Dragon Blood King



3"You even know this?! "I wonder if that is true …" Di Yuling didn't expect Bai Yuhao to say it so clearly.    


"No matter what, I'm still an expert." Bai Yuhao boasted.    


"Stop bragging, I want to see if what you say is true!" Di Yuling was also intrigued by Bai Yuhao.    


While Bai Yuhao and Di Yuling were conversing, the number of Rankers had decreased to less than twenty. Those who retreated from the battle were either injured or chose to give up because they could not withstand the strength of the Purple Flame Pheasant.    


Although there were still some students with extraordinary strength who came to support them and joined the battle, it still seemed like a drop in the bucket.    


It was not even sunset yet, and there were only ten of them left. However, they were struggling to hold on, as the Purple Flame Pheasant had completely turned into a passive form, killing those students and forcing them to retreat step by step.    


Not long after, the sun had set in the west and night had begun to fall. The sky was still filled with the lingering afterglow of the setting sun.    


In front of the Purple Flame Pheasant, there were a few students bitterly holding on, but they did not hold on for long. In the end, the last few students were defeated and left.    


However, the Purple Flame Pheasant did not stop because of it, because it had been surrounded and attacked for so long, it was obviously unhappy and extremely angry, it took advantage of the victory to rush towards the students that had left the battle, ready to kill them all.    


When the students saw this, their expressions changed in shock and they quickly retreated.    


At this time, for some reason, the Purple Flame Pheasant suddenly turned to look at Di Yuling, and with a sudden acceleration in the air, under Di Yuling's defenseless watch, it instantly arrived in front of Di Yuling.    


Di Yuling was also shocked, she did not expect herself to be shot while lying down, but immediately, her Spiritual Energy rose up, seizing the initiative to take the initiative, at least she did not want to let this Purple Flame Pheasant know the difficulties of getting away.    


However, the Purple Flame Pheasant had obviously ignored Di Yuling's strength, and in a moment, it enveloped Di Yuling from all directions. Di Yuling's delicate face changed, because she knew that she was already within the attacking range of the Purple Flame Pheasant, no matter how much she ran, she would not be able to escape.    


In that instant, the Purple Flame Pheasant sprayed out a purple flame, which immediately melted the defensive spirit equipment. Very quickly, the purple flame rushed onto her protective Spiritual Energy.    


"This is bad!" It was already too late for her to dodge. Just as the purple flame was about to break through the protective Spiritual Energy and burn her body, the Purple Flame Pheasant seemed to have sensed something and stopped its purple flame in an instant. It turned to look at Bai Yuhao at the side.    


Just then, Bai Yuhao walked towards the Purple Flame Pheasant in front of everyone's eyes. His entire body was emitting a strange aura, it was not the aura of a Martial Spirit Master, but another kind of deterrence, capable of making all Spirit Beast submit to the aura in front of them.    


Seeing Bai Yuhao's sudden performance, everyone present revealed a look of shock. However, in their eyes, Bai Yuhao approaching the Purple Flame Pheasant was undoubtedly seeking death, and the Purple Flame Pheasant had obviously gone crazy. Unless they had an expert at the King Stage, no one could stop the Purple Flame Pheasant.    


"Loong Xuan, you have to be careful …" Di Yuling knew that Bai Yuhao purposefully attracted the Purple Flame Pheasant so that she could escape calamity. Otherwise, if she had been hit by the purple flames just now, the consequences would have been unimaginable. However, seeing that the Purple Flame Pheasant had already set its sights on Bai Yuhao, she couldn't help but be worried.    


At this time, Bai Yuhao did not stop his footsteps, and was still approaching the Purple Flame Pheasant. The Purple Flame Pheasant seemed to be affected by Bai Yuhao's aura, so it did not do anything.    


Even though it looked calm on the surface, there were actually surging waves inside, because Bai Yuhao was using the Divine Art of Controlling Spirits to forcefully connect with the Purple Flame Pheasant's consciousness. However, the Purple Flame Pheasant's strength was much stronger than his, so connecting with the Purple Flame Pheasant's consciousness was naturally extremely difficult.    


Sure enough, after a moment, the Purple Flame Pheasant suddenly let out a furious hiss, and as if it was enraged, it suddenly rushed towards Bai Yuhao.    


Bai Yuhao's eyes narrowed, but he did not dodge. As the Purple Flame Pheasant closed in, it first spat out a purple flame that burned the surrounding dozens of meters around Bai Yuhao. In the blink of an eye, it was charred black and covered in flames.    


However, he too disappeared.    


When the Purple Flame Pheasant lost its target, it became even more furious and immediately looked around. Seeing that it could not find Bai Yuhao, it immediately turned its attention back to the king level experts.    


The other students broke out into a cold sweat and quickly scattered in all directions.    


"I'm here." Suddenly, a deep voice sounded out.    


When everyone present heard, they immediately looked over. They saw Bai Yuhao had appeared in front of the Purple Flame Pheasant without anyone noticing, and he was only a foot away from it.    


"What does this guy want to do?" Di Yuling's pretty face changed instantly, because Bai Yuhao was clearly seeking his own death.    


However, at the same time, Bai Yuhao also suddenly rose into the air, facing the Purple Flame Pheasant's flames. With an extremely subtle angle, he avoided the flames, sped up, and appeared right above the Purple Flame Pheasant's head.    


In the next moment, Bai Yuhao's palm had also imprinted itself onto the top of the Purple Flame Pheasant's forehead. His eyes shook as he used the Divine Art of Controlling Spirits to force his way into the Purple Flame Pheasant's consciousness.    


Although Bai Yuhao had already entered the Spirit Beast's consciousness countless times within the Desolate Spirit Continent, it was still the first time Bai Yuhao entered the Tianla Continent. Especially since the other party wasn't an ordinary Spirit Beast, but a Demon Spirit Beast that was even stronger than the Spirit Beast.    


However, to Bai Yuhao, any adventure had an extraordinary meaning.    


Right at that moment, Bai Yuhao was inside the Purple Flame Pheasant's consciousness. What was different from the consciousness from before was that the Demon Spirit Beast's consciousness was like a whirlpool, all of its veins were spiraling, continuously extending deeper into the cave.    


At the same time, like a tornado, the Spiritual Energy continued to wreak havoc within, preventing anyone from nearing.    


Even so, Bai Yuhao relied on his rich experience to avoid the impact of the Spiritual Energy storm as much as possible. In the end, he passed through the Spiritual Energy storm and reached the core of his consciousness, which was the location of the Demon Spirit Beast's Spiritual God.    


However, what surprised Bai Yuhao was that the Purple Flame Pheasant's Spiritual God was very pure and did not turn into a demon.    


"She has clearly evolved into a Demon Spirit Beast, yet her consciousness still maintains her Spirit Beast form. This is truly unexpected, however, this may not be a bad thing." Bai Yuhao thought.    




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