Reborn Medicine King

C2378 Demon Core

C2378 Demon Core

0"Does he have a formation on him? How can you follow him?"    


Lin Zhan replied, "My formation is not here, but I have a special technique that can bring me with him. I can constantly come into contact with other formations by following him. This is also a way for me to cultivate. It seems that your master doesn't value you and has restricted you here."    


"Bullshit, my master treats me so well. Not everyone has that special technique. If my master knew about it, he would definitely bring me with him."    


Lin Zhan smiled and said, "Who will help him guard this place if I bring you with me? However, if you provoke my Young Master, you will offend the wrong person."    


The Formation Spirit had also calmed down at this moment. He said angrily, "No wonder he has such a special technique and can even use a formation to break my formation. It turns out that you are helping him. It seems that I have to think of a way to deal with him. Don't think that just because you have a Formation Spirit with you, you can look down on me."    


Lin Zhan shook his head and continued, "You are wrong about this. This formation has nothing to do with me. Even without me, the Young Master has a lot of ways to break your formation. You have underestimated him from the beginning. If you don't believe me, you will have to suffer in the future."    


"Suffer? You can only rely on the fact that this place is not my formation. Otherwise, none of you will be able to leave. If you can get rid of that brat and leave you here to accompany me, that would be a good choice."    


"Deal with my Young Master? You have to know what he has been through all this time. You won't think that way. However, if you want to leave this damned place and train outside like me, I can introduce you to my master and bring you along. Of course, you know what the prerequisite is."    


"My master is still here. My master's mission is still here. I have to help my master protect this world. I will not allow an outsider to leave. I will not betray my master, not to mention that he is just a small figure. Listen to my advice and give up on that small figure. Stay here and wait for my master to come back. When the time comes, I will help you refine the formation again. At that time, your status will be countless times higher than now."    


Lin Zhan smiled and said, "I'm just a Formation Spirit. What does my status matter to me? If you only want to continue living like this, then our views are completely different. There's no need to continue chatting."    


Hearing Lin Zhan's words, the Formation Spirit said in disdain, "A Formation Spirit needs to have a point of view? What are you if you leave the formation?"    


Lin Zhan appeared very calm as he said faintly, "I have already left the formation. My ability is still increasing. The hundred beasts can cultivate and pursue the Dao, and the weapons also have their own way of achieving the Dao. All the spirits in the world have a way of growing. Getting rid of the formation is just the first step. In this aspect, I have already walked much further than you. If you don't understand, you will forever be trapped in this damned place."    


After saying that, Lin Zhan dispersed his incarnation and disappeared.    


His words caused the Formation Spirit to be stunned on the spot. His eyes twitched, and it was obvious that he was very difficult to calm down.    


Because he did not know how to refute Lin Zhan's point of view for a moment, but he was sure that Lin Zhan was indeed completely different from him, and he had already thought about his future.    


As for himself? He did not know how many years had passed, and he was still standing on the same spot, guarding this world, and even just a mountain gate.    


Although he was a little hesitant, he still did not want to end it like this.    


"I won't waste my breath with you. When I finish dealing with that brat, you will understand how laughable it is to entrust your future to a small figure!"    


After saying that, he dispersed his Spiritual Body and disappeared.    


He did not stay in the formation in the hall. He knew very well that with the Formation Spirit's support, he was unable to tamper with the formation, and he was unable to respond to Jiang Fann who had already entered the hall. He could only make another plan.    


At this time, Guo Lin had already divided the spiritual herbs, putting the spiritual herbs that could not be planted into the Hundred Treasures Bag and giving it to Jiang Fann. The rest were sent into the Spiritual Treasure of Fairyland by Jiang Fann.    


Jiang Fann left the Medicine Hut in satisfaction and continued to walk along the corridor. Soon, he arrived at the second room that was covered by the formation. He was very familiar with the way, and he quickly broke the formation patterns above and entered the room.    


Rows of bookshelves appeared in front of Jiang Fann. Jiang Fann picked up a random book and found that it was a cultivation technique of a good quality. Jiang Fann took the books away and looked at the contents of the books. Some of them were the experiences of cultivators, and some of them were cultivation techniques. However, what Jiang Fann was most interested in were some legends about the Upper Nine Heavens and some secret rumors. Something that could be collected by that great figure back then definitely had to be of a high quality.    


Jiang Fann put away the books that he was most interested in individually. He usually planned to take them out and take a look, perhaps he would have some special harvests.    


This room that stored books actually took up more of Jiang Fann's time, because he had to distinguish the contents of these books. However, Jiang Fann was not tired of it.    


When he arrived at the third room with a barrier, Jiang Fann broke through the barrier and entered. He could basically confirm that this was a cultivation room.    


There was a shelf in the farthest distance, and there were some Spiritual Treasures on it. The entire room was a powerful Spirit Gathering Formation, and the Spiritual Strength here was more than 50% thicker than outside. It was a perfect place for cultivation.    


Jiang Fann smiled and said to Xiaoyu and the others, "If you want to cultivate in seclusion, this place should be a good choice. This is already better than some of the Spiritual Strength inheritances in the Upper Nine Heavens, right?"    


Xiaoyu said, "But in terms of the strength of the Spiritual Strength, it is indeed very perfect. However, it's not that simple. If you want to cultivate here for a long time, you have to completely break through the formation here, but this Spirit Gathering Formation might also be affected. Otherwise, you will have to subdue that Formation Spirit. At that time, this place will be yours."    


"If that's the case, won't that big shot come back and kill me?"    


Little Yu smiled and said, "Do you think that the big shot will let you go just because you are like this? You have already offended him."    


Jiang Fann smiled, but he had no way to refute her. He simply walked towards the shelf where the Spiritual Treasures were placed. He used his Spiritual Sense to carefully sense those Spiritual Treasures.    


The big shot had left the place, so the Spiritual Treasures that were left here were definitely not his best. However, there were quite a number of them. Most of them were King Rank and Yellow Rank Spiritual Treasures. Jiang Fann did not leave any of them behind and took them all away. Then, he carefully sized up the room. If he really needed to enter seclusion for a period of time, Jiang Fann would remember this place.    


Without hesitation, Jiang Fann continued forward and quickly arrived at the end of the corridor.    


This corridor led to another room, which was also covered by a barrier. Jiang Fann broke through the barrier and entered the room. The situation inside was reflected in his eyes.    


This was a very large bedroom. It should be the place where the big shot lived. The decorations here were not as luxurious as the great hall.    


Jiang Fann walked into the room and quickly stopped. He looked at the things in front of him in surprise.    


There was a beast skin filled with Spiritual Strength on the floor next to the bed. This was obviously a carpet, but the cultivation of this demonic beast must have been more than the Mortal Separating Stage. The cultivation of this big shot must have been terrifying back then.    


Even though it had been many years, the Spiritual Strength on the beast skin was still very strong. Jiang Fann tested it out and found that the defensive power of this beast skin was not inferior to some of the Body Protecting Spiritual Treasures. It was definitely a top-grade material for refining weapons.    


Of course, he would not be polite. He directly put the beast skin into the Hundred Treasures Bag, and after taking the beast skin, a mechanism appeared on the ground. It was not controlled by a formation.    


Jiang Fann squatted down and knocked on the area with his hand, and then a hollow sound came out.    


"I wonder what is hidden underneath."    


Thinking of this, Jiang Fann started to observe his surroundings. This was the place where the important person lived, so his secret compartment must be in this room.    


With such a simple layout, it was definitely not difficult to find it.    


Sure enough, in less than three minutes, Jiang Fann touched the mechanism on the table beside the bed, and the empty space above it opened up.    


Jiang Fann came over and looked at the secret compartment. Unfortunately, there was nothing inside. It seemed that the thing had already been taken away by the important person.    


Just as Jiang Fann got up, Xiaoyu's voice suddenly sounded.    


"Master, there seems to be another layer in this secret compartment."    


Xiaoyu's Spiritual Sense was much stronger than Jiang Fann's, so Jiang Fann knocked on the bottom of the secret compartment with his hand. Sure enough, there was another hollow sound. Just as Xiaoyu had said, there was another layer below.    


Jiang Fann pressed the secret compartment with his hand, and then he found a protruding brick. He pressed it lightly, and the bottom of the secret compartment opened up. Immediately after, a black demon core was covered by a barrier, and it quietly lay below.    


This formation was obviously used to conceal the aura of the demon core, so that Jiang Fann would not be very curious. He tried to touch the barrier, and then he found that it could be easily passed through.    


When Jiang Fann touched the demon core, he felt as if he was touching a block of ice. However, Jiang Fann knew that it was not cold, but evil.    


Jiang Fann took out the demon core and threw it into his Spiritual Sense. In an instant, he felt dizzy.    


Xiao Yu appeared directly and used her own strength to help Jiang Fann protect his mind and cut off his Spiritual Sense.    


Jiang Fann's forehead was already covered in sweat. He felt a chill on his back and was extremely shocked.    




Xiao Yu said, "This demon core still has divinity, and it also has a very strong power. If it affects his mind, he might even possess his body! This thing must have been extremely terrifying when it was alive."    


"I'm still careless! How could something that could be hidden here by that great figure be an ordinary thing?"    


Xiao Yu reminded him, "Master should not be affected by the Devil God Spell!"    


Jiang Fann nodded and then used the Devil God Spell. Then, he felt the power of the demon core again. This time, it was much better. He felt a strong Spiritual Strength fluctuation, and there was also a broken Spiritual Sense wandering around the demon core. The effect on him just now was completely the instinct of the broken Spiritual Sense.    


The Martial God Token said, "This thing is countless times worse than the final inheritance you obtained in the Holy Hall Academy. However, it should have been a great demon at the Rebirth Realm or a higher realm when it was alive. This demon core is his lifelong effort, and it has extraordinary meaning to evil cultivators. I don't know why it was left here by that great figure."    


Of course, Jiang Fann would not compare this item with the Demonic Pill that he had obtained from the God Blood. However, this item was indeed a treasure.    


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