Dragon Blood King



2Very quickly, under the guidance of the Kylin King of Seven Clouds, Bai Yuhao, who was carrying Mu Lingluo, found a cave hidden by dense grass at the bottom of a cliff.    


After that, Bai Yuhao turned on his Ethereal Realm and brought the Kylin King of Seven Clouds back. Then, he carried Mu Lingluo into the cave.    


As soon as she entered the cave, Mu Lingluo suddenly called out, "Wait!"    


Hearing that, Bai Yuhao stopped and looked down at Mu Lingluo, who was in his arms.    


At this time, Mu Lingluo immediately bit her finger and used her blood as a guide to place a barrier around the cave entrance. But after the boundary was set up, she suddenly groaned and fell unconscious into Bai Yuhao's arms like a dried up lamp.    


Seeing this, Bai Yuhao's expression became tense. He immediately carried Mu Lingluo into the cave and found a flat spot to put down. However, on Mu Lingluo's white and beautiful body, as long as it was exposed, there were wounds and bloodstains.    


"There are so many wounds. It should be very painful, right? She can actually endure until now." Bai Yuhao's eyes narrowed and he couldn't help but shake his head. This Mu Lingluo's perseverance really made him look at her in a new light.    


Bai Yuhao immediately opened his Ethereal Realm and went to his laboratory to get the needle and thread for the surgical suture, as well as the disinfectant alcohol and cotton gauze. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something and immediately picked up another utensil. Then, he left the laboratory and walked out the Ethereal Realm.    


Before treating Mu Lingluo's injuries, Bai Yuhao pricked Mu Lingluo's finger with a needle, causing a drop of blood to appear. Immediately after, he filled up the drop of blood and sealed it.    


"This is the reward for treating you!" Bai Yuhao curled his lips and then took off the clothes and skirt on Mu Lingluo's body that were no different from a piece of cloth. If the unconscious Mu Lingluo knew that he was standing in front of a man like that, it was unknown what kind of expression she would have. Of course, under normal circumstances, a man who had seen her like this would not be able to live in this world.    


Although the scene before her eyes was so beautiful, if she took even a step closer, Mu Lingluo would become a pitiful lamb that could do whatever she wanted.    


Unfortunately, Bai Yuhao wasn't the kind of person who would take advantage of someone when they were in danger, especially when they were against Mu Lingluo. If he still wanted to wait for Mu Lingluo to wake up, then he would have less of a chance to see her live.    


Of course, this was just a joke because he wanted to treat Mu Lingluo's injuries. If he didn't look at her, how would he treat her? Therefore, in the end, he still had to look. Not only that, he had to admire her little by little. Who told Mu Lingluo to have wounds all over her body? He definitely could not be blamed!    


Bai Yuhao first disinfected all the wounds on Mu Lingluo's body with alcohol and then sewed up some of the more serious ones. Finally, he wrapped the wounds in gauze one by one. Immediately after, he took out the Fake Dragon Saliva and fed two drops to Mu Lingluo, then used the Xiao Family Ancestral Beast Curing Arts Holy Heal to help Mu Lingluo dredge up her blood and veins.    


Of course, during the process of helping Mu Lingluo open her meridians, Bai Yuhao had also eaten all of Mu Lingluo's tofu. Of course, during the process of helping Mu Lingluo open her veins, Bai Yuhao had also eaten all of Mu Lingluo's tofu, all of her. During the treatment, Bai Yuhao discovered that Mu Lingluo's injuries were more severe than they appeared on the surface, and the remaining Spiritual Energy in her body were also in a disorderly state. However, with his strength, it was not enough to control the chaotic Spiritual Energy in Mu Lingluo's body, so, if he were to let Mu Lingluo's injuries worsen, it would not be a good thing for Mu Lingluo. Therefore, he had to wake Mu Lingluo up as soon as possible.    


When Bai Yuhao was done with what he could do, Mu Lingluo still showed no signs of waking up, so he turned around and sat cross-legged with his eyes closed to rest. The next thing he could do was to wait for Mu Lingluo to wake up.    


About two hours later, Bai Yuhao heard a soft humming sound beside his ear. It was a little painful, but it sounded so creepy that it made people think of other sounds. He immediately opened his eyes and turned around to see that Mu Lingluo had already slowly opened her eyes. She looked like a princess that had been asleep for a hundred years.    


"You're awake?" Bai Yuhao asked softly as he saw Mu Lingluo awaken.    


Mu Lingluo first turned her head to look at Bai Yuhao, then she slowly propped herself up and looked at where she was first. But when she lowered her head, she saw that there were only a few clothes left on her body.    


Suddenly, Mu Lingluo's delicate face turned red as if she had thought of something. She hastily covered her chest with her hands, and looked around with her pink-lipped lips, as if she was looking for something.    


"If you're looking for clothes, then don't. You can't wear them anymore." Bai Yuhao seemed to have seen through Mu Lingluo's thoughts.    


When Mu Lingluo heard this, she immediately raised her head and glared at Bai Yuhao. Normally, the first thing Mu Lingluo would do now was to kill Bai Yuhao immediately, because Bai Yuhao should not have seen and touched what he shouldn't have seen.    


However, Mu Lingluo didn't do anything at the moment. She just glared at Bai Yuhao with a hint of anger in her eyes.    


Bai Yuhao was puzzled when Mu Lingluo didn't say that she would cut his eyes or cut his hands. He thought, "Could it be that Mu Lingluo has become slow because of her injuries?" Why was it so quiet?    


"What are you waiting for, do you have spare clothes? "If you don't have any, then take off whatever you have on you and give it to me …" At this moment, Mu Lingluo finally spoke. She was still as cold and arrogant as before, ordering Bai Yuhao like a princess. Actually, the reason she wasn't angry was because she knew Bai Yuhao had taken advantage of her to treat her injuries. No matter how unreasonable she was, she couldn't ignore what Bai Yuhao had done for her. Thus, she had no reason to be angry. On the contrary, she had to thank Bai Yuhao. Of course, she would never say such words of thanks even if she was beaten to death.    


Seeing that Mu Lingluo seemed to have become normal, he shook his head and smiled, then opened up his Ethereal Realm and walked in. Fortunately, the last time he went to Sea of Sand Abyss, he had prepared a few extra sets of clothes and placed them in the laboratory.    


Bai Yuhao took out some clothes from the Ethereal Realm and passed it to Mu Lingluo. Then, he tactfully turned around.    


After that, he heard the rustling sounds of clothes being put on behind him. The rustling sounds were quite fanciful.    




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