Dragon Blood King



2"The Tiandu Grand Commander has been alienated. It seems like he's serious now!" At this time, those Spirit Clan soldiers who saw the sky suddenly displayed a berserk attitude, and revealed a look of fear, because once a Spirit Clan spirit cultivator was transformed, their strength would also increase terrifyingly, moreover, it was extremely brutal, with no distinction between friend or foe.    


Bai Yuhao's eyes became cold when he saw the Heaven Transformation. He knew that after the Heaven Transformation, he would be stronger than before, so he had to be careful.    


In the blink of an eye, the transformed Sky City suddenly flashed and closed in on Bai Yuhao. Soon, the two crescent moons in his hands danced rapidly and turned into shadows that enveloped Bai Yuhao.    


Bai Yuhao quickly waved his sword, and sword force and the wheel shadow collided in mid air. The Spiritual Energy shot out explosively and affected the area within a hundred meter radius.    


Such a fierce battle left all the soldiers dumbstruck.    


"This Spirit King of Profound Dragon's strength is truly extraordinary. Against a Spirit Clan Spirit King with a high level of strength, he is actually not the slightest bit inferior!" Wang Zhentian was also amazed by what he saw.    


Because Tiandu was very powerful, Bai Yuhao had to use all of his skills just to barely be on par with Tiandu.    


However, after the alienation, the heavens clearly held the advantage in all aspects, firmly suppressing Bai Yuhao.    


At the same time, Commander Wei, who was inside the Tiger Whisker Pass, also started to lead his troops and rush out of the Tiger Whisker Pass, intending to attack the Tiger Xu Army.    


"Spirit King of Profound Dragon, we don't have time." Seeing this, Wang Zhentian immediately shouted at Bai Yuhao.    


Bai Yuhao had also noticed that the Spirit Clan soldiers had already charged out, so he had to finish this battle quickly.    


Luckily, Bai Yuhao was already prepared. Yesterday, he successfully challenged an expert within the Flaming Heavenly Stone and learned a Secret Skill from him. He could seal his opponent in one strike, but only at a very close distance.    


Therefore, in the next moment, Bai Yuhao suddenly pulled back his sword and released the full power of Spiritual Energy, forcibly pushing the wheel shadow forward, relying on the protective power of Demon Helmet Ice Armor, and forced himself closer to Tiandu.    


When Tiandu saw Bai Yuhao suddenly approaching, he immediately shouted and crossed his wheels. A wave of Spiritual Energy rushed out and attacked Bai Yuhao.    


Bai Yuhao knew that this attack was very powerful. If he were to take it head on, he would probably be injured. However, this was his only chance, so he still charged forward without batting an eye.    




Immediately, that berserk Spiritual Energy rushed onto Bai Yuhao's body, instantly turning into a dazzling light.    


"Spirit King of Profound Dragon?!" Wang Zhentian also looked shocked and paled after Bai Yuhao had been struck by Tiandu's power, because if something were to happen to Bai Yuhao, then they would be finished.    


The men of the Tiger Finger Army also had sad expressions. Their morale was low.    


Just when everyone thought that Bai Yuhao was doomed, suddenly, an arm stretched out from the dazzling light. It quickly formed nine symbols, which quickly imprinted on Tiandu's chest without any warning.    


All of a sudden, Tiandu's chest flashed, and a mark quickly appeared on his body. Very soon, his entire body stiffened, and his Spiritual Energy stopped moving.    


Bai Yuhao took the opportunity to slash down on Tiandu's head with the sword in his hand.    


"The Sky Capital Great Commander is dead?!" At this moment, the Spirit Clan soldiers all revealed expressions of shock when they saw Bai Yuhao's head come down from the sky. In their opinion, a strong commander would actually be defeated by a nameless nobody from the Human Clan.    


With the death of Tiandu, Soldiers of Spirit Clan's fighting spirit was immediately extinguished. Soon, the battle turned into chaos.    


The morale of the Tiger Beard Army was immediately boosted as their cheers shook the skies.    


When Commander Wei and the other commanders who had led their troops back saw that their Commander of Sky Capital City had been killed by Bai Yuhao, they too were shocked and could not believe their eyes.    


"Your commander is dead. Retreat now!" Bai Yuhao lifted the head of Tiandu and shouted.    


"Damn it!" Commander Wei was flustered and exasperated. He angrily shouted, "Take revenge for Commander!"    


Very quickly, all of the officers and officers of the Spirit Clan assented, their fury surging like a tide.    


Seeing that, Bai Yuhao's gaze also went up, it was clear that he had underestimated the unity of Spirit Clan.    


Just as Commander Wei was about to lead the troops to counterattack, a black mass of people suddenly surged over from the south side of the Tiger Whisker Pass. Battle cries shook the skies and the ones leading the charge were Di Yuling and Fei Yunhu.    


"They finally made it back." Seeing this, Bai Yuhao immediately smiled in relief.    


Wang Zhentian also felt relieved, because if the reinforcements came back, then their chances of winning would increase greatly.    


"The Tiandu Grand Commander is dead?" Then what should we do!? "    


"We seem to have been ambushed by the Human Clan army …"    


"Let's hurry up and leave! If you get surrounded, you won't be able to get out alive. "    




Soldiers of Spirit Clan was obviously frightened by the news and lost all will to fight.    


"Commander Wei, the reinforcements from Human Clan have arrived. I think we should retreat. With the death of the commander, the morale of our troops has dropped greatly!" The other commander beside Commander Wei immediately advised.    


At this moment, although Commander Wei really wanted to avenge Tiandu, he had yet to lose his mind. He knew that if this carried on, they would be completely annihilated here. Thus, he gave the order to retreat.    


Very quickly, the morale of the soldiers had been greatly reduced, and the Spirit Clan soldiers quickly retreated after suffering heavy casualties.    


On the other side, Di Yuling and Fei Yunhu had already gathered with Bai Yuhao and the rest ten thousand of their original Tiger Whisker Pass and reinforcements.    


"Spirit King of Profound Dragon, are we going to chase them?" Wang Zhentian immediately asked.    


"Of course not, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. We only need to have the Spirit Clan retreat." After Bai Yuhao said this, he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. His face became pale and his body started swaying.    


"Loong Xuan …" Seeing that, Di Yuling rushed forward to support Bai Yuhao.    


Wang Zhentian and the rest tensed up.    


"I'm fine, I just had some internal injuries." Bai Yuhao shook his head and said, "I'll leave Commander Wang to you." With that, he left with Di Yuling.    


After that, Wang Zhentian started to count the casualties.    


Even though they had successfully repelled the Spirit Clan army, the Tiger Beard Army had also paid a huge price, with less than five thousand people remaining. If it wasn't for Fei Yunhu's timely reinforcements, it wouldn't have been difficult for the Spirit Clan army to catch all of them in one fell swoop!    


This was why Bai Yuhao would go out of his way to kill Tiandu. His goal was to make the army of Spirit Clan fall into chaos, and only then would they have the greatest chance of preserving their Tiger Whisker Pass.    


"Reporting, the Spirit Clan army has already retreated three kilometers away." Two hours later, a scout came back to report.    


"It seems like the Spirit Clan will not attack the Tiger Whisker Pass anymore." Wang Zhentian immediately felt relieved.    


"Even so, we can't let our guard down." Fei Yunhu said seriously.    


"That's true. Fortunately, Vice Commander Fei had brought his men back in time. Otherwise, the Spirit Clan Army might have fought us to the death!" Wang Zhentian sighed. Evil Saint Yu Mei is truly beautiful.    




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