Supreme Saint Of World

C257 Yuxi Realm

C257 Yuxi Realm

1Sensing Chen Fan's gaze, Luo Li turned her head and smiled, "Congratulations on entering the Yuxi Realm! It's all thanks to you that I was able to obtain this battle information. This information can be sold for a pretty good price in the Heavencraft Pavilion! "    


As she spoke, Luo Li waved the jade chip in her hand; she was obviously very happy.    


These jade slips were from just now. She had passed through the Azure Dragon Gate to record the countless battles in Chen Fan's clone. Seeing her excited expression, Chen Fan smiled.    


After which, Chen Fan closed his eyes and took a closer look. He had just stepped into the Yuxi Realm, and although he was only at the early stage of the Yuxi Realm, the myriad of mysteries within his heart had already surged to the brim.    


More importantly, when he entered Yuxi City, he could already be considered an expert in the cultivation world. The purpose of entering Foundation Establishment Stage Level 4 was to form a Dao Foundation and prepare himself for the Aurous Core stage.    


At this moment, as he advanced, the cultivation method of the 'Slaughterer's Path' that Little Black left in his body had broken through the mnemonic chant of the Yuxi Realm, causing him to understand it in his heart.    


At this moment, he was silently chanting a spell. The seven-colored liquid spiritual energy in his dantian slowly formed into the shape of a seven-colored sword.    


However, Chen Fan's cultivation base was still insufficient. The seven-colored liquid could barely maintain the shape of a little sword embryo, and could not be fully formed.    


With the formation of the seven-colored sword, Chen Fan had already come to understand that this sword was also a Slaughter Sacred Artifact, but it was only the shape of a sword.    


Just like the relationship between the Heavenly Dao and Slaughterer, both were created by Blacky. However, the Heavenly Dao cultivates the concept of the demonic path, while the Slaughter Slaughter Saint Weapon is an immortal cultivation technique.    


Previously, Chen Fan had only used the demonic energy from the Path of Hatred to transform his demon blade into a demon blade. In reality, he had only used the demon blade's self-infused Intent Domain to wound others, even though the demon blade's toughness was comparable to a top-grade spirit weapon.    


However, even so, Chen Fan was still unable to match up to the reputation of the Small Black Slaughter Divine Weapon, High Rank Saint Techniques. However, as the sword embryo within his dantian condensed, Chen Fan gained an epiphany.    


By fusing the Intent Domain Magic Blade that was born from the Great Dao of Hate and the Sword Embryo that was created by his Dantian, what was produced was the true Slaughtering Sacred Artifact!    


The art of Slaughtering Sage Armament, only when one reached the Yuxi Realm, would it slowly reveal its world-shocking and extraordinary properties!    


Chen Fan waved his left hand, and a three foot long red and black demonic blade formed amidst the sound of chains.    


With another wave of his right hand, the seven-colored liquid sword embryo also flew out and formed a seven-colored flying sword the size of a palm in his right hand.    


Chen Fan's face was filled with a divine light as he merged the two items into his palm. Suddenly, there was an invisible fluctuation as the seven-colored spiritual energy and demonic energy fused together, turning into a greyish color.    


This grey color wiggled for a while before it finally turned into a grey strange weapon that seemed like a sword but not a sword, or a blade but not a blade.    


This blade was nearly 10 feet long and was filled with a gray aura. This aura contained a hint of the Slaughter Saint's Domain. It could be said that this weapon was formed from the Slaughter Saint's Domain.    


At this moment, a sliver of the Slaughter Saint's Domain was released from the blade. Ripples appeared in the air as Chen Fan swung the blade forward.    


A spatial crack that spanned over a thousand feet suddenly appeared in front of him. Although this spatial crack only lasted for a split-second, it was proof that this weapon was extraordinary.    


After putting away his weapon, Chen Fan's eyes sparkled with excitement as he said, "With this Slaughter Fiend Medallion, even if it's a Jade Oscillating Realm cultivator, I can still kill them now!"    


After putting away the Slaughter Fiend Talisman, the demonic and spiritual energy turned back into a demonic blade and sword embryo, returning to Chen Fan's heart and dantian respectively.    


However, using a complete Slaughter Saint Symbol Weapon consumed a great deal of spiritual energy. Just now, he hadn't even used ten breaths of time, and had already used 10% of his energy.    


"Now, I can use this Slaughter Saint Symbol Weapon for an incense stick of time. The demonic energy and spiritual energy in my body will run out, but this is enough!"    


Chen Fan clenched his fists as a shocking light flashed in his eyes.    


"Chen Fan, what was that sacred art just now? It had a Domain that even I can't see through swirling around it!" You have so many secrets on your body. Being able to follow you is indeed an excellent decision, even more surprising than being with those geniuses! "    


Luo Li's heart trembled slightly when she heard Chen Fan use the Slaughter Saint Symbol Weapon. At this moment, she was smiling as she thought about the battle data recorded on the jade slips.    


Shaking his head with a smile, Chen Fan slowly descended from the sky. Each of his feet seemed to be in the air.    


Stepping into the void was the simplest sign of determining whether one had entered the Yuxi Realm or not!    


Chen Fan didn't need any magic treasures to stay in the air and fly. However, the spiritual energy consumption was very high, so it would be easier to control magic treasures.    


With each step he took, Chen Fan was already several hundred feet away from Luo Li. As he walked, his body carried a profound aura, much more powerful than when he was at the Heavenly Dipper Realm!    


Looking at Luo Li, Chen Fan no longer had the feeling of being unable to resist like before. An Aurous Core stage practitioner could no longer make him revere. At this moment, he slowly spoke.    


"The effect of this Azure Dragon's Gate is also miraculous. It can actually turn me into a guardian. If it wasn't for its help, I'm afraid that I wouldn't have entered the Yuxi Realm so easily!"    


Hearing this, Luo Li rolled her eyes and snappily said:    


"Of course. Only with a hundred thousand years of luck can I open the Azure Dragon's Gate once. The effects are indescribable!" "If it wasn't for my cultivation base being too high and me becoming a guardian, those Cultivators wouldn't have been able to pass. How else could I give you this opportunity?"    


"No matter what, I owe you a favor this time. If you need anything in the future, I can help!"    


Chen Fan looked at Luo Li and cupped his fists as he solemnly made a promise. He would never casually make a promise, but as long as it was something he said, he would definitely make it happen.    


"At least you have a conscience. I didn't help you for nothing!" In a little while, the cultivators that had passed the trial would probably be here soon! This time, the True Dragon Secret Realm is destined to be very lively, and may even be able to obtain the secret on the Dragon Altar! "    


Luo Li let out a faint smile and put away the thousands of jade slips in front of her. She slowly stood up and looked around at the four platforms. Her eyes flashed with a divine light.    


"Oh yeah, I heard that green dragon shadow say something about an Ancestral Dragon inheritance just now. Do you know what that is?"    


Chen Fan suddenly thought of this and asked with a puzzled expression.    


Hearing that, Luo Li shook her head, her face was full of a mysterious smile, and she slowly said: "Ah, that! When you enter the Dragon Reaching Altar, you will naturally know! "    


Seeing that Luo Li didn't want to say anything, Chen Fan didn't ask anymore. He only raised his head to look at the vortex in the sky.    


The four platforms, including the Azure Dragon's Door, were just excessive. The whirlpool in the sky was the true dragon climbing platform. Only by entering from there could one be considered to have touched the secrets of the Sunset Dragon Mystic Realm.    


At this moment, Chen Fan finally understood why so many second-grade sects, even third-grade sects, Heavencraft Pavilion and the Grand Development Heavenly Sect were participating in this war for karmic luck.    


Perhaps it was because these sects had already received the news that the Dragon Seizing Platform, which happened once every 100,000 years, would be opened this time. Those who entered would be able to obtain a great lucky chance.    


However, Chen Fan could be considered to have seen the cultivator Luo Li from the Pavilion of Heavenly Secrets. That cultivator from the Grand Development Sect must still be somewhere in the secret realm and had yet to appear.    


Just as he was deep in thought, there was a sudden vibration in the surrounding space, and the light of the teleportation formations lit up one by one.    


Cultivators appeared one by one on the four platforms. There were also countless cultivators that appeared around the Azure Dragon Gate that Chen Fan was at.    


There were more than a thousand of them, and Chen Fan was surrounded by a few hundred. As soon as they appeared, they were completely lost.    


When they clearly saw their surroundings, especially Chen Fan's face, they immediately began to excitedly discuss among themselves.    


"Look at that kid, he's the shadow of the guardian from earlier!" In other words, the restriction for the opening of the Sunset Dragon Mystic Realm was activated by him! "    


"What is that vortex in the sky?" Is that the entrance to some kind of Ancestral Dragon inheritance? "    


Countless Cultivators off to the side discussed the matter excitedly. Many of them looked up at the vortex in the sky and were prepared to fly up into it.    


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