Dragon Blood King



3After a day and night of travel, Bai Yuhao and Commander Ling finally arrived at the military camp on the front lines of the Western Regions.    


The size of the camp was not small. From the south to the north, there was no end in sight. All kinds of big and small tents were scattered everywhere.    


"Spirit King of Profound Dragon, do you want to rest first?" Commander Ling immediately asked.    


"No need, I'll have to trouble Commander Ling to tell me the details. After that, take me to see the Spirit Beast that you have caught." Bai Yuhao gestured.    


Commander Ling nodded and told him the details.    


The Western Region Army camp was stationed on a river side, this river was called the Mo Chou River, and this river itself was a natural barrier against the invasion of the Spirit Clan army, and opposite to the Mo Chou River, was the Spirit Clan army camp.    


Even if one relied on a ferry, it was impossible to easily cross it. Therefore, Western Region Army also made use of this advantage, making it impossible for the Spirit Clan army to step into the region of Realm of Glorious Heaven.    


However, although the Mo Chou river was a barrier, because of the dam built on the upper reaches of the river, if the season came to an end, the river's height would gradually decline, and even dry up.    


It was close to the dry season, and the water level of the Mo Chou river was constantly declining, to the point that it couldn't even drown a person.    


Therefore, a few days ago, Spirit Clan had suddenly sent out a dozen or so Spirit Beast to forcefully cross the river and attack the frontline of the Western Region Army.    


Fortunately, the Spirit Clan army was not able to cross the river by force, so after repelling the dozen or so Spirit Beast, the western front lines could be considered as temporarily safe.    


However, because he had seen how powerful the Spirit Beast were, Commander Ling realized that if he could not deal with these Spirit Beast, then once the Spirit Beast and the Spirit Clan army attacked at the same time, he would not be able to defend in the Western Region. That was why he went to the Tiger Whisker Pass to request reinforcements.    


"In that case, once the Mo Chou river descends, the Spirit Clan army will cross over." At this moment, Bai Yuhao was also looking at the Mo Chou River, which was less than a hundred meters away from the military camp.    


"Yes, the dry season is about to arrive. The purpose of the Spirit Clan Army sending out Spirit Beast to attack our position at this time is to test out our military strength." Commander Ling replied seriously.    


"Why isn't Commander Ling building a defensive line along the river?" Bai Yuhao pondered for a moment before asking.    


"Because the land within a hundred meter radius of the Mo Chou river is very soft, and can't bear the weight of the water. That's why, we can't build any defenses …" Commander Ling explained.    


"So that's how it is. In order to protect the frontlines of the Western Regions, we can only rely on the time and place. If we don't have the time and place, the Western Regions' frontlines have no advantages." Bai Yuhao pointed it out.    


"Indeed, Spirit King of Profound Dragon is more proficient in military tactics than I thought." Commander Ling looked at Bai Yuhao with a bit of surprise, because he could tell that Bai Yuhao's analysis gave him some experience.    


"I dare not say I'm proficient, but it's just following the diagram." Bai Yuhao waved his hand and replied.    


"That's the reality, actually, if Spirit Clan is just an attack, then even with the military strength of our Western Territory's front lines, we would be able to resist it. It's just that we never thought that our Spirit Clan would be able to use Spirit Beast s, and this has never happened before in the Western Territory's front lines. For one, this Mo Xiuhe is not a normal Spirit Beast that can be crossed, and most of the other Spirit Beast are very afraid of the water, so they are not suitable for fighting by the water." Commander Ling continued.    


"That is to say, the Spirit Beast sent out this time can clearly cross the Mo Chou River, moreover, they are not afraid of the water, and can even fight in the water. Moreover, their actions are extremely uniform." Bai Yuhao said as his gaze turned serious.    


"That's right, this is also what troubled me the most. Normally speaking, even if we were to send Spirit Beast to cross the river and attack us, Spirit Beast would not have any self-awareness, and only tamed Spirit Beast would listen to our commands. However, this time, the Spirit Beast that the Spirit Clan sent out was actually able to move without any command, and also had a tacit understanding with each other. Commander Ling frowned.    


"When I see the Spirit Beast I caught, I might have an answer." Bai Yuhao was also very curious, because if it was really as Commander Ling said, then it was possible that those who could control Spirit Beast s and cultivate Beast Taming Art s similar to them could pass down orders to the Spirit Beast s through their telepathic thoughts.    


In other words, the other party could be an expert beast tamer.    


"Then Spirit King of Profound Dragon, follow me." Commander Ling immediately raised his hand to signal the man to come over.    


After that, Bai Yuhao followed Commander Ling into the depths of the camp, and not long after, the two of them arrived in front of a stable. However, there weren't many Spirit Beast in the stable, the most eye-catching thing was that one of them was tied up with several thick and long chains.    


"That's the one?" Bai Yuhao pointed at the Spirit Beast toad and asked.    


"That's it." Commander Ling nodded.    


"Then I'll go take a look." Bai Yuhao said.    


"Spirit King of Profound Dragon, be careful. Its saliva is corrosive. Once it touches your body, it will be terrible." Commander Ling immediately reminded.    


Bai Yuhao, of course, did not care about it and directly walked towards the toad.    


The toad Spirit Beast obviously became excited when it saw Bai Yuhao approaching and stared at him with its huge green eyes. After that, it spouted a mouthful of green saliva as its throat wiggled.    


Bai Yuhao didn't even blink his eyes as he dodged the spit and it immediately corroded a hole in the ground.    


Seeing this, Commander Ling couldn't help but break out in cold sweat for Bai Yuhao.    


"If you spit again, I promise I'll immediately dissect you as a test subject." Bai Yuhao opened his eyes disapprovingly and shouted towards the toad Spirit Beast with his Divine Art of Controlling Spirits.    


When the toad Spirit Beast heard that, it looked at Bai Yuhao's imposing manner and instantly withered away like a young wife who had been wronged and continued to retreat.    


At this time, Bai Yuhao had already walked up to the toad Spirit Beast and said gently, "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. I just want to know who your master is!" While speaking, his finger had already reached between the toad's eyebrows.    


The next moment, a delicate figure appeared in Bai Yuhao's mind. She was in a green jungle and wore a pink dress like a fairy. Although her appearance couldn't be seen clearly, it gave people a sense of agility.    


However, in the blink of an eye, the spiritual will of Bai Yuhao who had just entered the toad Spirit Beast was ejected out. It was obvious that he had encountered some kind of defense.    


"It seems like its owner should be nearby." Then, he immediately turned around and said to Commander Ling, "Commander Ling, I need to leave for a while."    


The moment he said that, Bai Yuhao's figure disappeared.    


Commander Ling had yet to recover his wits, but seeing Bai Yuhao leave just like that, he was also surprised.    




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