts that possessed Spiritual Energy s, and was even nurtured with the essence of heaven and earth.    


At this moment, Bai Yuhao deeply understood this point. He felt as if his body was about to be torn into pieces. His flesh and blood constantly churned and convulsed as if they were in a mixer.    


However, Dragon-like seemed to have gotten better because of Bai Yuhao sharing in the raging Spiritual Energy. Her whole body started to emit a weak light, which wrapped around her petite body, flickering as if she was in the arms of her mother.    


Seeing that, Bai Yuhao could only grit his teeth and endure. No matter what, he would not give up on Dragon-like.    


After a long while, the Spiritual Energy that was initially wreaking havoc in Bai Yuhao's body seemed to calm down a little, as if it was gradually getting used to the Power of Dragon Spirit. After the Power of Dragon Spirit sucked Dragon-like's berserk Spiritual Energy, it began to circulate, circulating the Spiritual Energy it had absorbed into Bai Yuhao's body for a week, before putting it into his dantian. It then channeled its spirit energy back into the Dragon Pattern and sent it back to Dragon-like.    


Although Bai Yuhao felt that his body was no longer in pain, the impact of the Spiritual Energy still placed a huge burden on his body. Gradually, his consciousness also started to become blurry, and finally, he fell to the side and fell into a deep sleep. However, his hand was still placed on Dragon-like's forehead.    


After a night, the sky turned white as the sun rose into the sky. A cool breeze blew between the bamboo forest, and the shadows of the trees swayed.    


Bai Yuhao only felt his face suddenly become wet, as if something was licking him. He subconsciously waved his hand and shouted: "Dragon-like, stop messing around!" He could vaguely remember what happened last night. He felt as if his entire body was not even what he had once been, tired and tired at the same time.    


However, the feeling of wetness continued, so he opened his eyes impatiently. However, he found himself lying on a very soft object. To be exact, it should be the body of some large animal, because his entire person usually occupied it.    


He suddenly saw a huge shadow appear in front of his eyes and his heart skipped a beat. He instantly woke up and hurriedly got up to take a look, only to see a human face that was twice the size of a dragon head. The head of the dragon was blinking two large eyes that seemed to be as innocent and innocent as a human's.    


Seeing that, Bai Yuhao quickly jumped up, but at that moment, he realized that his body seemed to have become lighter. He looked at his own Spiritual Energy and was shocked, seeing that the weak spiritual flame in his body was burning like a small flame.    


In the span of a single night, his strength had actually risen from the Mortal Feather Stage s all the way to the third stage of the Mortal Feather Stage.    


"Oh my god! "What's the situation now?" Even Bai Yuhao himself was stunned.    


At this moment, the unknown man who had 'harassed' him earlier suddenly stood up and revealed his entire body. The entire figure was so tall that it reached his chest. A dragon-like head, a body as strong as a lion and tigers, four slender and robust limbs, and two tails that seemed to be ignited in flames. However, even though he looked familiar, he couldn't remember where he had seen it before!    


"Could it be some Royal Spirit Controller's beast? Why did they come here... That's right, where's Dragon-like! " Bai Yuhao immediately looked around, looking for Dragon-like. As for the huge fellow in front of him, it suddenly let out a series of wuwu sounds, as if it was responding, and moved towards him.    


Bai Yuhao saw that he could not find Dragon-like, but this big guy was leaning on him. He couldn't help but think back to last night's situation and the miracle of him suddenly rising to the third level of Mortal Feather Stage. He suddenly raised his head and stared at the big guy in front of him. You are Dragon-like … "    


When Dragon-like saw that his master had finally recognized him, he immediately jumped towards him happily. However, it seemed to have forgotten that he was no longer that petite little fellow.    


"I say, Dragon-like, you've grown up, but why don't you have a brain? Do you want to kill your master?!" Bai Yuhao felt as if his body was suddenly pressed down by a few hundred pounds, and he almost lost his temper.    


Only then did Dragon-like realize that he had done something wrong. He immediately jumped off Bai Yuhao's body and squatted at the side.    


Bai Yuhao propped up his body and reached out his hand to touch Dragon-like's head that had already become a lot bigger. He realized that as Dragon-like grew up, he looked more and more like a dragon, especially this head, it was almost the same as the dragon he had seen before. After Dragon-like was touched a few times, he immediately extended his tongue and licked Bai Yuhao, causing Bai Yuhao's face to be covered in saliva.    


Bai Yuhao anxiously pulled Dragon-like's big head back, if not, he would probably be drooling when he turned around. After getting up, he circled around Dragon-like a few times, touched his chin, and said: "It seems like it was because of that Profound Yellow Spirit Stone that Dragon-like evolved. not only has it evolved    


It's over. By mistake, it also allowed me to reach the third level of the Mortal Feather Stage in an instant. Other than that, Dragon-like had also evolved, and his star rating seemed to have grown. However, it was said that as long as Spirit Beast could grow stars, normal beasts would not be able to do it. Could it be, Dragon-like is a beast? " Thinking to this point, even his own eyes couldn't help but light up. If Dragon-like really was a Spirit Beast, then he had undoubtedly picked up a treasure.    


However, with Bai Yuhao's current level, he naturally could not determine whether Dragon-like was a beast or a Spirit Beast. Furthermore, he did not know how many stars Dragon-like had currently, but he could be sure that Dragon-like had originally been less than one star.    


Although Bai Yuhao really wanted to know how far Dragon-like had evolved, he couldn't possibly bring Dragon-like along to find someone who could identify Dragon-like's star level. After all, who would believe that a trash that didn't even reach one star would suddenly have such an astonishing evolution in front of them?    


"Right, this Beast Discriminating Tactic …" Bai Yuhao suddenly thought of the Beast Discriminating Tactic that Beautiful General, Mu Yinv, gave to him.    


Bai Yuhao was about to take out the Beast Discriminating Tactic hidden in his bosom and study it, but at this moment, the morning horn came from afar.    


"It's already this time." It was already early in the morning, and once the morning horn sounded, it would be time for everyone to get up. Bai Yuhao then realized it was already early in the morning, and once the morning horn sounded, it would be time for everyone to get up.    


Actually, from the first day he entered Dragon Field, he had been completely at odds with Lan Mei. However, before he had the ability to fight back, it was better for him to avoid provoking Lan Mei.    


But since Dragon-like had grown up so suddenly, if he was brought back, others would definitely be suspicious. Thus, Bai Yuhao told Dragon-like to stay in the bamboo forest and not be discovered. After that, he returned to his room and changed into a set of training clothes before heading to the kitchen.    


When he just arrived at the kitchen, Bai Yuhao was surprised to see Lan Mei. She was standing at the kitchen door with a thoughtful look in her eyes.    


"Lord Lan …" Bai Yuhao shouted as he walked over.    


Lan Mei regained her senses, seeing Bai Yuhao walking over, she immediately bit her lower lip and said: "Go back to Dragon Field Training, the punishment will end here."    


"Huh?" Bai Yuhao was surprised. He wondered if Lan Mei had suddenly turned benevolent. She had only punished him for one day, and now she wanted him to go back and continue with his training. He had originally wanted to take the opportunity to secretly study the Beast Discriminating Tactic while he was doing odd jobs in the kitchen!    


"What are you waiting for? Why aren't you going back?" Seeing Bai Yuhao still in a daze, Lan Mei glared at him with her beautiful eyes.    


"Oh!" Bai Yuhao turned around and left reluctantly. Actually, with his current cultivation speed, it didn't matter even if he didn't go through normal training. Moreover, the current training was all just basic physical training, and he had Fake Dragon Saliva s to strengthen his physique, so the effects were also several times greater than the training.    


The reason why she avoided Bai Yuhao's punishment was definitely not because of a benevolent heart. It was impossible for her to be soft-hearted with her usual way of doing things, and the reason why she was not punished by Bai Yuhao was because yesterday, when she returned from Temple of Excursion, she received a secret letter sent by Dragon Emperor. It was because of the contents of the letter that she made an exception to avoid Bai Yuhao's punishment. Because the contents of this secret letter would very likely cause a huge commotion among the royal clan!    


On the other side, when Bai Yuhao returned to the Dragon Field, the gathered youths all started pointing at him the moment they saw him. They didn't understand why he suddenly came back.    


"Weren't you punished in the kitchen? Why are you back? " When Bai Yuhao passed by Ji Feng, Ji Feng couldn't help but to ask.    


"Who knows? I thought I could be lazy!" Bai Yuhao shrugged and then stood in the middle of the line.    


Not long after, Lan Mei appeared before all of the youths.    


"You guys have already trained in Dragon Field for a while, I believe you already know that becoming a Royal Spirit Controller is not as simple as you imagined, and what you did before was only the beginning. From today onwards, the amount of training would double. People who can't finish it are not allowed to eat! " Lan Mei said sternly.    


The teenagers immediately complained. The usual training was already bad enough. If they continued with this training, wouldn't it cost them their lives? Not only that, they didn't even have any food to eat.    


Soon after, Lan Mei looked around at the youths, and clapped her hands, and a huge copper cauldron appeared in her hands. This copper cauldron was at least seven or eight hundred jin, but the aide-de-camp was extremely relaxed, as if he was dragging a plate. However, after the aide-de-de-camp put down the copper cauldron, a rumbling sound could be heard, as if the ground nearby was trembling, it was extremely shocking!    


"This copper cauldron is your current goal …" If any of you can lift this cauldron right now, you can skip this month's training and take a break! However, I can tell you this: out of all the novices I have trained, only ten of them were able to lift this cauldron before leaving the Dragon Field. As for the others, when they left, none of them were able to do so. And one of the ten people here believes that many of you know her. She is Miss Ximen Xue from the Ximen Family Clan. Furthermore, she was the only one who had raised this cauldron when her Mortal Feather Stage was at the fifth stage. Under normal circumstances, he would need at least the strength of a seventh stage Mortal Feather Stage to barely be able to lift this cauldron. So, if you want to lift this cauldron right now, that is just wishful thinking! " Lan Mei pointed at the copper cauldron and said.    




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