Bigwig Son-in-law

C54 PK

C54 PK

1It was only a glance at him that made him think the girl liked him. If the girl smiled at him, Did she even think of the name of the child she was going to give birth to later on?    


"Uncle? I just want to tell you, Your girlfriend is about to fall out..." The girl held back her heart and pointed at Lin Dong's garbage bag.    


Lin Dong looked down and saw the head of the inflatable doll in the garbage bag was exposed.    


F * ck! This was too awkward!    


At this moment, he really wanted to have a crack in the ground and go in. Lin Dong quickly ran away from here.    


You fatty, you really tricked me to death!    


Lin Dong threw away the trash. When he came back, he thought that he must not touch that girl again. However, he did not expect that this girl was standing not far away at this moment. She held the phone support in her hand as if she was taking selfies.    


No, not selfies. She was broadcasting.    


Broadcasting was a popular industry.    


As long as you were pretty and had some talent, you could be a streamer.    


The content of the live broadcast was also very strange.    


Even live broadcasts sleep.    


Two days ago, there was a live streamer who went to sleep on the live broadcast. There were actually hundreds of thousands of people watching online and receiving gifts worth tens of thousands of dollars as a reward.    


It really was a boundless world. There were all kinds of strange things.    


But this Xiaoqiao, she was very pretty and her figure was very good. In addition, she was wearing two-dimensional clothes, so there should be a lot of fans.    


However, this had nothing to do with Lin Dong.    


Moreover, Lin Dong wanted to leave as soon as possible because of the awkward situation between the two of them.    


However, when Lin Dong heard what Xiaoqiao and her fans were talking about, he stopped in his tracks.    


"Let me tell you one thing. When I went downstairs just now, I actually met a perverted uncle. He actually thought that I wanted to confess to him. Actually, I just wanted to remind him that his girlfriend leaked out!"    


She told her fans what happened with Lin Dong. Instantly, the bullet comments on her phone went crazy.    


"Sister, you must be careful."    


"Ask that uncle to come out and see us."    


"I beg the live broadcast uncle and his inflated girlfriend!"    




An excellent live streamer must have the ability to start a conversation.    


Only when the audience could interact with each other would the atmosphere in the live broadcast room become lively, and the gifts would be broadcasted.    


Her live broadcast room instantly entered a heated discussion. There were even people who said that they were willing to give her ten rockets and requested the live broadcast uncle and his inflated girlfriend. One must know that a rocket was worth a thousand yuan. Xiaoqiao could get five hundred yuan.    


Ten rockets. That was 5000 Yuan. The girl was very tempted.    


However, Lin Dong was a perverted uncle after all. She didn't dare to provoke him.    


"Everyone, don't make a fuss. Xiaoqiao is a girl after all. What if this perverted uncle bullies her?"    


"That's right. Sister, you must protect yourself well!"    


It could be seen that many fans really loved her.    


She had already seen Lin Dong, so she tried her best to lower her voice during the live broadcast. However, she did not know that Lin Dong's hearing was far beyond ordinary people. What she said to the fans had already been heard by Lin Dong.    


Lin Dong was a little angry at once. Live broadcast is your freedom. Why are you talking about me?    


He walked towards the girl.    


"Yes, thank you for your concern. I will protect myself!" The girl continued to lower her voice.    




Where's that fellow?    


Suddenly, she noticed that Lin Dong had disappeared from the corner of her eye.    


"Hi, everyone. I'm her husband!" Suddenly, a voice rang in the girl's ear.    


She quickly turned around and saw Lin Dong's head next to her.    


It was less than five centimeters away from her.    


It was facing the live broadcast camera!    


Furthermore, this guy was waving at the camera.    


"F * ck, what's going on?"    


"When did Xiaoqiao have a husband?"    


"Goddess, you lied to us?"    


... ""    


In an instant, the girl's broadcast room exploded once again.    


She was stunned.    


One had to know that for a female live streamer.    


She absolutely couldn't let her fans know that she was married.    


No, she couldn't even have a partner.    


This was an unspoken rule in the industry.    


Female broadcasters had to be single!    


After all, those big brothers had all spent real money and silver.    


Some wanted to flirt with female broadcasters, while others wanted to sleep with female broadcasters.    


It was impossible for them not to have any ulterior motives.    


Once a female live streamer was exposed to be married, her popularity would quickly drop.    


There was once a female live streamer on a platform who was exposed to be married.    


It had a huge impact on her popularity.    


Later on, she spent a lot of money to carry out public relations in the media to cover up this matter.    


"You, you, you're talking nonsense! I don't even know you!" After a long time, she finally reacted.    


Her small hand pointed angrily at Lin Dong and said.    


"Xiaoqiao, stop messing around. The broadcast is over. Quickly go home and feed the child milk!" Lin Dong did not care so much and released another fierce news.    


"What? Not only is the goddess married, but she also has a child?"    


"The goddess already has a child. I'm going to jump off the building, don't stop me!"    


Mother, I feel like I've lost my love... "    


The broadcast room went completely crazy.    


The bullet comments directly increased by ten times!    


Especially the big brother on the leaderboard, he kept sending private messages to ask her.    


"Everyone listen to me, I really don't know him!" The girl was about to cry.    


Unfortunately, no one believed her words.    


She had no choice but to turn off the live broadcast. Seeing that the live broadcast had been cut off, Lin Dong turned around and left.    


Hehe, you can't blame me for this. You can only blame me for calling me a pervert uncle.    


"You, you, stop right there!" The girl suddenly shouted angrily at Lin Dong.    


"I don't have time. I'm going to play with my girlfriend!" Lin Dong picked his ears and left.    


Of course, the girl would not let Lin Dong go. She went straight to Lin Dong's house.    


"Sister, are you walking into a trap?" Lin Dong looked at her with a smile.    


It was only at this moment that she realized her situation.    


She actually entered the house of this perverted uncle!    


She was a little girl, but Lin Dong's body was very strong.    


If Lin Dong wanted to do anything to her, her small body was not enough to resist.    


The key was that Xishan District was an old neighborhood that was about to be demolished.    


Public security was not that great.    


There were thousands of owners, but only a few security guards.    


The girl subconsciously wanted to leave.    


However, Lin Dong blocked the door.    


"You're already here. Aren't you going to play for a while?" Lin Dong said with a smile.    


"Don't, don't do anything stupid. I, I am going to call someone!" The girl was suddenly a little scared.    


"Don't worry, I won't act recklessly. Didn't you want to broadcast me and my inflated girlfriend live? Come on, turn on the live broadcast!"    


The girl was about to die of regret. Because of Lin Dong, she had become a married woman in the fan group. And she had a child!    


This time, the number of her fans would definitely plummet.    


Furthermore, she was still blocked by Lin Dong. She could not leave this rented house.    


At this point, she had no other choice. She immediately started crying.    


"Hey, girl, do you think I will let you go just because you pretend to be crying? I don't know how to be tender to women."    


Wuwu ~    


Xiaoqiao continued to cry.    


"Stop crying. Can't I just let you go?"    


Wuwu ~    


"Sister, I already told you to leave, what else do you want?" Lin Dong felt a headache coming from Qiao Xiaoqiao's crying.    


"Now the live broadcast is going to lose all of its popularity. You have to compensate me for my popularity. Wuwu!" Originally, Qiao Xiaoqiao was just pretending to cry. She wanted to get Lin Dong's sympathy.    


But when she thought about it, her popularity was about to end.    


It was still a small matter if her popularity was finished.    


The guild knew that he was married, so they would definitely look for trouble with her. Not only would they terminate their contract with her, but they would also not be able to get the money from last month's live broadcast.    


Although she wasn't really married, people wouldn't believe it.    


If people wanted to believe it, they could only go through public relations.    


Then the cost would be huge.    


If she was a big streamer, the guild might even spend money to help her with public relations.    


And she was just a young female streamer.    


The guild would definitely not spend so much money for her.    


The greatest possibility was to directly terminate his contract.    


Thinking of the outcome that she might face, Qiao Xiaoqiao really began to cry.    


"I say, sister, it was you who insulted me first. I only gave a light punishment!"    


"I just told a story to my fans. Firstly, I did not mention your name. Secondly, I did not send you a video. It would not harm you at all. However, you destroyed me. You destroyed me. Wuwuwu..."    


The more Qiao Xiaoqiao spoke, the more she cried. Although she was wrong and shouldn't have used Lin Dong as a topic of conversation.    


But Lin Dong had affected her too much.    


Lin Dong was also stunned.    


He just wanted to punish Qiao Xiaoqiao a little bit.    


He wasn't really a bad uncle.    


He did not expect that he would actually play big.    


Although he had never played live broadcast before.    


However, the logic was similar to that of a female celebrity.    


This sort of scandal was taboo.    


Most importantly, this was not a rumor. He directly showed his face in Qiao Xiaoqiao's live broadcast room.    


The blow to Qiao Xiaoqiao was not ordinary.    


"Then, then how can I remedy it?" Lin Dong also felt that he had gone too far.    


Qiao Xiaoqiao sobbed and shook her head in pain. "There is no way to fix it."    


If Lin Dong was a rich person, she could ask Lin Dong to compensate her.    


Or perhaps she could just let Lin Dong be her big brother.    


If Lin Dong had enough gifts.    


She was really with Lin Dong, so what did that have to do with her?    


After all, many female live streamers would fall in love with the number one on the leaderboard.    


The big brothers would farm gifts. Wasn't it just to fall in love with female live streamers?    


But Lin Dong was just a loser who lived in a cheap rented house.    


All female friends were inflatable.    


Even if Lin Dong was killed, it would not make up for her loss.    


"Forget it. Consider me unlucky!" Qiao Xiaoqiao wiped away her tears and pushed Lin Dong away, leaving Lin Dong's room.    


"Sister, I can really make up for it..."    


Unfortunately, Qiao Xiaoqiao did not care about Lin Dong at all.    


She closed the door.    


Lin Dong shook his head and prepared to go back to his room.    


However, as soon as he turned around, he saw several aunties rushing towards him in anger.    


Furthermore, the aunties were holding brooms, pots, shovels, and other weapons in their hands.    


F * ck, what's going on?    


"It's this bastard who bullied Xiaoqiao!"    


"Beat him to death!"    


... ""    


The mamas were filled with righteous indignation and killing intent.    


Lin Dong was so scared that he quickly ran back to his rented house.    


"Xiaoqiao is such a kind girl and you can also do it. You really need to put the oil in the pot!"    


"We just blocked his way at the door. I don't believe he won't go out!"    


The mamas did not leave. Instead, they blocked Lin Dong's door.    


It seemed that this girl was quite popular.    


What was this?    


If Chu Qing came back and knew about this, wouldn't she hammer him to death?    


Through the discussions outside the door, Lin Dong roughly understood what was going on.    


It turned out that these aunties were all low-income sanitation workers.    


They rented Qiao Xiaoqiao's house.    


The monthly rent only charged them 200 yuan.    


One should know that in Jiangdu, the rent was very expensive.    


Even in a run-down neighborhood like Xishan District, a single room cost around eight hundred dollars a month.    


But Qiao Xiaoqiao only charged 200 yuan.    


Of course, these houses were not Qiao Xiaoqiao's.    


They were rented by Qiao Xiaoqiao.    


She rented them at the original price and then rented them to the sanitation workers at 200 yuan per month.    


In addition, she often gave the sanitation workers clothes and rice and other daily necessities.    


Just these expenses alone were worth tens of thousands a month.    


No wonder this girl seemed to be very popular, but she lived in such a place.    


Logically speaking, the income of female live streamers would not be too bad, especially for female live streamers like Qiao Xiaoqiao.    


"Xiaoqiao's mother left early. We are her mother. No one can bully her!"    


Other than Qiao Xiaoqiao renting a cheap house as a sanitation worker.    


Lin Dong also knew one more thing.    


That was, Qiao Xiaoqiao's mother was also a sanitation worker. When Qiao Xiaoqiao was a few years old, she passed away.    


Her father had long divorced her mother and left her alone.    


It was these sanitation workers who raised her.    


Later on, she became a live streamer and was able to earn money. She rented dozens of houses by herself and rented them cheaply to these sanitation workers.    


After learning this fact.    


Lin Dong felt even more guilty.    


"Alright, let's all go back. I wasn't bullied. We were just joking. It's just for the live broadcast." Qiao Xiaoqiao's voice came from outside the door.    


"So it was for the live broadcast effect. Xiaoqiao, you said it earlier and scared us to death."    


With Qiao Xiaoqiao's explanation, the mamas dispersed.    


Looks like this girl is very kind.    


Lin Dong had clearly harmed her, but she still came out to help Lin Dong.    


"Well, I'm sorry. I didn't know it would affect you so much..." Lin Dong opened the door and said to Qiao Xiaoqiao.    


"Is it useful to be sorry?" Qiao Xiaoqiao gritted her teeth and said.    


"I can make up for it..."    


"Forget it. I can also blame myself for this. You're right, I shouldn't have spent money on you. Qiao Xiaoqiao went back to her room in a daze.    


Qiao Xiaoqiao returned to her room.    


She took a deep breath many times.    


She still decided to watch the live broadcast and hope to explain this matter clearly.    


After all, broadcasting was her only way to earn money.    


She rented a total of 30 houses, and each house cost 600 yuan a month.    


This was 18,000 yuan.    


Although Qiao Xiaoqiao's income was not low, she was really thrifty.    


This could be seen from the curtain behind her.    


Most female broadcasters would dress up their rooms very well.    


Qiao Xiaoqiao had only placed a curtain behind her.    


When she turned on the live broadcast again, she found that there were hundreds of people in the room.    


It seemed that the fans did not leave her.    


However, Qiao Xiaoqiao did not have the time to be happy when she realized that these people were all scolding her.    


"Qiao Xiaoqiao is shameless. She is clearly married but she still pretends to be a pure beauty!"    


"You shameless bitch, you actually dare to go online!"    


"Spit out the gifts we swiped!"    


... ""    


The bullet comments were all scolding her.    


Furthermore, there were quite a few big brothers who had given her quite a bit of money.    


It was over. This time, they had completely offended their big brother.    


Qiao Xiaoqiao tried to explain.    


Unfortunately, no one heard her.    


It seemed that she had to wait for her fans to calm down.    


Qiao Xiaoqiao played again.    


After waiting for a few hours, Qiao Xiaoqiao played again.    


This time, no one scolded her.    


Because there was no one else in the broadcast room.    


There were only three people left.    


They were all tourists.    


Qiao Xiaoqiao was not in the mood to broadcast.    


She sat in front of the camera in a daze.    


Although she had a feeling that she was going to get cold.    


She did not expect it to get cold so quickly.    


"Host, sing and sing."    


"What are you broadcasting? Are you daydreaming?"    


"It doesn't look good at all. I slipped away."    


Very quickly, even the only three tourists ran away.    


Most importantly, this wasn't the worst part. The worst part was that they had actually been targeted by someone.    


The so-called Combo PK was the interaction between two female live streamers.    


In the stipulated time, they received more gifts than anyone else.    


They received more gifts. Those who received more gifts would be punished.    


Qiao Xiaoqiao originally did not want to keep the wheat, but she did not want to keep the wheat. After all, her room did not even have a single person's hair, let alone Yang.    


What would she use to fight with others?    


However, it was precisely because of this that the increase in popularity wasn't bad.    


Thus, he accepted it.    


The female live streamer who was fighting with Qiao Xiaoqiao was called Xianer Lang Lang Xian.    


She was also a good-looking female live streamer, and she was in the same guild as Qiao Xiaoqiao.    


However, Qiao Xiaoqiao was never as angry as before.    


"Yo, isn't this our popular Qiao Xiaoqiao? We have to fight lightly later! Brothers, everyone present is here!"    


Very quickly, the Waves Immortal Xianer received tens of thousands of starlight.    


One starlight was equivalent to a single cent.    


Ten thousand starlights was equivalent to one thousand dollars.    


In a few minutes, one thousand yuan was earned.    


It had to be said that a female live streamer was a very lucrative career.    


As for her side, it was still zero!    


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