Dragon Blood King



3"Then let me experience senior brother Xu's swift sword!" Bai Yuhao raised his hand to show his respect.    


Xu Qiang nodded his head slightly, and in the next moment, the Swift Thunder Spirit Sword also flew out of its scabbard. In the blink of an eye, it transformed into a lightning fast sword shadow, instantly appearing in front of Bai Yuhao. Even though the two of them were separated by a dozen meters, they were completely invisible.    


The moment Xu Qiang's Fast Sword Art was unleashed, the surroundings burst into an uproar.    


"It was fast indeed!" Bai Yuhao's gaze focused, however, no matter how fast Xu Qiang's Swift Thunder Spirit Sword was, in his eyes, it was still no different from an ordinary Spirit Sword. Thus, he did not even bother moving his feet, and just slightly tilted his body to the left, this Swift Thunder Spirit Sword just casually brushed past his right shoulder.    


Seeing this, everyone present also immediately let out a sound of shock, because in their eyes, Xu Qiang's strike was already extremely fast and dangerous. Every second counted, but Bai Yuhao was able to dodge it completely unscathed, which clearly exceeded their expectations.    


However, they felt that this was most likely due to luck. The next strike would definitely not be like this!    


Wu Junjian did not expect his first strike to miss, so he was a little surprised, because his Fast Sword focused on catching people off guard, so normally, this first strike was the hardest to defend against. However, Bai Yuhao dodged it.    


However, very quickly, the Thunder Spirit Sword took to the air and turned into a flash of sword light once more, closing in on Bai Yuhao once again. This time, it was even faster and more ruthless than last time.    


"Loong Xuan …" At this time, Huang Xin, who said that she didn't care about Bai Yuhao, was still standing at Bai Yuhao's place watching the battle. She was sweating for Bai Yuhao's sake.    


Of course, not only Huang Xin, Li Yun also stood not far away and was also paying attention to Bai Yuhao's every move.    


In addition, the Begonia who was sitting next to Huang Haotian and other big figures of Sword Spirit Sect, also frowned. From time to time, she would look towards Bai Yuhao's area, obviously also paying attention to it.    


At this moment, Bai Yuhao's area was filled with cries of surprise once again. Xu Qiang's extremely fast sword attack was dodged by Bai Yuhao.    


Amongst all the disciples of the seventh stage in Swordspirit City, there were only a handful of who were able to dodge Xu Qiang's swift sword sneak attack without suffering any injuries!    


At this moment, even Xu Qiang himself was unable to accept it. However, he was still full of confidence because out of all the opponents he had met, none of them had been able to safely dodge three of his strikes.    


Therefore, Xu Qiang once again increased the speed of the Swift Thunder Spirit Sword's attack. Breaking through the air to create wind, it was faintly discernible, and the speed of this sword was already his limit.    


Just as the swift sword stroke was less than half a finger away from Bai Yuhao, Bai Yuhao's body dodged yet again at an unimaginable angle, brushing past the Swift Thunder Spirit Sword. However, this time, Bai Yuhao did not sustain any injuries at all, Bai Yuhao's clothes were instantly sliced by the sword qi, but the remnant sword qi was blocked by the Spiritual Energy, and did not harm Bai Yuhao at all.    


Everyone present revealed shocked expressions because from what they could remember, other than Xue Lang, no disciple of the seventh stage had been able to withstand three of Xu Qiang's strikes.    


"It looks like I've underestimated you. Let's try out my Hundred Shadow Sword!" Xu Qiang also saw that Bai Yuhao's strength was much higher than he had expected, so he didn't hesitate to use the Swordspirit City's high level sword skill, the Hundred Shadow Sword.    


This Hundred Shadow Sword was one of the high level Spirit Stage techniques. In the past three years, only two disciples at the seventh step had comprehended it, and one of them had just broken through to the King Realm last year. Thus, it was possible to see that Xu Qiang, who was able to comprehend this Hundred Shadow Sword, had extraordinary talent!    


In that moment, like a phantom, the Swift Thunder Spirit Sword continued to split, and in the air it became more and more, and in a moment it became a hundred, and the Hundred Shadow Sword was using speed to turn into a shadow, using the Spiritual Energy's vibration in the air to create a powerful Sword Qi, but, the faster the sword moved, the greater the damage.    


The next moment, the hundred sword shadows were like arrows that had left the bow. They were as fast as lightning and all of them flew towards Bai Yuhao.    


At this time, Bai Yuhao who had been in a passive state the entire time finally moved, but just as he took a few steps forward, almost at the same time, the hundred sword images surrounded him, but the Spirit Sword behind him still did not come out from its scabbard.    


Suddenly, countless sword rays appeared out of nowhere and completely cancelled out the hundred sword shadows in an instant.    


This scene caused everyone present to widen their eyes in disbelief!    


"What a fast sword!" At this time, the expressions of the many king level experts, including Huang Haotian and the two supervising elders from Sword Spirit Sect, all changed. Because, they clearly saw the sword behind Bai Yuhao move a little, but it seemed as if it did not come out of its sheath. However, it instantly released countless sword energies.    


But what was even more astonishing was that, with the strength of a disciple at the seventh stage of the Spirit Stage, it was impossible for him to reach such a speed.    


"Impossible!" His sword is actually faster than Senior Brother Xu! " Huang Xin pouted.    


At this moment, Xu Qiang was also stunned on the spot, unable to recover for a moment. He never thought that the high level Spirit Sword skill that he was most proud of, would be instantly destroyed by Bai Yuhao with just one move, and this could not be described as luck.    


"Senior brother Xu's sword may have been fast, but it was still a little lacking to me." At this moment, Bai Yuhao had already walked in front of Xu Qiang.    


"You …" Xu Qiang's face turned red immediately. However, he knew that the sword speed Bai Yuhao displayed was faster than his. It was so fast that even he couldn't see clearly.    


"Senior brother Xu, do you want to continue?" Bai Yuhao asked with a faint smile.    


"I... "Admit defeat!" Although Xu Qiang was unwilling, he clearly felt that Bai Yuhao was stronger than him and had completely suppressed him in terms of momentum. If they continued to compete, it would be asking for humiliation.    


Xu Qiang's sudden admission of defeat caused the crowd to boil. No one expected that Xu Qiang would admit defeat after only a few rounds, and his opponent was Bai Yuhao.    


Of course, to the Swordspirit City disciples who were present, they did not realize how strong Bai Yuhao's sword attack was. As a result, in their eyes, Bai Yuhao's victory was still bewildering.    


At this time, the six disciples of the seventh level of Spirit Stage who were battling in the other three areas noticed that the outcome of the battle was already decided by Bai Yuhao and Xu Qiang, and even though the victor was still Bai Yuhao, they were speechless. But for them, this was not a bad thing, because other than Xue Lang, the other five people were all unwilling to meet Xu Qiang in the next round.    




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