Dragon Blood King



3Bai Yuhao knew that Xiao Jiao'er wouldn't be back for a while, so he planned to leave the Cao Family and travel around the country to purchase some items for the laboratory.    


However, just as he was about to reach the Cao Family gate, an extremely fierce white shadow of a bear suddenly rushed out from a corner, directly pouncing towards him with an imposing manner.    


Seeing this, Bai Yuhao's gaze became serious, but at the next moment, his figure had already disappeared. With a bang, the spot where he had been standing earlier had been smashed by the bear's paw, creating an ice crater. If it had hit him just now, at least a few of his ribs would have been broken.    


"This girl really has a pretty good Spirit Beast …" Bai Yuhao, who had already floated to the side, looked at the white bear and immediately recognized it.    


The Ice-Splitting Rage Bear, ice type Spirit Beast, had immense power and its talent could be ranked in the top twenty in the Spirit Beast rankings. Furthermore, it could be considered as one who could evolve during battles, but it could cause instant growth in strength.    


"Big stupid bear, teach him a lesson! "Later on, I will reward your favorite pork chops with 100 jin of it …" At this time, a Dainty Voice sounded out.    


Bai Yuhao looked over and saw Cao Qingxun's charming and proud shadow appear on the roof of a building not far away.    


When the Ice-Splitting Rage Bear heard that its master had rewarded it, it immediately cried out in excitement and rushed towards Bai Yuhao.    


This Ice-Splitting Rage Bear of Cao Qingxun's was a Spirit Control of Four-Star and Fourth-Grade, it definitely could not be underestimated. Therefore, Bai Yuhao knew in his heart that if he did not speak the truth, Cao Qingxun would not let him off so easily, even though Pang Loong guaranteed that Cao Qingxun would not do anything to him. But even if he couldn't do it on the surface, he could still do it in the dark. With Cao Qingxun's personality, she would definitely deal with him by hook or by crook.    


Thus, Bai Yuhao also immediately opened Spirit Gathering and opened the Ethereal Realm.    


"Eh, I didn't expect you to actually have the strength of Celestial Master Stage, I really can't see it …" When Cao Qingxun saw that Bai Yuhao was actually able to open the Ethereal Realm, she was quite shocked. She did not expect Bai Yuhao to actually have the strength to reach the Celestial Master Stage.    


Of course, if Cao Qingxun knew Bai Yuhao's true strength, it would be even more difficult for her to compete with him.    


However, when Cao Qingxun saw Bai Yuhao open up the Ethereal Realm, her gaze also landed on the Ethereal Realm. She thought, this Bai Yuhao definitely intends to summon his own Spirit Control to fight with her own Ice-Splitting Rage Bear, but, Bai Yuhao's strength is inferior to her at all, perhaps he even knows that he is still in the early stages of the Heaven Sect. Thus, the Spirit Control that he calls out can at most be a normal three star Spirit Control, they are definitely not a match for Ice-Splitting Rage Bear. Therefore, she also had a face full of confidence. She thought that this time, she must wash away her shame and make Bai Yuhao kneel on the ground and beg for forgiveness.    


However, when Cao Qingxun saw that Bai Yuhao had activated his Ethereal Realm, she did not see any Spirit Control appearing. Of course, it wasn't that there weren't any, it was just that she did not notice it, because the moment the Ethereal Realm was activated, a transparent beast's shadow had already flown out of the Ethereal Realm and approached the Ice-Splitting Rage Bear silently.    


"Gluttonous thing, let's see if we can make it behave a bit more." At this moment, Bai Yuhao's gaze focused as he called out.    


Seeing the Kylin King of Seven Clouds that was already invisible, the crystal deer antlers above its head immediately flashed with a beautiful light. The Ice-Splitting Rage Bear that had rushed over immediately used the illusion beast technique that it was most proud of. Of course, under normal circumstances, with Kylin King of Seven Clouds's strength, its illusion wouldn't be able to affect the Four-Star's Spirit Control.    


So, Bai Yuhao was just giving it a try, this way was still better than fighting the Ice-Splitting Rage Bear head-on, because he felt that compared to the Ice-Splitting Rage Bear, this Cao Qingxun was actually easier to deal with.    


Cao Qingxun watched as a brilliance akin to fireworks suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It was extremely beautiful and she could not help but exclaim, "So beautiful …" He felt that Bai Yuhao must be up to something, so he pointed at Bai Yuhao and shouted: "You bastard, stop trying to be mysterious, today I will make you die by my hands."    


However, just as Cao Qingxun finished her sentence, the Ice-Splitting Rage Bear that was charging towards Bai Yuhao let out a howl like a sheep. It stopped on the spot, then lay down on the ground, curled up its body, and fell into a deep sleep.    


"Success?" Bai Yuhao was also surprised, he did not expect the Kylin King of Seven Clouds's illusion techniques to have an effect on Cao Qingxun's Ice-Splitting Rage Bear.    


Of course, Bai Yuhao didn't know about the fortuitous encounters the Kylin King of Seven Clouds had in the gigantic forest at the abyss of Sea of Sand. Actually, it had already evolved, but it still hadn't appeared yet.    


When Cao Qingxun saw her own Ice-Splitting Rage Bear fall onto the ground and sleep, she was shocked. Her face showed that she did not understand why her Ice-Splitting Rage Bear would suddenly behave like this, but no matter how she called out, the Ice-Splitting Rage Bear did not react at all.    


"You really are a useless big stupid bear. You only know how to sleep. I'll be hungry for three days." Cao Qingxun shouted in exasperation. At the same time, her delicate body stretched out and flew down from the roof. She lightly landed on the ground and gracefully made a turn, like an elf dancing, revealing a slightly naughty and adorable appearance.    


Seeing Cao Qingxun had landed, Bai Yuhao let the Kylin King of Seven Clouds return to the Ethereal Realm first.    


"Bastard, what the hell did you do to make my stupid bear sleep on its own?" Of course, Cao Qingxun knew that Bai Yuhao must have done something, but she didn't know that there was always a rare Spirit Beast in front of her that she couldn't see.    


"I didn't do anything." Bai Yuhao feigned ignorance.    


"Who believes …" Cao Qingxun snorted.    


"Didn't Second Miss want to wash away her shame? Why aren't they fighting? " Bai Yuhao saw that Cao Qingxun stood where she was without any intention of making a move, so he asked with a smile.    


Seeing Bai Yuhao's words prick her pain, Cao Qingxun immediately glared at him with her bell-like eyes. Actually, how could she not want to make a move?! She wanted to personally chop Bai Yuhao into pieces, but her sister had already given her an order. If she dared to touch Bai Yuhao, she would be imprisoned for three months.    


As for Cao Qingxun, her whole body felt uncomfortable if she didn't cause any trouble today, let alone after three months. Moreover, she believed that her sister could do it, but it wasn't the first time. More importantly, even her master sided with Bai Yuhao this time. He told her not to bully Bai Yuhao, which angered her to the point that her teeth were itching. She didn't understand why Bai Yuhao would make her sister and master protect him so …    




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