Blockbuster Son-in-law

C168 Ungrateful

C168 Ungrateful

3"Young Master Chen, Miss Chu!"    


The car window rolled down as Xu Hu greeted the two. It was clear that he had also noticed them.    


When Chu Yuvwei saw the man's face, she remembered that he was Yang Binn's man.    


"Is this your car?"    


Chen Hao asked while suppressing a smile.    


"No... "This is Boss Yang's daughter's car. The little princess told me to drive the car to her school to pick her up. Aren't I helping Boss Yang to pick up her daughter from school?"    


Xu Hu obviously explained in embarrassment.    


It was just that this car was too different from his, these lousy lords, so even he himself felt awkward about it.    


"So that's how it is! "Then, you go ahead and busy yourself first, we'll take our leave first!"    


Chen Hao nodded, looked at the green light that lit up and set off again!    


"I don't think Yang Binn and Qin Susu are very old. How old are their daughters?"    


Chu Yuvwei asked curiously as she watched the Porsche disappear into the distance.    


"I'm not sure either!"    


Chen Hao had never cared about Yang Binn's child.    


The two of them chatted for a while before they arrived at Hundred Flavors Hall.    


At the parking area near the entrance, Chen Hao saw the cars of Su Qian and the others with a glance. It was obvious that they had arrived a long time ago.    


He parked the car next to Soong Lee's Volkswagen, then pointed at the Santana and said to Chu Yuvwei, "This is Soong Lee's car!"    


"Soong Lee has already bought a car? "I remember that her family wasn't very well off in the past. It seems like she has at least made some achievements in the past few years!"    


When Chu Yuvwei heard this, she also felt happy for her former best friend.    


At that moment, Chu Yuvwei's cell phone rang, but was immediately cut off.    


It was Soong Lee on the phone. She hung up after seeing Chu Yuvwei.    


"Yuvwei, you're finally here!" Long time no see, you really are getting more and more beautiful! "    


Seeing Chu Yuvwei, Soong Lee's face was naturally filled with joy and enthusiasm. The two best friends that she hadn't seen for a long time were also familiar with each other. Immediately, they held each other's arms as they chatted.    


It was rare for Chen Hao to see Chu Yuvwei being so happy in front of her classmates. With a faint smile on her face, she followed the two girls into the restaurant.    


Hundred Flavors Hall could be considered a famous private restaurant in the continent, and the people who came here to eat were either rich or noble. It was not a place that ordinary people could afford to spend their money on.    


"Who's treating today? This place's consumption is not low. Aren't all student gatherings made with AA? "    


Chu Yuvwei asked curiously.    


"Who else can treat us? Of course it's Su Qian!" He organized a few gatherings and paid for them at the place he chose. It was rather generous of him! "    


When Soong Lee heard this, she explained in an indifferent tone and observed Chen Hao's reaction from the corner of her eyes.    


"Su Qian is pretty good now!"    


Chu Yuvwei obviously knew Su Qian's current situation, so she nodded slowly.    


"You're not bad either! This afternoon, Chen Hao also told me about your recent situation.    


Soong Lee changed the topic and was happy for her good friend.    


"I was just lucky!"    


Chu Yuvwei felt a little guilty and looked at Chen Hao subconsciously.    


Although she didn't say it explicitly, she felt that her position as vice president was won by Chen Hao!    


This man had always been silently paying for himself!    


"Why don't I have such good luck? Don't be modest! By the way, how is your daughter? If you need any help, feel free to speak up! You don't have to be courteous to me! "    


Soong Lee asked with concern.    


"We have hired the most famous brain doctor in the country to plan her surgery. She should be fine! "Thank you!"    


Chu Yuvwei held Soong Lee's hand in thanks.    


When her daughter had just gotten sick, Soong Lee had helped her before and borrowed quite a bit of money from her.    


"What's there to thank me for? We'll be at the private room right in front. The other students will definitely be very happy to see you! "    


As Soong Lee reprimanded them, the three of them had already walked to the entrance of the private box.    


They hadn't even opened the door yet, but they could already hear the hubbub inside. It was obvious that the atmosphere was quite lively!    


In a luxurious private room, there were two round dining tables, each table could seat at least seventeen to eighteen people.    


When the three of them appeared at the door, everyone couldn't help but look over.    


Su Qian's eyes lit up when he saw Chu Yuvwei. He immediately stood up from his chair and greeted her warmly.    


"Goddess Chu, you're finally here. It's really not easy to invite you to a reunion!" I have reserved the seats for you, come over quickly and take a seat! "    


Su Qian quickly pulled up the seat beside him and sent an invitation to Chu Yuvwei.    


However, there was only one empty seat at that table. If Chu Yuvwei went over to take her seat, she would have to split tables with Chen Hao.    


Soong Lee couldn't help but frown. Before she went out, there were obviously a lot of empty seats on the two tables, but at this moment, most of them were crowded at Su Qian's table. It seemed like they were doing it intentionally.    


"Hello everyone, I'll sit with my husband."    


Chu Yuvwei didn't notice anything wrong, she merely shook her head politely and refused. Then, she followed Chen Hao and Soong Lee and sat down at a table with only seven or eight classmates.    


There were only around thirty people in the class. Although the rest were in contact, there were still a variety of reasons that prevented them from coming.    


After all, they all had their own lives to live in. It was impossible to gather the entire class together.    


Seeing Chu Yuvwei sitting at the opposite table, although Su Qian didn't show any change in his expression, a flash of anger appeared in his eyes and he looked at Chen Hao gloomily.    


Chen Hao just ignored him and poured some water for Chu Yuvwei.    


"Yuvwei, long time no see. Why aren't you chatting with your classmates? How lonely is it here? Many people at our table miss you, the former goddess of the school! "    


Hsiao Wenya walked up to Chu Yuvwei and invited her with a smile.    


She clearly came to help Su Qian create a chance!    


"It's not too far away, I don't like it being too crowded. This place is pretty good. I can hear you talking! Also, don't call me goddess, I am only a child's mother now! "    


Chu Yuvwei smiled and shook her head.    


"Hsiao Wenya, Yuvwei can just sit wherever she likes. Could it be that there is a rule for her to sit over there? Can't you sit here with me? "    


Unlike Chen Hao's cold eyes, Soong Lee asked with some dissatisfaction.    


"I didn't mean it that way. You are so boring to talk to!"    


Hsiao Wenya snappily snorted at Soong Lee. After being humiliated by her, she could only bitterly return to the table at the other side.    


"Soong Lee, this woman is doing it on purpose! "Don't know what's good for you!"    


Wu Bo snorted softly beside Su Qian when he saw Hsiao Wenya returning empty-handed.    


"Say less!" Su Qian glared at him, then stood up and walked towards Chen Hao's table.    


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