Dragon Blood King



0Only after the shocking waves of sand rolled on endlessly for a long time did the barren land finally calm down. Everything returned to normal, as if nothing had happened at all.    


"Cough, cough …" At this moment, a figure climbed up from the ground in a pile of yellow sand. The dust on his body fell down, making him look extremely dejected.    


It was Bai Yuhao, who was just drowned by the waves.    


"This place is really not a place where people can stay!" After Bai Yuhao stood up, he immediately patted off the dust on his body. However, his entire body seemed to be covered by a layer of dust, as if he had just been unearthed.    


However, luckily Bai Yuhao was far away from the center of the sand wave earlier. Otherwise, he would have been buried alive.    


After all, they were already here, and they were very close to the Tomb of Myriad Spirits that the Treasure Map was referring to. It was impossible for them to give up just like that, and burn down all of their previous efforts and risks.    


After reorganizing his troops, Bai Yuhao left the Ten Thousand Beast Battlefield and continued to head in the direction indicated by the Hidden Treasure Map. According to the markings on the Hidden Treasure Map, after going through this Ten Thousand Beast Battlefield, the next thing he would reach was probably some sort of historical monument.    


"I wonder if this place really has Spirit Clan?" As Bai Yuhao walked, he couldn't help but start to suspect, because he had already guessed that the abyss was Spirit Clan territory, so the possibility of Spirit Clan appearing was very high. Thus, he had to be very careful, as long as there was Spirit Clan present, he could make some preparations in advance, so as to not cause any trouble. One of them was Ying Dieh, who had saved him a few times. It was said that she was a descendant of a Celestial Butterfly Clan that had already become extinct, and the other was the original owner of the Sea-Blue Demonic Jade he had now, that guy called Nether Devil. However, he was very clear that the strength of this Spirit Clan was something that humans could not compare to. Just based on his own Spirit Clan, he knew that Nether Devil, whose strength was considered the weakest, was also equivalent to an expert in the human Majestic Emperor Stage. Therefore, it could be seen that as long as it was an ordinary Spirit Clan, perhaps even a Spirit Clan child, he would not be a match for it.    


After walking for an unknown amount of time, the surroundings still appeared to be incomparably desolate. The entire place was filled with decadent mountains and yellow sand, and even the scarlet sky seemed to be covered by a layer of sand, becoming extremely blurry.    


But what was fortunate was that Bai Yuhao did not encounter any danger after this, nor did he see any High Level High Level High Level High Level Spirit Controller, nor any strange beasts, let alone any Spirit Clan.    


Of course, in this kind of place with nothing at all, there might not even be any Spirit Clan left.    


However, this was all Bai Yuhao's own thoughts. What was hidden in the depths of this desolate land could only be known after he had been there.    


As he walked, Bai Yuhao suddenly felt a strong gale blow past him, causing sand to fly and stones to fly, and dust to fly, but very quickly, the wind power level disappeared, and immediately, a huge building that was submerged in sand appeared in front of him. Looking at the size of the building, it was enough to imagine just how grand and majestic this place was back then, and it was even more imposing and majestic than the Celestial Butterfly Clan Ruins that he had seen in the depths of Graveyard of Myriad Beasts.    


But after seeing this huge and imposing building complex, Bai Yuhao was sure that his guess was not wrong. This place was most likely a Spirit Clan Territory, only, like Celestial Butterfly Clan, it was already extinct.    


Of course, Bai Yuhao didn't know that although his guess was close to the truth, it wasn't completely correct. However, he was getting closer and closer to a shocking secret that humans never knew about.    


After that, Bai Yuhao took out the Hidden Treasure Map and compared it with his current location. If it was not wrong, this enormous building should be the ancient monument shown on the Hidden Treasure Map. Next, this hidden Treasure Map would lead the way to their final destination, the Tomb of Myriad Spirits.    


"If we go further north, it should be there." Bai Yuhao looked around, and then, his gaze looked towards the north of the huge building, he could vaguely see a tall sandstone slope, and that, was perhaps the location of Tomb of Myriad Spirits that existed like legends for countless Spirit Controller.    


Perhaps, it was because they had to find a treasure, that Bai Yuhao couldn't help but be a little excited, and he might also become the first person to unveil their Tomb of Myriad Spirits. No matter what, any discovery he make next, would be enough to cause a huge uproar in the entire Desolate Spirit Continent.    


Then, Bai Yuhao immediately headed towards the north side of the huge building.    


However, just as Bai Yuhao left, a few blurry shadows appeared where he was standing. They emitted a very strange aura, but it quickly disappeared in a flash.    


After roughly an hour of walking, Bai Yuhao finally arrived at the sandy slope and climbed up one step at a time. When he arrived at the top of the sandy slope, he looked around and saw a scene that made him extremely shocked and shocked. The scene he saw could no longer be described with words, but it could be said that what he saw could be said to be the most unique miracle of Desolate Spirit Continent.    


Bai Yuhao's sandstone slope was like the edge of a circle, surrounding the surroundings. In it, a vast expanse of white frost congealed, like a huge mirror, perfectly embedded in the endless circular sandstone slope, like a frozen lake.    


But how could there be such a frozen lake in such a dry wasteland? In the midst of the raging sand and dust, it was like a lotus flower untainted by even a speck of dust. The entire surface of the ice was as clear as crystal plates.    


On this ice floor, from the south to the north, they passed through an icy path, dividing the entire ice surface into two. On this ice surface, from the south to the north, they passed through an icy path, and, from the south, they divided the entire ice surface.    


However, this was not the most shocking thing. When Bai Yuhao focused his eyes, he found out that under the mirror-like ice surface, countless figures appeared. Tens of thousands of them were distributed under the entire ice surface as if they were buried in ice.    


In other words, what Bai Yuhao saw was actually a huge ice tomb …    




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