Dragon Blood King



1Of course, Bai Yuhao understood that in the current situation, they had no advantage in Black Army at all. Merely in terms of troop strength, the total strength of the White Army was two times that of the Black Army, so once the four White Army armies joined hands and annihilated one of them, it would absolutely be impossible to escape. If the other Black Army was also destroyed, even if he was the only one with five flags, it would be useless.    


"How long until the end?" Bai Yuhao immediately asked the soldier beside him.    


"Around two hours."    


"It's a bit long. However, if we can get something out of it, there might be hope. " Bai Yuhao's gaze turned serious as he pondered over it.    


"Brothers, it's time for you to show off. Do you want to win?" Very quickly, Bai Yuhao's gaze lit up and he immediately tried to boost the morale.    


"Yes!" Hundreds of soldiers shouted in unison.    


"Very good. But right now, we have to get rid of one of the four White Army before they join forces. So, I need fifty people to carry out a suicide mission. Although you won't really die, you can't fight with the others until the last moment. But I promise you that your sacrifice will be rewarded with a final victory. If anyone is willing, then step forward! " Bai Yuhao shouted.    


Shua shua shua! In the blink of an eye, at least two hundred soldiers had stepped forward, all willing to carry out this suicidal mission. At this moment, Bai Yuhao's Black Army Army's morale was high because of their consecutive victories. Adding on to that, they all wanted to obtain the final victory, so they were all willing to sacrifice themselves in order to obtain the final victory.    


Afterwards, Bai Yuhao picked fifty soldiers out of the two hundred who were running fast, because these fifty soldiers needed to be used as bait to attract the three White Army soldiers who had just annihilated a Black Army unit, preventing them from joining hands with the White Army unit that was attacking Commander Cao. Therefore, this mission was a suicidal one, and it was all to buy the most advantageous time.    


The fifty soldiers quickly obeyed the order with determined expressions.    


At the same time, Bai Yuhao also brought his own unit to rush to the place where the Black Army troops were besieging the valley.    


After arriving at the valley, Bai Yuhao hid himself with his troops and watched the White Army army that was still attacking. Although they were missing another White Army unit, because the Black Army unit that was currently being attacked was lacking in strength, it was obvious that they could not match their expectations. Of the three defensive lines that were originally laid down, only one was left, and the situation was dire.    


Bai Yuhao saw that he could not rush the moment, and immediately ordered his own troops to stay put. From the side of the valley, he sneaked into the narrow valley guarded by the Black Army.    


Very quickly, Bai Yuhao appeared in front of Commander Cao, who was leading the Black Army troops.    


When Commander Cao saw Bai Yuhao, he could not help but be shocked. Then, he immediately frowned and asked: "Why are you here? How did you get in? " Because the defensive line wasn't broken, ordinary people wouldn't be able to enter.    


"There isn't much time, so I'll make this short." Bai Yuhao looked at the Celestial Master Stage that Commander Cao was wearing. Spirit Controller could be considered to be very strong among the commander of the Thousand Cavalry.    


Commander Cao saw Bai Yuhao's self-talk and immediately snorted with a displeased expression. It seemed as if his eyes were high above the sky.    


"If you don't want to lose, you'd better listen to me seriously." Bai Yuhao said coldly.    


"Listening to you, a breeder, you won't lose? "What a joke …" Commander Cao had a very high opinion of himself, so how could he listen to Bai Yuhao subserviently. Moreover, he already thought that Black Army would lose without a doubt, and that he was only making the final struggle.    


"I have five military flags in my hands, and adding your side, right now, the number of flags we have is equal to White Army. So, at least until now, we haven't lost." Bai Yuhao went straight to the point.    


"Five flags in your hands? How is that possible? " After Commander Cao finished listening, his expression changed as if he couldn't believe it.    


"Because I killed two White Army troops." Bai Yuhao answered with a calm expression.    


"Two White Army units? How can you, a mere breeder, be so capable? " Commander Cao was shocked, even if he could protect himself in this situation, Bai Yuhao was actually able to knock out two White Army troops.    


At this moment, Commander Cao suddenly thought of the fact that Bai Yuhao came along with Liu Yunxuan, so he could not help but guess in his heart: "Could it be that this so-called keeper is just a cover. In reality, this person is a hidden expert in martial arts." Thinking of this, he immediately hesitated. In any case, he might lose anyway, so he might as well give it his all. If this Bai Yuhao really had that kind of skill, perhaps he really could win.    


"What are your plans?" Commander Cao immediately asked.    


"Have your troops release their defenses, and take the initiative to attack. attract the attention of that White Army unit. I will conduct an surprise attack from the back and finish the battle as quickly as possible." Bai Yuhao said briefly.    


After Commander Cao heard this, he didn't have any objections.    


Afterwards, Bai Yuhao once again dived out and returned to his own troops. Immediately, he made an ambush and prepared to coordinate with Commander Cao's troops.    


At the same time, three White Army troops who had just finished annihilating one Black Army unit were planning to gather the other White Army units. In any case, the situation had already been set, and victory was definitely within the grasp of the White Army, so the morale of the three White Army troops was also high. Of course, they didn't know that the White Army had already lost two units, and there was still another unit that would be eaten by the combined forces of Bai Yuhao and Commander Cao soon.    


At this time, Bai Yuhao had already sent out three bait units to close in on the three White Army troops. Their mission was to stall them for time.    


Very quickly, the White Army soldiers in charge of scouting the path discovered the trails that the bait team had deliberately left behind.    


When the commanders of the three White Army troops heard about it, they thought that it would be one of the only two remaining Black Army troops, so without much thought, they immediately led their own troops to encircle and annihilate them from different directions. They all planned to take the lead to eliminate the Black Army army that had suddenly appeared, and seize the banner. However, these three White Army units did not know that it was because of their momentary greed that the other White Army unit had fallen into a predicament.    


On the other side, Commander Cao saw that the opportunity was right, so he followed Bai Yuhao's plan and released his defensive line. He turned from defending to attacking and used half of his remaining forces to fight against the White Army unit head on.    


The commander of the White Army troops thought that Commander Cao's Black Army troops were making a last-ditch effort and didn't hold back at all.    


Of course, this White Army commander would never imagine that he had completely fallen into a trap that he meticulously set up …    




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