Dragon Blood King



1At this time, Bai Yuhao was ready to ride his Dragon Scale first, but he suddenly felt a soft pressure on his back. He turned his head and saw that Cao Qingxun had unexpectedly sat behind him.    


"What are you doing?" Bai Yuhao squinted his eyes and asked Cao Qingxun.    


"I want to ride a Dragon Scale! However, I know that you definitely won't let me ride on my own, so I'll have to inconvenience you a little. " Cao Qingxun said with an ungrateful expression.    


"Did I say I'd take you?" Bai Yuhao rolled his eyes. This girl really knew how to make decisions on her own.    


"Don't be so stingy!" Cao Qingxun pouted.    


"Xun, stop messing around. Come down quickly!" Cao Qinglan said in annoyance when she saw her sister fooling around.    


"No." Cao Qingxun shook her head and hugged Bai Yuhao's waist under the watchful eyes of the crowd.    


Upon seeing this, everyone present was dumbfounded. After all, the dignified Cao Family, Second Miss, was actually embracing a man in public, and this man was even Big Sister's fiancé. No matter how they looked at it, it was truly surprising!    


However, Spirit Controller of the Celestial Master Stage was more envious and jealous. After all, it was a dream for any man to be hugged by a beauty like Cao Qingxun!    


"Xun, let go of Young Master Bai, what's the standard of you!" Cao Qinglan said angrily when she saw her sister being so unruly.    


"Elder sister, please let him take me with him. He will definitely listen to you." Cao Qingxun did not give up and directly started acting coquettishly towards Cao Qinglan.    


Cao Qinglan was also a bit speechless. However, she hesitated for a moment and actually looked at Bai Yuhao and said, "Young Master Bai, Xun has such a personality." "Look …"    


"Forget it." Dragon Scale, let's go! " Bai Yuhao saw that Cao Qingxun lied to him. Although he could just directly drag Cao Qingxun off the stage, he didn't say anything. After all, when the time came, he could just leave Cao Qingxun behind.    


Following that, the Dragon Scale soared into the sky and stepped onto the clouds, flying away.    


Not long after Bai Yuhao and Cao Qingxun departed, Treasure Hunt Team also departed under the leadership of Mu Ziye.    


Flame Prison of Dragon Tooth were situated within the borders of the Flame State, and because of this, the climate of the Flame State was extremely hot, with an annual temperature of more than thirty degrees, it was as if they were being roasted during the hottest moments, as if they were placed atop blazing flames.    


Although Cao Qingxun was a troublesome and annoying girl, Bai Yuhao didn't think it was a wise decision to bring her along this time. Since Cao Qingxun had been wandering around with Pang Loong since she was young, she had been to many Magical Place s, including these Flame Prison of Dragon Tooth s.    


So, it was fortunate that he brought Cao Qingxun along. Otherwise, if Bai Yuhao had to search for the entrance to Flame Prison of Dragon Tooth on his own, he would really have a headache. This was because the Flame Prison of Dragon Tooth was located in a very unique Blazing Mountain Belt. The entire Flame Prison of Dragon Tooth was separated from the outside world by an endless mountain range, and this mountain range burned with flames throughout the year.    


Furthermore, the black mist spread, covering the sky and the sun. Under such high temperatures, no Spirit Control could directly enter the Flame Prison of Dragon Tooth from the sky, so the only thing they could do was to enter the Flame Prison of Dragon Tooth from the ground.    


Therefore, there was no normal passage, and the only entrance was through a natural tunnel. This tunnel was extremely secretive, so if one had not been to the Flame Prison of Dragon Tooth before, even if they had searched the entire Flame Prison of Dragon Tooth, they might not be able to find the entrance.    


Thus, at this time, it was because Cao Qingxun who had come to the Flame Prison of Dragon Tooth before that she was of use.    


Under Cao Qingxun's lead, the two humans and one beast found the secret entrance. After getting down from the Dragon Scale, Bai Yuhao turned around and glanced at Cao Qingxun. He smiled and said, "Girl, at least you have some use."    


"Hmph, now you know how powerful I am!" Cao Qingxun said proudly.    


"That's all you can do." Bai Yuhao said sarcastically.    


Cao Qingxun immediately cursed, flustered and exasperated.    


Amidst the curses, the two of them entered the entrance. After walking along the tunnel for around a hundred metres, they entered the legendary dangerous place called Flame Prison of Dragon Tooth!    


From a distance, he could see mountains and rocks rising and falling in front of him. There were many ravines, and flames were burning fiercely within them, never to be extinguished.    


Having been in this world for so long, this was the first time Bai Yuhao had seen such a peculiar terrain. The flames from the Flame Prison of Dragon Tooth gave people a feeling of never-ending exhaustion and vigor …    


"So hot!" Just as she entered the Flame Prison of Dragon Tooth, Cao Qingxun's entire body was instantly covered in sweat. The sweat directly seeped into the front of her clothes and immediately caused the thin clothes to become translucent, causing one's imagination to run wild.    


"Do you know how to use spiritual energy to protect yourself?" Bai Yuhao rolled his eyes at Cao Qingxun. Because he had been to Fire Wave Mountain before, he had learned from his previous mistake. Before he came in, he had already gathered his Spiritual Energy to protect himself from the heat.    


However, compared to the Raging Flame Mountain, though this Flame Prison of Dragon Tooth didn't feel like it was being roasted, it was instead filled with an uncomfortable heat, as if a fire was burning in his body, making him feel uncomfortable!    


"Oh, I forgot." As soon as Cao Qingxun stuck out her tongue and gathered spiritual energy to protect her body, she immediately felt the coolness.    


"Just wait here for Sixth Prince and the others." At this moment, Bai Yuhao turned around and said to Cao Qingxun.    


"What about you?" Cao Qingxun asked as soon as she heard him.    


"I'll go in alone." Bai Yuhao said as his eyes narrowed.    


"How can we do that? "It's very dangerous inside. Let's wait for Sixth Prince, elder sister, and master to come in first …" This was because she had been here before, and although she had only been brought around in the outskirts, the Spirit Control she had seen before were all extremely difficult to deal with. Thus, Cao Qingxun knew that if a person penetrated deep into the Flame Prison of Dragon Tooth, it was actually no different from courting death.    


"No need." As Bai Yuhao said this, he walked straight ahead.    


"Hey!" Seeing that, Cao Qingxun also followed immediately, as if she was worried about Bai Yuhao alone. No matter what, Bai Yuhao would soon become her brother-in-law, so she couldn't let this future brother-in-law do whatever he wanted.    


When Bai Yuhao saw that Cao Qingxun had followed him, he immediately turned around to take a look. However, he saw that Cao Qingxun had stopped and turned her head away, showing an expression that she did not follow him.    


Bai Yuhao obviously knew that even if he told Cao Qingxun to stay, she might not listen to him. Therefore, when Cao Qingxun turned around, he suddenly flashed and disappeared from where he stood.    




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