Cultivator Master Reborn To High School

C88 Shan Shan's Mind

C88 Shan Shan's Mind

3Dubhe Monastery.    


The Tree Spirit was thriving and growing. Its trunk was still completely bare, but its mental appearance was much better than before.    


The sturdy trunk of the tree was even larger than before.    


Xiao Yishan sized up the Tree Spirit tenderly. Thinking that she might never see the Tree Spirit again, her expression darkened.    


Xiao Yishan said: "Are we taking the Tree Spirit with us now?"    


Zhang Haorann nodded.    


The nearby guards were all shocked.    


"What, you want to take the Tree Spirit away?"    


"Boss Xu never told anyone."    


"You didn't get Boss Xu's permission, right?"    


"Sorry, we can't let you take him away, this is our mission."    


The guards said.    


"My words are Xu Rongsheng's orders." Zhang Haorann said indifferently.    


"This …" The guard who brought Zhang Haorann in was extremely embarrassed. He obviously knew that Zhang Haorann was the most popular person around Xu Rongsheng, but now that Zhang Haorann said this, he clearly said nothing.    


However, the guard still felt that it was necessary for him to report this matter to Xu Rongsheng.    


The guard called Xu Rongsheng and got scolded by Xu Rongsheng.    


"Zhang Haorann will do whatever he says!"    


"He was the one who got the Tree Spirit for me in the first place. Even if he takes it away now, you have no right to say anything!"    


Hanging up the phone, the guard was extremely depressed. Wasn't it to question Zhang Haorann's intention in taking the Tree Spirit away, did he have to scold me so harshly?    


The guard smiled apologetically: "Zhang Haorann, you can bring the Tree Spirit away anytime."    


"Right now." With that said, Zhang Haorann raised the two sides of the Tree Spirit and it came out.    


At this time, Zhang Haorann looked at the Tree Spirit's roots.    


It was empty, there were no Tree Essence Fruit there.    


"Impossible, Tree Spirit definitely have Tree Essence Fruit." Zhang Haorann's eyes trembled. Without Tree Essence Fruit, he couldn't save Zhang Pengde.    


Zhang Haorann looked again and again to confirm that the Tree Spirit really did not have any.    


"Zhang Haorann, what are you looking for?" Xiao Yishan asked. She had always heard Zhang Haorann mutter the words "Tree Essence Fruit" repeatedly, so she couldn't hear it clearly.    


"Tree Spirit s have roots that can treat illnesses."    


Zhang Haorann's expression was ugly. He finally found a chance to save Zhang Pengde, but it seemed like the chance was gone.    


Xiao Yishan said: "I remember when we brought the Tree Spirit out, only its roots were left."    


Zhang Haorann was silent. If Xiao Yishan herself did not know, then it seemed that searching for Tree Essence Fruit through Tree Spirit was completely hopeless.    


Zhang Haorann put the Tree Spirit back.    


Xiao Yishan suddenly opened her mouth and said: "I remember Grandfather saying this before, when the Tree Spirit was in the village, there were green vines growing on the trunk of the tree. Every year, there would be only one or two fruits, and it won't be much.    


Zhang Haorann's heart skipped a beat. Could that be a Tree Essence Fruit?    


In his previous life, Zhang Haorann had encountered many mystical plants that were similar to Tree Spirit s. According to common sense, these plants would give birth to Tree Essence Fruit s that could give people access to Wood Qi Rising Essence s.    


Could it be that the Tree Spirit in front of him was just as Xiao Yishan had said, growing Tree Essence Fruit s out of the branches?    


Hope is here!    


Zhang Haorann regained his confidence.    


"Shan Shan, where are the fruits?" Zhang Haorann asked.    


"Grandpa took it." Xiao Yishan said, "There is a tradition in the village. Every year, after the Tree Spirit s bear fruit, they would pick one and feed it to the newborn baby in the village. I had taken one before."    


Zhang Haorann was enlightened.    


No wonder Xiao Yishan was born with a Dao Body. It turned out that she had already consumed Tree Essence Fruit s when she was young, and had them within her body.    


Once a person consumed this, if they did not activate the Wood Qi Rising Essence, their body would explode and they would die.    


The reason that the children of Zhuge Village were safe and sound was something Zhang Haorann understood in his heart. The Tree Spirit descended from the sky, came to the Zhuge Village, and using the idioms of Feng Shui World to describe it, it was because the Tree Spirit changed the feng shui of Zhuge Village so that after the children consumed the Tree Essence Fruit, they would not be harmed.    


In the jargon of the cultivation world, it was the arrival of Tree Spirit that improved the entire village's Universe Vital Energy. These precious Universe Vital Energy were like miracle medicines, allowing all the villagers to accompany them throughout their lives until the birth of their children.    


The physique of an infant after being born is completely different from that of an ordinary person's. With the improvement of the physique of a Tree Spirit, not only will the baby not be threatened after consuming the Tree Essence Fruit, it will instead digest the wood energy in his body and become a natural born Immortal Cultivation Tao Body.    


Zhang Haorann had a plan in mind.    


"Seems like, I'll have to go to Zhuge Village."    


Zhang Haorann had already planned for the worst. That was, in the current Zhuge Village, there might not be any Tree Essence Fruit left. It should be known that Xiao Yishan had already left the Zhuge Village for many years.    


No matter what, this was the only chance.    


Zhang Haorann would not miss it.    


After leaving Dubhe Temple, at Xiao Yishan's repeated requests, Zhang Haorann brought Xiao Yishan to the hospital.    


Entering the intensive care unit.    


"Hello Auntie Feng, I'm Shan Shan, a friend of Zhang Haorann." Xiao Yishan whispered.    


"Zhang Haorann's friend?" Fong Hui was stunned.    


Previously, Xu Qing's desperate attempt to look for Zhang Haorann had moved Fong Hui. She did not expect her son to know such a kind and beautiful girl.    


Now that Xiao Yishan took the initiative to go to the hospital, Fong Hui observed Xiao Yishan. She had never seen such a dashing and ethereal girl before. Her beauty was comparable to Xu Qing's.    


"Son's luck is too good." Fong Hui quickly brought Xiao Yishan to the bedside.    


Xiao Yishan stared at Zhang Pengde. This person who looked similar to Zhang Haorann had a head full of white hair and a haggard expression.    


At this moment, at Xu Qing's house.    


Lee Feng and Xu Tiehlin were fighting in the dark.    


The two of them stood in the living room.    


"Xu Tiehlin, what exactly happened to you?" It's only been three days since Qing went to class. You shut her in her room and don't want to come out, so if the child doesn't want to come out, you're responsible, right? " Lee Feng pointed at Xu Tiehlin.    


Xu Tiehlin said angrily:    


"Is there such a thing as giving a child a reason? She didn't go to class for three days, so she went out to fool around with others. It's your problem that you don't care, I definitely can't forgive her! "    


"Lee Feng, you better remember this, no matter who she is with, she can't be together with that student called Zhang Haorann! I can't even take care of him! "    


Xu Tiehlin shouted.    


For Xu Qing's matter, he went to Wulong High School, but got a clear and thorough explanation from the school. He went to the Education Bureau to cause trouble, but was forcefully dragged away by Lee Feng in the end.    


Xu Tiehlin admitted that he was indeed ashamed of himself for doing this, but he did not care.    


The more Xu Qing turned to Zhang Haorann, the more she was angry for Zhang Haorann's sake.    


"Lee Feng, look at how Qing is now. I recommended Lu Ming to her last time, and she's not interested. Forget it, why aren't you giving Prof. Du any face? Do you think Prof. Du won't be angry?"    


The more Xu Tiehlin said, the angrier he got.    


"Well, she has no interest in Lu Ming, I can understand that. But why is she with Zhang Haorann? Don't forget, Zhang Haorann's family is even worse than ours, why are you so confident in handing your daughter over to her? Yes, I admit that Zhang Haorann's learning ability is pretty good, but what's the use of learning well! "    


"No matter how much money Zhang Haorann makes and how much development he develops, can he be compared to Lu Ming?" Competing with Wei Weilian? One is Wei Shengloong's son, the other is the vice president's son, he is born not to work hard, and that's more than tens of thousands of people. With such good fortune, if your daughter doesn't live up to expectations, don't blame me, your father, for being impolite! "    


"What I didn't expect the most was that she would skip classes for Zhang Haorann in three days after the college entrance exam. She should have some face in the future! Do you know what the neighbors said about it? "    


Xu Tiehlin sat on the sofa and threw the cup on the floor.    


"You kept saying that she, she, she is not your daughter." Lee Feng couldn't help but cry. "Qing is almost eighteen years old. As her father, you normally don't care about her, nor do you ask about her grades. You always ask about Qing's situation at school from your neighbors. How are you a father?"    


"Heh, what I do is my business. At the very least, what I have heard is true. "Maybe you and Qing are going to lie to me and make up a reason." Xu Tiehlin said angrily.    


"You shut Qing in her room. You don't want to go to school, and you don't want to attend lessons. You are harming her. No matter what she does, your way of teaching her is wrong!" Lee Feng insisted.    


"Oh? Are you right? It was all thanks to you that she was together with Zhang Haorann! "    


"Lo?" "Xu Tiehlin, what are you talking about? She's your daughter, why would you say that?" Lee Feng was so angry that she trembled. "I'll tell you today. You don't admire Zhang Haorann, I admire him! I believe in my daughter's judgement. She is free to do whatever she wants, and I support her. She's about to reach adulthood, so there's no need for us to teach her! "    


"You finally admitted to leading Qing to this state?" Xu Tiehlin was indifferent, "Since you said that, then I'll be generous and tell you one thing."    


A rich second-generation person is very interested in us, he gave me a luncheon for my birthday tomorrow, and when the time comes, you can come with me. That rich second-generation person is rich and talented, and he even has a few books of poetry.    


Lee Feng exclaimed, "How is it that I don't know about this?"    


Xu Tiehlin smiled without saying anything, and made a call on his phone.    


Soon, someone knocked on the door.    


"Look, if I don't speak, they'll be willing to wait outside." Xu Tiehlin said, "Just with his character alone, he's already better than Wei Weilian and Liu Tie. It's impossible for those two to do such a thing."    


Xu Tiehlin opened the door.    


There was a young man wearing glasses standing outside the door. He exuded a scholarly air. When he saw Xu Tiehlin, the young man beamed and warmly shook hands with Xu Tiehlin before entering the room.    


The youth said:    


"Hello, Uncle Xu. Hi Auntie Li. Nice to meet you. I'm Liang Wenjun. I transferred to Wolong High School in the past few days. Like Xu Qing, I'm in my third year."    


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